I’m afraid my answers won't be as long as the questions!
1. There is actually a scientific process to creating zombies. A compound is made using blowfish toxin--in Haiti they call it the toad fish and so the toxin is called buffotoxin--and several holistic hallucinogens. When the victim is injected with it, often by placing a sharp, hollow bone, such as a bird bone, filled with the compound, in the victim's shoe, ze (but usually it's a man) becomes paralyzed for a period of time, but not comatose. Ze hallucinates wildly for two or three days, while the voudon performs ceremonies over hir to convince hir that ze is actually dead. When ze recovers from the buffotoxosis, which also causes severe brain damage, ze is convinced that ze is a zombie. So is everyone else, and they treat hir as one. Sometimes the zombies are sold to farmers to use as cheap labor (the only cost is a minimum of food and the drugs to keep the zombie docile--and, presumably, a retainer fee to the voudon to keep things running smoothly), and sometimes they are just turned loose to fend for themselves.
Now that you have this knowledge, what are you going to do with it?
Sorry, but I’ve heard of this. However, I’d never thought about what I’d do w/this info. Now that I’m thinking about it, I suppose I’ll prob’ly consider giving myself up for such a treatment next time I’m feeling suicidal, yet afraid of death.
Or I could consider sacrificing someone else to it when I’m super furious at them, yet feel that killing them would be letting them off easy.
2. Do you think I'm hot? or HOTT? If so, why, and if not, why not? Please note that this is not necessarily a come-on, I'm just curious. What if I wore a form-fitting sleeveless black shirt with steel rings over the nipples? Too derivative?
The only picture I’ve seen of you is one where yr sneering, so it’s hard to say. You’ve dark hair and blue eyes, of which I’m quite fond, but, if I can just out myself as a shallow bitch now and get it out of the way, quite a bit of how I’d feel depends on how tall you are.
That shirt is not my steez, but you may look hot in it, possibly, in general.
3. The maternal line of my family, quite coincidentally, contains a lot of truckdrivers: my great-grandfather owned a shipping route in rural Connecticut and Vermont, delivering farming supplies and carting off fresh eggs or whatever; my grandfather hawled industrial garbage and then, later, delivered booze, and my grandmother drove personnel convoys cross-country during WWII, transferring troops from the East to the West Coast. One of my cousins is a tank commander--she's stationed in Qatar right now--which is sort of like a gigantic, heavily-armed truck, except that instead of delivering farming supplies, she delivers whoopass.
My uncle continued the coincincidental tradition when he drove a munitons truck in Vietnam. He was heavily guarded all the time, because obviously a munitions truck is a prime target, but the roads were mined. He always drove on the left shoulder of the road, knowing that if he hit a mine it would blow up the passenger side of the truck and he had a better chance of surviving. He always had a guard riding shotgun in the truck with him, and he has told me that he went through several of them, driving over mines. He murdered them. When he came back to the US he became a fireman and EMT, still driving a truck, but now to save lives (I don't know if he ever made that connection consciously--he'd probably tell you he became a fireman for the union benefits).
Tell us a moving story about a member of your family. It needn't be tragic, like my uncle's, just moving.
Hmm. Ok. My father told me that when he was growing up, he always wondered why his grandmother had small roundish scars all over her chest. When he got older, he found out it was cos she was a heroin user, and would smoke cigarettes while on the nod, which she would then burn herself with accidentally. She and my dad’s uncle blew over 20 grand (and this was decades ago, so adjust for de-inflation) in an inheritance (from my dad’s grandfather’s death, maybe?) on H. At a funeral for some family member, my dad’s uncle stole his wallet for money for his habit.
4. What were you like in high school?
Alternateen. I totally looked down upon cheerleaders, wearers of Tommy Hilfiger, etc. I listened to indie rock and riot grrrl music and wore weird thrift store clothes, had short hair and didn’t shave my legs. I was friends w/every out lesbian at school. Everyone thought my best friend and I were lesbians cos we did absolutely everything together and had short hair and didn’t shave. I was constantly depressed the first two years of high school, grounded constantly for my bad grades. I would be grounded every report card until the next report card, which would then be bad, so I’d stay grounded. Which was, of course, depressing. I think I had a 1.1 grade point my freshman year. I just didn’t give a fuck. It’s prob’ly cos before my father would look at a report card w/all A’s and one B and be mad, (I’m not hyperbolizing that much) so I trained him to think that C’s were good grades. However, also cos I didn’t give a fuck, I was excellent at giving speeches, cos I was never nervous, cos I was just like, ‘fuck all y’all.’ I was also in the theatre program, which was a terrific program that you had to audition for and was taught by working professionals. So I studied acting, was in some shows, and learned about art history, stagecraft, movement. I never drank or did drugs. I mostly just didn’t have an opportunity. Sometimes I’d take off various articles of clothing in parks at night w/other kids, but it wasn’t pagan or orgy-like, just sorta teen hormonal wackiness. I also used to do stuff like, say, ok, on the posters for Homecoming, it said that you couldn't wear jeans or sneakers, and I wrote 'it's just the Man's plan to keep us down!' I used to talk about the Man a lot, in all seriousness, like, 'I will not kiss the Man's ring. That's what he wants, but I'm not going to have 2.5 kids and a picket fence, blah blah blah...'
5. Say you're a young mime, fresh out of mime school. You love mime with all your heart, but you recognize that the art form has become moribund. What would you do to inject new life into it?
I think the best thing to do in this situation would be to be all post-modern about it, and try to incorporate other arts into it. Maybe start my own clothing line inspired by mime-wear, maybe start a mime-band (altho’ I guess we’d have to be instrumental like GY!BE or something).
Alternatively, perhaps I could find some celebrities who used to love mime and get in touch w/them (somehow?) and talk w/them about how the art form might die cos no one cares anymore. Then maybe they could do some PSA’s like “Mime, it’s cool!” And “Mime! It’s not just for mimes!” Or not.
Thanks for the q's, Q. *sniff* I didn't know anyone *cared*...
oh, and stuff is capitalized cos I typed this in Word. |