MTV are, on September 14, airing an updated musical dramatic adaptation of Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights, set in California and starring a cast of teen actors such as Mike Vogel, Katherine Heigl (Roswell) and Erika Christenson (Traffic).
Press release here
MTV's website says: "Toss your notes out of the window because this ain't your English teacher's Wuthering Heights."
Catherine becomes Cate, Heathcliff becomes Heath. It's got a rock soundtrack. It's scored by Jim Steinman.
So: Is this a good thing, a bad thing, or an indifferent thing? Is it an outrage that a classic text is treated this way? Is it good because it might get "the kids" reading literature? Should we be completely unbothered because it's just a movie?
Answers below. Short and pithy, folks. Disclaimer: You might get quoted, or I might just steal your opinions. |