I was disappointed by it. my impressions were pretty much the same as yours.
guess it won't read better in trade; I really wanted to like this and was eagerly wainting for the chapters to arrive until # 4 came and I saw were I'd be taken.
the atmosphere of impending doom was built almost sucessfully through shots of the empty city and the main character walk down the spiral - in a sort of light way, because the hardest thing the investigator does is beat up character after character while keeping his cool; you do see him making evidence fit the suspect and working off duty, but that's about it. even if the story reads like a grim tv movie the required 'bad' atmosphere is there.
the mistery itself was easily solved, which took much of the strenght away. I may have gotten the wrong impression but it seems Ellis said 'fuck it, let's get over with this' and finished the whole thing as quickly as possible. the visual storytelling for each scene worked well for most part, including the ending - and Burrows' beautiful 'dark american manga' work is the best the series has to offer, unfortunately.
because - I repeat - I really wanted to like SCARS. ironically, it seems like it would have read better in 3 issues, unlike most of Ellis 3 issue-minis, which would read better in 6. maybe it was a matter of managing the larger story structure as well as each scene structure.
back essays were good, though. a shame the whole thing didn't pay off.
I'm hoping DOWN's better. the concept [APOCALYPSE NOW in the city] sounded great, at least. |