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Jail Fone Feeves

Fist Fun
08:28 / 30.01.02
Some lad had called for phone thieves to be jailed. Who do you think this would benefit? Good idea?
05:30 / 31.01.02
well, it might calm the tabloids or the people who constantly ring my local radio station saying "i'm not allowed to say this, but they're all black!".

the situation does seem to be pretty bad - mostly with kids mugging other kids. but muggings are commonplace - we've been advised at work not to walk to the tube station alone or to get money out of the cashpoint. surely each offense should be dealt with individually? i.e. using violence/a weapon should automatically mean a heavier sentence, not what's been stolen.
06:51 / 31.01.02
The first example of this has been put in place - a 23 year old guy who punched his 16 year old victim and stole his phone - he's been given 4 years... seems just little harsh to me....
08:17 / 31.01.02
It seems incredibly harsh to me... but I have to admit, having had my phone nicked by a bunch of kids not long ago, that I did think "yeah, bang the fuckers up!". Which is a very good reason why victims should not decide sentences (which is surely the point of having a legal system- okay, the one we've got fucks up a lot, but in principle, the idea is surely to be cold and dispassionate about crimes committed and the due punishment thereof) and more importantly, why I should never be allowed to run a country. (If I decided sentences, the guy that mugged me last year would be put to a slow, lingering death, which is INCREDIBLY harsh for the theft of a tenner.)
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