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Lawsuit against "The Jews" for gold and cooking utensils stolen during Exodus

14:29 / 22.08.03

A group of Egyptians living in Swizerland are trying to bring charges against "The Jews" for items stolen from Egypt during the Exodus. The point seems to me to be to point out the absurdity of using religious texts and ancient history in arguments concerning current politics, butthere might be other, nastier interpretations...

"If we assume that the weight of what was stolen was one ton, [its worth] doubled every 20 years, even if the annual interest is only 5%. In one ton of gold is 700 kg of pure gold – and we must remember that what was stolen was jewelry, that is, alloyed with copper. Hence, after 1,000 years, it would be worth 1,125,898,240 million tons, which equals 1,125,898 billion tons for 1,000 years. In other words, 1,125 trillion tons of gold, that is, a million multiplied by a million tons of gold. This is for one stolen ton. The stolen gold is estimated at 300 tons, and it was not stolen for 1,000 years, but for 5,758 years, by the Jewish reckoning. Therefore, the debt is very large… "

"The value must be calculated precisely in accordance with the information collected, and afterward a lawsuit must be filed against all the Jews of the world, and against the Jews of Israel in particular, so they will repay the Egyptians the debt that appears in the Torah."

Oh, by the way, could charges like this one strengthen or weaken the case for collective compensation to the continent of Africa for the slave trade to the Americas or other similar projects?
Foust is SO authentic
15:37 / 22.08.03
Problem is, according to the Bible there was no theft:

The LORD had made the Egyptians favorably disposed toward the people, and they gave them what they asked for; so they plundered the Egyptians.

Exodus 12:36
17:23 / 22.08.03
With the same logic the jews should sue Egypt for slavery reperations. Too bad their is no archaeological evidence that Exodus has any historical truth whatsoever anyways.

If anyone cares about my opinion of African slavery reperations, I think it doesn't make any sense because all the slaves were paid for from other Africans anyway, they were already slaves there. The old colonial powers do give African countries tons of foriegn aid that they waste so why ask for more?
17:55 / 22.08.03
i look with skepticism on anything brought to light by MEMRI, since it was revealed to be a front for the Israeli intelligence community, used for the dissemination of propaganda, a while back.
04:40 / 23.08.03
Another thing is that the people of Exodus were not Jews, they were Hebrews. Jews were not until the country of Judea was formed. For that matter those were only Sephardic Jews, three-fourths of Jews today are Ashkanazi Jews who are descended from the European Khazar empire. A side note: by Zionist logic (illogic) the Ashkanazi majority should not have a right to their so-called ancient homeland, they are not descendants of the ancient Hebrews at all.
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