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Hash: the Royalty of All Smokables


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—| x |—
07:12 / 16.08.03
So, I have been fortunate enough to stumble onto a small chunk of hash, which I have been smoking with the help of my hash pipe (which hasn’t seen action for several years!) for the last couple of days.

I love hash.

Gone are the days (at least around these parts) where this wonderful substance was readily available. I mean fuck, me and an old roommate used to purchase this stuff by the 1/4 oz. And it always had the “gold seal” to mark its authenticity. Good stuff. Of course, these days, with so many people setting up hydroponic grow ops, the availability of hash has sunk to ever increasing lows while there is usually easy availability of damn fine pot.

But I mean that’s all well and good—I’ll take some kick ass pot over dirt weed any day! However, even if the hash is no longer as potent compared to its sister leaf, I’ll still opt for decent hash over better pot. It’s the taste, texture, and smell of hash and the feel of a hash buzz that really whets my appetite.

Long live the Brown!
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
17:55 / 16.08.03
Ah, a person after mine own heart.

Too much bloody skunk these days, not even good old fashioned sensi or 'commercial' (say it in a broad Jamaican accent, you'll know what I mean), just bloody head-mangling-stored-in-the-fat-for-a-week skunk. Yuck.

I love quality hash. Nepalese hash particularly, given the choice. There used to be so much, pollen, slate, double zero, loads of the bloody stuff.

Now its just Hairy Monk as far as the lungs can breathe.

Shit hash is the pits, of course. But good hash is just sublime. Hurrah!
The Natural Way
19:17 / 16.08.03
Give me the good, strong grass over hash anytime.

Is it me, or is any old shit sold as "skunk" these days?
rizla mission
20:21 / 16.08.03
Well I'm smoking some stuff sold as 'skunk' at the moment and I feel it deserves the moniker - it's ace.

It my admittedly limited experience I've found hash to be generally a bit dodgy and nasty .. but then it was probably pretty low quality..
—| x |—
10:24 / 17.08.03
Oh yeah, shit hash is shitty: even worse than shit pot. With shit pot you might have to roll a gagger, smoke it to yourself, cough lots, but you can still catch a lift. With shit hash I would say that it is because it has been stepped on and cut. Nothing is worse than hash that smells like Vicks Vaporub! Like when you go to heat it up to crumble it and it doesn’t fluff up—it doesn’t even crumble into little bits, it simply sort of gets all clumpy and sticky: yuck. Fuck, years ago I was busted for possession of two grams of shitty hash: not only was the hash junk, but it got me a record. Lame.

Yeah, I tend to feel that ‘skunk’ has become simply another word (in many circles) for ‘pot’, and is no longer used to indicate a certain strain of weed. Perhaps it has to do with the fact (in my exp. anyway) that the pot in many hydro ops comes out tasting and smelling similar (you know, that piney antiseptic taste).
11:25 / 17.08.03
I'm with ya on this one. Good skunk actually pisses me off... if I'm smoking on my own, it's usually as an adjunct to drinking... therefore just passing out is NO FUN. If I'm smoking with friends, I wanna be able to carry on talking bollocks for a long time, rather than just all collapse monged, smiling and unsociable.
Decent hash, on the other hand, is nice. I like the whole crumbling part of the ritual, I like the taste, the smell, the fact that you can get real fucked BUT by increment, rather than the big skunk kick in the bollocks. (If I wanna be instantaneously transplanetary, ketamine's much easier. Nastier, but easier, if, like me, you're lazy.)
12:16 / 17.08.03
Have to agree that any old shit gets called skunk these days, just as long as it isn't out and out crap, then it's just sold as "weed".

Personally I have a difficult history with the-herb-that-is-superb. I stopped smoking for a few years as it tended to induce paranoia and freak-outage. These days I've gone back to a very limited intake; I buy it very occasionally and an eighth can last me literally months.

Socially I find smoking to be a bit of a problem, in myself and others. I can't stand the way people tend to loose the ability to speak. Much better to have a toke at bedtime and dunk my head into a good book - I fucking love reading when stoned.
unheimlich manoeuvre
12:47 / 17.08.03
i love smoking, i only get the fear if i'm uncomfortable.


"A man gratified by this happiness, unfortunately rare and transient, feels himself at once more an artist and more a just man; to say all in a word, a nobler being."

from The Poem of Hashish by Baudelaire the translation is (appropriately enough) Aleister Crowley's.
—| x |—
13:04 / 17.08.03
Yeah, some of that hydro stuff is really killer. We used to have this strain that would come around every now and then that we dubbed “the wheelchair.” Obviously, it would give you such a kick that you’d need a wheelchair to get around in after smoking, but like you’d be wanting to move anyway… I had the opportunity to smoke some oil that was made from this strain. It was a honey brown colour (not that thick black goop—yuck!). Well, I only did like three knife hoots and BLAMO! It felt like I had suddenly ingested and was peeking on two hits of acid. I had to shuffle off to the bathroom and simply sit on the can for about fifteen minutes to get my head together enough to go back out into the living room and deal with my friends.

Drinking and pot can be brutal. Not so much now-a-days (though I don’t drink that much), but man, remember when you were a young ‘un and only starting to smoke & drink. Well, it wasn’t ever to bad if you got really cooked and then drank your face off, but if you drank and then smoked, well, it was time for a visit from uncle Whitey. I recall a couple of times simply getting tired of sitting with my head between my knees and feeling like I was going to puke, and instead stuffing my finger down my throat so I did puke, and then I could get on with the evening.

Personally I enjoy smoking up in conjunction with many things: reading, writing, cruising Litherland, making/painting models & miniatures, skateboarding, playing some b-ball. Fuck , I sound totally chronic don’t I? It is v. rare that smoking up will make me not want to talk or cause me to become mentally “slow,” although at parties I don’t really talk much anyway…I’m more of an intimate group or 1 : 1 sort of person.

Yeah Stoatie, the ritual of heating and crumbling really is cool—it really goes a long way to the overall enjoyment, I find.

Bobossboy, I get that now and then, but I think it has less to do with the pot, and more to do with what sort of head space I am in at the time. I can sometimes make an eighth last a couple weeks, but sometimes it is gone in three days. All depends. I have a friend who, way back when, was quite a regular smoker, but then one time we—the four that were ASP—were out smoking in a park, and he got a super whitey attack. He could never smoke again after that. My bro, who is now drug free, couldn’t smoke after he had a bit of a rough trip on mush after he had smoked some pot.

It’s weird really, the variety of reactions that people will have to pot or hash and such combined with hallucinogens. Some people say that don’t bother smoking any because they never feel anything from it when on, say, LSD. Others can’t smoke it in that state because it really fucks them up. I fall in between these myself, but have experienced both extremes as well (and let me tell you the “getting really fucked” from smoking while on LSD was NO FUN). Of course, I haven’t done any hallucinogens for years. Would like to maybe do some mush sometime soon though…
unheimlich manoeuvre
13:13 / 17.08.03
greater than zero - one of the best things about being in london at the mo is that every headshop is selling mushies over the counter.
—| x |—
13:20 / 17.08.03
Nice link there UM, I haven’t the patience to read it at this moment, but will definetley be getting back to that latter!

Have any of you seen Escher’s “Still Life and Street”? If you see a good reproduction of this print, or look carefully at this detail of the ash tray, you’ll see that he was a hash smokin’ human too!

Mush over the counter!? Wow. Not around these parts. Should be plenty available, but it is, of course, a matter of hooking up with the "right" people.
The Natural Way
16:09 / 17.08.03
I think the main thing that fucks Boboss up when smoking, is a habitual paranoid reaction to psychedelics brought about by a bad trip on LSD.

You can get to the other side of that, however. I did. I only get freaked on really heavy grass now, and then I just ride it. It's quite exciting in a really horrid way - an insane adrenaline rush.
17:32 / 17.08.03
Last time I spazzed, whilst riding a phenomenal panic attack, I calmly explained to Fraely and co that I was "having a very bad time" and would be back later. Thinking the fresh night air would do the trick, I proceeded to march home, only to be beset by a whole new bunch of terrors related to horror story I was thinking of writing.

What saved me? My own living room and lovely, lovely David Attenborough's The Life of Mammals. Nothing like a bit of Attenborough when you're having a nasty time.
rizla mission
19:31 / 17.08.03
greater than zero - one of the best things about being in london at the mo is that every headshop is selling mushies over the counter.

Really?? No shit.

Care to recommend any establishments I should pay a visit to for this purpose next time I find myself in the capital?
19:46 / 17.08.03
Tell me more of this riding to the other side of paranoia.
(off topicness) Has anyone heard of overcoming your phobias through LSD? Seems like it could just as easily make them worse to me.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
20:11 / 17.08.03
I used to smoke hash by the truck-load in years gone by (approx an eighth per day for a couple of years), then suddenly realised it was fucking me up in a massive, paranoiac(sp?) kind of way. I found I'd be thinking my best friends, who I was immensely close to, were talking behind my back and if anything went missing I'd think they all thought I had stolen it.

That's when I totally knocked it on the head. Good riddance, I thought.

Recently, though, I've been getting pangs for some nice, fluffy, mellow hash. Good stuff, but not too powerful. You know the type. But the only stuff I can get hold of is some absolutely ridiculous, blow-your-brain-apart loft-grown Northern Lights that an acquaintance of mine crops every few months. This guy tends to smoke one joint of the stuff, then lapse into some inpenetrable state of catalepsy for the rest of the night.

He gave me what he called 'a spliff's worth' so I put about a fifth of it in a small joint and all the paranoia came flooding back. Never again. I've taken myself to some pretty extreme states in the past and know when something isn't good for me (as if, like, the MDMA and Cocaine are dietary supplements).

I have a sort of yearning for a large tumbler of straight-up Highland single malt whilst tooting occasionally on a long, thin pollen joint. Why is it people always seem to want to get absolutely fucked up, when sometimes it's nice to just take the edge off things?
21:30 / 17.08.03
I've never been a big smoker (just not my drug really) and since moving to a new country I don't have the contacts anyway, but when I did I always preferred hash from a practical point of view.

Small. Easily hidden and transported. You can vary the strength of a joint from mildly relaxing to utterly head-fucking. You can cook with it without having to strain the bits out - student memories of trying to make space yoghurt and enhanced ghee with weed, not advisable.

Other student memories do come back of housemates spoiling all the best knives while trying to cut up bars, but that just says "keep your best knives in your cupboard and put a lock on it".
—| x |—
22:29 / 17.08.03
Ooo, Rizla I am so envious that it might be simply that easy for you!

Ah, to have the resources to smoke an eighth of hash a day…I suppose, back in the day, I probably did. I recall one weekend where I kept track: 19 jays Friday, 23 Saturday, 21 Sunday. Yeah, likely an eighth I guess. But certainly not these days, or even in the last seven or eight years!

I suppose it comes down to knowing when to limit yourself and exercise some damn self-control. Not always the easiest, I know. Everything in moderation, and other such sayings, clichés, and ruminations.

Yeah, I mean, it can be kinda’ like drinking, right? You get home from work and have a highball or maybe at lunch or whatever. You don’t have to drink to get smashed, but merely to unwind a little. Same can be done with hash and pot: not to get blasted, but merely mellow. But yes, with some kinds of pot you can’t roll a joint small enough to attain this effect—crazy. This ain’t your flower fuckin’ hippy parent’s pot! No siree…

Fridge, what the fuck is “space yogurt” and “enhanced ghee”?

Has anyone heard of overcoming your phobias through LSD?

Yes, but this has to be done in a v. controlled environment & with a preplanning—preferably accomplished by and executed with “professionals.” And since there LSD research isn’t legal, there aren’t many of these! Otherwise, yes, I would imagine that in many cases (unless you know yourself damn well, can put together a “metaprogram” that will work for yourself, and then execute it in a controlled way (preferably supervised by friends or something)) it will simply either not accomplish anything or fuck you up for the worse. That’s what I figure anyway.
23:28 / 17.08.03
Yoghurt is when you heat some hash in some oil in a teaspoon over a lighter to dissolve the THC, then dip the whole thing into a little yoghurt pot, mix it around and eat it. You can also crumble hash into ghee, clarified butter, and cook with that. Both of these things are annoying to do with weed.
The Falcon
00:59 / 18.08.03
It's best to put a little butter underneath the yoghurt on said teaspoon.

In Scotland we call eighths half-Qs.
Char Aina
01:06 / 18.08.03
'skunk' hot chocolate works quite well.
06:20 / 18.08.03
(indicates another bag)
But this shit is top of the line,
It's called G-13. Genetically
engineered by the U.S. Government.
Extremely potent. But a completely
mellow high, no paranoia.

Is that what we smoked last night?

This is all I ever smoke.

ahem... if only to confirm Runce's theory about me, I'll admit that hash just don't cut it. A waste of time, effort and money. I'm a habitual smoker of very fine skunk. The kind that gave Skunk its name: Three ziplocs and a tupperware box won't stop this baby from stinking out ya room. The Gamma-Ray of Green.

I took some to Anna's bash. I recall a couple of 'Lithers joining in on the toke-fest... in case you wanted an unbiased review

Back in the day, there would always be a weed drought around Christmas. Strangely enough, there was always plenty of hash during these times and the weed came back once demand had pushed prices up again. Stoned rumours of crooked cops on the make, controlling supply and demand... or Occam's Razor telling you that the dealers have ninebars that they just couldn't shift.

As far as the over-the-counter 'shrooms go, we have 'em up here in Birmingham via a new-agey chain called "Zen"... imported fresh from some warehouse grower in Amsterdam, the subtle exchanging of "hallucinogenic" with "shamanic" seems to have provided the legal loophole necessary. Up here, they became available [inexplicably] the week before Glastonbury. They haven't been stopped yet.

Salvia! that's shamanic too... I reckon some enterprising people will help it to follow suit.

Everything in moderation... including moderation.
Tryphena Absent
08:07 / 18.08.03
Yoghurt is when you heat some hash in some oil in a teaspoon over a lighter to dissolve the THC

We used to flash fry it, get the pan really hot, stick some oil in there and literally five seconds on the stove and then straight in to the yoghurt. God I miss hash. I've literally got to the point where that horrible skunky smell makes me feel yuk. Absolutely everyone I know cooks with that trash now and it tastes horrible, totally spoils cakes and yoghurt, I remember the old days when everything was simpler and taste didn't get screwed by green weeds in your chocolate.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
08:39 / 18.08.03
I have to say, to all those slating (fnar fnar) hash in favour of Skunk and its many strains, or any other weed, have you ever actually smoked 'proper' hash, purchased in a country where quality is no issue??

Don't get me wrong, I love weed - particularly smoked in jungle/rainforest where it was grown, then a quick dip in a river (ah, the Caribbean...definitely NOT skunk) but the high from quality, real hashish is just opn a totally different radar altogether. It is far more cerebral and kind of 'in the brain', is much less opaque (if you know what I mean) and stimulates the visual and creative imagination far more than most weed seems to, to me.

Granted, it is hard to get hold of outside of countries that manufacture it or places like Amsterdam (are there any places 'like' Amsterdam?). But when in the 'Dam I stoutly refuse to buy skunk derivatives, cos there is so much high quality weed here in Blighty anyway, and you can always spot the tourist with the skunk fixation - that'll be the one lying face down on the pavement for 4 hours, or huddled in a corner at home to Captain Noidy.

Quality hash is just a sublime magic carpet ride around the inside of your own head, taking in a few weird scenes along the way.

Hurrah. Again.
22:00 / 18.08.03
Heh. Right on the money, Money $hot! The availability of quality hash makes it more effort than it's worth. I never said that I dislike that rounded aroma (the bassier end to bud's treble) or would turn down a spliff if you offered it... but this ain't the 'Dam and the Hairy Monk [thanks for that one!] seems to have taken over.

... which is fine by me.

Tell ya what, though. If you did happen to come by some, a hash and bud blunt would be the Royal Wedding of All Smokables.
22:36 / 18.08.03
Ahh reading this has brought back some good memories that have probably lain lost in a hashish haze for many years. Goldseal! Double Zero! Laughing my tits off for a weekend at Butlins while trying to explain to my sister and her boyfriend that we were just very drunk...

Anyway back to the plot, I stopped smoking resin a long while ago when going through what I now think of as my weed snobbery days, and insisted on the green stuff partly through laziness at all the burning crumbling business and partly because I just thought skunk was better for me (lungs and the state of high-ness). I've since cut down a Lot to enable me to do some of the things in life which were becoming a struggle. I prefer a bit of a mixture these days on occasion, and would completely agree that it's a lot easier to get hold of powerful skunk(weed) than decent brown shit.

And finally, I really wish I or any of my friends had known that you are supposed to use hash in oil form when cooking. The number of times I found my self picking lumps of ganj from between my teeth following the latest cookery attempt. Maybe I'll try it again properly one day. A camping trip this weekend might well be a fine opportunity, anyone got good recipies?
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
23:06 / 18.08.03
We used to just finely powder the hash (this was in the days of fluffy Double Zero, Gold Seal & Red Seal, etc..), flash fry it in butter, then add it to a bought-over-the-counter chocolate cake mix.

Worked every time, I seem to remember.

I must admit; the high I got from eating has was always more intense than the one I got from smoking it. It seemed to creep up on you when you least expected it, like when you've just gone to the bar with a really complicated round to order, then suddenly all you can do is laugh at the barman and frantically beckon someone over to remind you what it was exactly you were meant to be ordering.

Yeah, eating it was cool. And no lung worries, either - it's like the health freak's way of getting completely wasted. Ahhhh, sweet nostalgia.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
11:36 / 19.08.03
Whenever I've eaten it in cookery, I've been completely unable to move once the effect are at a peak.

Which was lovely from where I was lying, but clearly quite alarming to those standing around me, poking and waving and wondering why I wasn't paying any attention or making any effort to respond.
14:45 / 19.08.03
I really hope you all get arrested and sent to some nasty prison where you have to share a cell with a man called Brenda, you horrible fiends.

What is this, the Nineties?
—| x |—
18:21 / 20.08.03
Geez, I feel like I’ve been missing out or something. I mean, the crowd that I used to run with (and still do partly) aren’t really into cooking with their dope: we simply smoke it. Although, I have ate hash a couple of times and had a pot cookie or two—v. rare though compared to all the joints smoked. But it’s true, even in indulging in this little bit of brown I have noticed that my lungs feel heavier than usual (but I also have one of those annoying, hard to get rid of summer colds as well). I suppose the really good stuff always has some sort of negative aspects to it.

Alas, my little chunk of chunky is all gone—has been for a few days now, but my pipe saw some good action. Back to the leafy greens for me.

“Everything in moderation... including moderation.”

Oh mixmage you sly devil: introducing a particular instance of the implicit and ubiquitous self-referential contradiction into our friendly little chat!

Sax, no man, it’s the zeroes!
20:45 / 20.08.03
Aye Mixmage, that's one I used to preach round these parts. Was something of a motto for a time there.

Every Thanksgiving someone manages to make a batch of the special brownies. There's just nothing like that massive crush you get from eating pot after a big gut full of turkey. The best was when we had the mushroom stuffing, too. Aah, there was a dinner to remember.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
22:27 / 20.08.03
Although not one to remember accurately, I'll wager.
02:05 / 21.08.03
Beer is better.
05:59 / 21.08.03
Mmmm... hash! Here in Australia there are now several generations of dopeheads younger than myself who have never even seen the stuff. I've not had any in this country for at least 10 years. Fortunately I regularly go to England and, through a friend of a friend, score nice 1/2oz blocks at will, good stuff too. I've been back in Oz for about 3 weeks now (after 6 months in the UK) and I'm back on the bags of home grown and it's just NOT the same. Won't touch Skunk, nasty stuff. Smelly, dunno what they do to it to make it that way so I avoid it. This weekend I get my new seasons crop planted, in dirt, naturally, like my Mum taught me. S'only a $50 fine if they catch me anyway - no wonder nobody deals hash here anymore.
09:38 / 23.08.03
what!?! Not even "Kalgoorlie Gold"?

what was the wick, Mick?

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