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An Introduction to the Pyramid Code

The Fetch
21:57 / 16.08.03
Of all the Gematria's that have most influenced me in the formation of the Isisian System as predicated by the idea of "speech" or "isis" Codes, which I refer to as "the Isisian Codes", none is more crafted from effort than that of the Pyramid Code, released formally in 1948.

The idea of a "Pyramid Code" can be found in the preface to the book, "Coming Starshift" printed in 1948. It is my personal belief that this book was rushed to market shortly after the Roswell event. A "masonic work", in that the author was clearly influenced by Masonic teachings, his method of applying Gematria was to always seek to prove that "Jesus" was soon coming, as the Isisian branched of Masonry seem through anecdotal evidence to believe that Jesus was the last great "master of Letters" from which the Isisian tilted Masonic works drew their inspiration.

In 1859, a Mr. John Taylor of London was said to have "advanced the theory" that the Pyramids contained within them a code which was built to convey a "divine revelation". Mr. Taylor, as the legend (history), has it, persuaded Prof. C. Piazzi Smyth, as to the validity of his theory, and from there, Prof. Smyth, leading Prof. Smyth (under "inspiration") to "make many measurements", including distances, joint values, and even angles. These "measurements" were said to be "very important" and yet were "omitted" by authorities.

Prof. Smyth wrote in "The Divine Plan for the Ages" in 1886, "Thus the Pyramid witnesses that the close of 1914 will be the beginning of the time of trouble such as there was not since there was a nation - no, no nor ever shall be afterward."

This was, of course, all part of the "doomsday" and "apocalyptic" visions which many in the Secret Orders have worked so hard to effect. They, and their magic, is the primary purpose for the Study of the Isisian Codes, for the Pyramid Code and the Isisian Codes are equal in their design, but their method of operation as an Occult Magic System have vastly different purposes for their inclusion into mass conciousness.

The Pyramid Code, and it's modern inspired Isisian Codes, as set within the referenced sect of Masonic thought, provided the means to effect a knowledge of the "gap" between "man" and "the Gods".

to be continued
The Fetch
22:14 / 16.08.03
Louis P. McCarty, in his work, "The Pyramid of Jeezeh", was one of the authors that influenced what I term as 'The Pyramid Code', wherein it was advanced that the Pyramids could not have been built by any form of "modern man" in this "aeon" or "precessional cycle", and that it was built by a civilisation far superior to our own (our own having a frame of reference to 1880 thinking and mentalities).

There were additional books released regarding the Numerical Harmonies of the Pyramids, including F.W. Grants "The Numerical Structure of Scripture" in 1887, a work that dealt with Hebrew and Greek "scriptures", where it is quoted on Page 14, "The Numerical seal is impressed upon every part - a witness of the perfection of every part, as well as guide in its interpretation."

to be continued
The Fetch
22:34 / 16.08.03
The Fetch
22:41 / 16.08.03
However, it was a reference to "a great image shown to Nebuchadnezzar, the woman with 12 stars above her head", which betrayed the source of the information, for the "Woman arrayed with the Crown" is the near "universal symbol of Isis", and hence the information was being channeled through the Isis Herself, for as a student of the Isisian Mysteries, I had already solved much of the mathematics (Gematria)of the more basic "ordinal" code set; the last piece I needed was to make the proper transfer in the Code Set, and there it was in plain view, "The Pyramid Code" linked to the "Woman arrayed with the 12 Stars above Her Head."

So when EARTH = 5+1+18+20+8 = 52 Weeks to the Year, and AJK = 11011 = 66066 = 6*6*10*6*6 = 12,960 years to the diameter in time of the Precessional period, with the "Pyramid Code", words as MOON and SUN would become as clear as day.

The Veil of Isis was to be removed.
Who's your Tzaddi?
21:07 / 27.08.03
Fascinating work Fetch. I must ask though - The Isisian codes... I am curious if you created the system yourself or if there is an established system from which you draw your insight?

Great Work.

Pun intended.
The Fetch
23:56 / 27.08.03

The Isisian Code(s) is essentially my own as a process of demonstration but it is highly influenced by my knowledge of the Isisian Mystery Schools as set forth in Masonry, Hermeticism, and Rosecrucianism.

As a general rule I work directly with deciphering the various Myths and setting them back into a matrix of letters, which is where it is believed the Myths are originating from anyways.

My motivation was to determine HOW the Pagan infrastructure came to be a hollow shell. How could something so great, whose celebrations are still beloved and revered in such holidays as "X-mas", Halloween, and Easter. This pursuit led me to the inner workings esoterically of the Initiated Orders and their systems of coding, which then returns you to the word, which is a hyper dimensional represenation of Pi that if we accept even modicums of modern history, could not have been man made (seeing that Pi is a relatively new phenomena in its current numbering).

So what were the Ancients encoding, and equally, what did the Initiated Orders have handed to them, or stole, to create their systems of beliefs..and this leads you back to the Isisian Codes..for

ISIS is 9+19+9+19 = 56 = 19+16+5+5+3+8 = SPEECH
OSIRIS is 15+19+9+18+9+19 = 89 = 18+5+12+9+7+9+15+14 = RELIGION

The Above formula is a Masonic derived and presented from an historical basis, it is clear that the Masons are seeking to relate their "secrets" to that of both the Written and Oral history traditions, and in the study of these traditions,we are able to ascertain just what this "mythical word" was.

It remains Pi in a hyperdimensional matrix which can be expressed in a 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional representation via either Letters or Art. Art is as it is and can hide the knowledge in the drawing..draw and ward (word) are phonetic parallels. Letters are the Letters themselves, but since this escapes reason, are expounded on in the legends and myths.

This knowledge was destroyed..and then was rebuilt to a particular ruling elites wishes who were not aligned with the previous reign of Isis and Osiris. Plutarch adds that both Osiris and Isis were decapitated, and adherents to the Goddess, as it were, seem oblivious to this simple one line admission. Thus the story of Jack and Jill wherein Jack "breaks his crown" is dealing with this issue, Jills tumbling after deals with her priestcrafts liquidation equally.

Thus we had to reason: how was this effected?

The only rational conclusion I could draw from my studies of these affairs is that the Jehovian (Typhonian) magicians were using formulas that mathematically mirrored the originally formulas so closely that they caused a pause (and hence doubt) in this priestcraft that was long removed from the original fountain head (Osiris seeking water up the hill).

The most obvious example is a switch from MA"AT as the FEATHER to that of the FATHER. If you invoke the Isisian Codes, the Feather will have a code of F(E)ATHER, wherein (E) is both 5 and 15.

F(E)ATHER = 6+(5)+1+4+8+5+2 = 31 = 13
F(E)ATHER = 6+(15)+1+4+8+5+2 = 41 = 14

13'14 = M(A)AT

FATHER has a simple value of

6+1+4+8+5+2 = 26 and is located at

3.141592653589-79-32-38-46-26-43-38-32-79 50288399.....

When you place FATHER at 26, then SN would have a value of 3+14 = 17, or the value of the digits 4+6+4+3 = 17.

Thus the phrase "I and the Father are one" would only be understood by those who had access to "The Word" or Pi. With FATHER and SON being the Center sequence of 46-26-43 as 17 and 26, wherein the 17 sums to 153 and the 26 sums to 351, this would make the 79-32-38----38-32-38 sequence in Pi as the "holy ghost".

This formula CLOSELY MIRRORS the formula for MA'AT set in Pi, where in there are 13 digits between the 26's and 14 digits outside of the 26's and between the decimal and the first 0. This formula is so close in design, that it must have caused a "pause", or a doubt..and that was all that was needed.

The Hebrew word for DOUBT is TZIPHON..or TYPHON...

So then I read this in Plutarch recently from the E at Delphi, "But when Cleobulus, the despot of the Lyndians, and later Periander of Corinth, who had no part or portion in virtue or wisdom, but forcibly acquired their repute through power and friends and favors, invaded this name (Pi) of the Wise Men, and sent out and circulated throughout Greece certain sentiments and saying similiar to those famous utterances of the Wise Men, who, naturally did not like this at all, but were loathe to expose the imposture or to arouse the open hatred over a question of repute, or to carry through a contest with such powerful men".

Periander of Corinth is Paul and the Corinthians, and they were quite a powerful group. The idea that the "wise men", or the Elders of the Pagan realm being loathe to expose the Imposture deals with the idea that the only way to expose the fraud (similiar sayings) would have required the release of the actual matrix underlying the codes themselves, or a matrix that did not exist (would have been of repute), which I equate to the Isisian Codes as a process of crypto-analysis of these formulas and direct channeling on these issues.

This "similiar sayings" can be found throughout the myths of the Jehovian systems, often with a simple twist: they are caste in reverse. But some take on more subtle nuances that requires training or insight to gather and put into perspective. For instance, it is said of the 5 gods (A,E,I,O,U) that the were born as Osiris, then Horus, then Set, Isis, and then Nepthys.

Nepthys is akin to the "underworld" or "Finality", but is also said that The River Styx lies at the bottom of the world...


Use the Letter U at the lower right hand quadrant and you form the River STYX. Finality. That Nepthys has a "spiritual tone" equated with "FINALITY" and married to Set is fused to the RIVER STYX in a particular matrix that "did not exist", or to prove the Corinthians wrong, would have resulted in requiring the release of a "Great Secret", or the Code Matrix of Isis (SPEECH) which was fused to Pi.

Of Set, it is said in Isis and Osiris, "On the third day Typhon was born, but not in due season or manner, but with a blow he broke through his mothers side and leapt forth." This phrase is equal in myth to the "Spear" that "pierces Jesus side" while on the Cross". that Jesus side is pierced is akin to Typhon (his father) being born with a blow that broke through his mothers side". This is another example of a more esoteric knowledge set known deep within the Initiated Orders: The phrase that Jesus has a "blow in his side", or "his side was pierced" closely resembles and reverses the formula that Typhon was born with a "blow through his mothers side".

Thus we return to Plutarch when plutarch says that Periander (Paul) of and the Corinthians, that they "circulated throughout all Greece certain sentiments and sayings very similiar to utterances of the Wise Men." So in the New Testament, Paul comes with the opening as regards "the Unknown God", and that he comes to speak about THAT God, people listened, for he was thoroughly schooled with his affiliations with Jesus and the Essenes into the nature of the Unknown Word, or Pi.

Thus we had established a Yin of Yin complex. If something (a limb) is frozen, it will appear as if it is burning, and if it is yang of yang, or severely burned, blankets are required to keep the patient warm. So too with evil energies: evil will always manifest as appearing as good (yin of yin and yang of yang). Just because it is burning does not mean your skin is being burnt: it could be frozen.

This is the form of magic that we used to bring down the Pagan Infrastructure. The implications as to its effects on the current paradigm of magic systems are for the individual to decide.

The Fetch
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