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Cabin Fever

Haus of Mystery
11:45 / 16.08.03
Just saw a new horror movie at the Edinburgh film fest called 'Cabin Fever' which was truly insane, and unquestionably the best horror-splatter movie of recent years. It is heavily in debt to Ther Evil Dead, but has it's own voice. Funny and twisted and a real cinema experience. Plus it has someonefrom Boy Meets World in it. What more is needed? Anyone heard of this?
12:29 / 17.08.03
Thought you might be the first lucky cunis to see it, what with all your "I'm in Edinburgh" airs.

Hooom. So then, this movie manages to be both derivative and have a strong voice of it's own? S'what I hear.
12:43 / 17.08.03
Also noticed that the score is by Badalamenti.
Haus of Mystery
17:30 / 17.08.03
Eli Roth (director/writer) worked on Twinny Peaks too. The movie really is fantastic though. Far better than so-called contenders like Jeepers Creepers. It's got a heart of pure black, and has the bestest ending. Any horror movie that can sustain itself to tha end is a rare and beautiful thing. Trust me Boboss you're going to love it.
17:35 / 17.08.03
David Lynch is an executive producer.

Roll on October the 17th. Special times.
19:39 / 17.08.03
I thought this was a thread about the horrible Irish reality T.V. on a boat excursion. Twas doomed to failure, a dead body washed up while the boat was in port and it crashed on it's first week. Which was funny but not enough to keep the audience interested in the contestant which were boggers and pricks.
Haus of Mystery
21:11 / 17.08.03
Next up for me is 'Fear X' with John Turturro on Wednesday. I shall report back Boboss.
10:35 / 18.08.03
Ah yes, allegedly the most shocking film of the year. You really are a good celebrity.
Haus of Mystery
12:50 / 18.08.03
The papers love me.
Whisky Priestess
14:33 / 18.08.03
If anyone is London-based and fancies seeing Cabin Fever or other previews, you might want to chek out this coming weekend's Frightfest at the Prince Charles Cinema.
Haus of Mystery
14:59 / 18.08.03
Read about this. Extremely gutted am unable to go. My cup of tea entirely. Please report back if you go.
Gary Lactus
16:08 / 18.08.03
What fantastic credentials. Will see. Incidentally, watch Story Of Ricky. Hong Kong goes Peter Jackson's Bad Taste. A truly remarlable film.
Haus of Mystery
16:33 / 19.08.03
Yes. Remarlable.
priya narma
15:56 / 22.09.03
oh, oh, oh!!!!! saw this saturday night and it was truly a great flick! my stomach hurt after i left from being clenched in that 'oh my god, that is so gross!' way. i was actually a little worried about going to see this and it was a toss up between this and underworld and boy am i so damn glad we saw cabin fever instead. there was a lot to really like in this film if your into eww-factor and funny twin peaks type moments.

i don't know if this is a spoiler or not...but just in case....

loved the baldamenti tunes, they added a dreamlike strangeness to scenes like when the deputy (love him) was chatting about parties in front of the gore splattered truck and just didn't seem to notice or care! oh, and the shaving scene was truly nerve wracking...i knew what was going to happen but boy was i sickened and delighted when it finally did, you know?

admittedly, this owes a lot to evil dead and it was a bit of a teen scream type flick but i so loved it!!! what i didn't love was the trailer for yet another remake of texas chainsaw massacre (?) before the movie began! how many times are they going to remake a great horror film? and then to add even more insult...'song to the siren' playing in the beginning of the trailer?!!!! eegads!!!
Rev. Wright
09:51 / 06.10.03
Got to see the a preview screening on saturday night and had to hold teh guts down. Its one hell of a\ melt movie, filled with extremely well thought out homage to soo many classics, TCM, Evil Dead, Dawn and Night of the Living Dead, Last House on the Lef and soo many others. In fact the tunes used in the film all came from the Last House on The Left Soundtrack.

Its a great film in soo mauch that it is able to raise its direction way beyond the standard self reflective postmodern cinema. I was truly entertained by the graphic exploitation of teen horror conventions, details of which I will leave until its main release and we can chat some.

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Does the humour really detract from the nihilist approach and tension or was it a strategy to get a mild certificate?

How many homages can you spot?

Does the ending work?
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