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The Atkins diet

Kit-Cat Club
21:34 / 11.08.03
corned beef quiche for tea! This is too good to be true.

Er, are you sure about that one?

I think there was a thread on it in the Lab - have a look over there.
22:10 / 11.08.03
Oh, if only I'd known this diet was going to come along. I'd have signed up for medicine and specialized in renal failure. Goddamn those kidney wards are going to be busy in ten years time.
22:13 / 11.08.03
Apparently it's wise to have a blood test to see whether you actually need carbohydrates as part of your physical makeup BEFORE you try it.

I hear it's also important to check that Oxygen is good for you before breathing. The Mail said so.
04:19 / 12.08.03
Do not stay on this diet for longer than two weeks. Can I stress that enough?

You should lose weight and gain wind, however.
04:50 / 12.08.03
I'd like to mention that brains run on carbohydrates. If you notice a smell like nail polish remover following you around, please go to the hospital. Anyway, here's hoping you don't die! cheers!
No star here laces
07:31 / 12.08.03
also, it's a bad idea if you're diabetic. That way lies intensive care...
07:39 / 12.08.03
I tried it for about a week and felt like I was going to have a heart attack by the end of the week. Although I think people are being a little over the top on this thread aren't they, aren't there thousands if not millions of people using this diet? I don't think many of them have died?
Gary Lactus
09:14 / 12.08.03
My Mum's doing it. She's lost 10 pounds in about three weeks. My Brother's also doing it but I don't think it's done anything yet. I am suspicious. I'm just waiting for the crazd calles from my mother as her carbohydrate starved brain causes her to weep uncontrolably at how my brother didn't have time to speak when she called him overjoyed at how much wait she's lost. When she finally has a shit I'm sure she'll be delighted at all the weight she's lost.

Of course, it might be just fine.
Tryphena Absent
10:12 / 12.08.03
In the way of dieting lies insanity. You're not allowed to eat chocolate... that's enough of a barrier for me.
10:14 / 12.08.03
Also, why be thin?
Tryphena Absent
10:20 / 12.08.03
Oh and while we're on the subject of things you should avoid consuming- sugar free squash (aspartame and saccharin), about half the biscuits/cakes/crackers/yoghurts on supermarket shelves (hydrogenated vegetable fat or oil), sunflower oil and spread, British beef and possibly lamb, genetically modified vegetables/bread, battery farmed chickens/eggs (your soul), butter (saturated fat), gluten.

Hell might as well go on the Atkins Diet because you know you're already committing suicide and I'm not even talking to the smokers and alcoholics!
No star here laces
10:37 / 12.08.03
Why be thin? Why not? Don't get weight-ist, quantum. There are lots of thin people on Barbelith, and they have feelings too...
13:17 / 12.08.03
i've said it before, and i'll say it again: i think the best way is the paleo diet. not that i have the will to follow it.
that, or, if you don't want to eat meat, go macrobiotic.
Perfect Tommy
17:46 / 12.08.03
Wow... I've never heard of the paleo diet, but it's roughly what I eat. Apparently it works, though I think half my weight loss can be attributed to cutting out soda--fucking evil high fructose corn syrup!
20:25 / 12.08.03
The problem with weight losses while on this diet is that they are neither necessarily healthy nor attributable to the sctrictures of the diet. Obviously you could cut your arm off and you'd lose weight. One person who claimed to have lost weight also reported that he ate the same things he always ate, namely McDonalds cheeseburgers, he just pulled out the patty & cheese and ate that, and skipped the bun & fries. I am not certain he wouldn't have lost weight if he'd eaten the fries and bun and skipped the patty & cheese.
22:32 / 12.08.03

Quite frankly, it scares me!

A lot (more than five!) people where I work are "on" this Atkins diet thing, and they all love it mostly, except Barbara B who's been on it for the longest and is getting fed up of bacon/sausages for breakfast. However, like many other, so called, impartial (i.e. we're not on it) people, it all seems a bit like a quick/dangerous/unbalanced/"wrong side of the boundary" fix. (OK that last one may just be me, but it all seems a bit outer church etc... to my mind).

I've always believed (to my dis-heartenment mostly) that if you want to be "thinner" or "lighter" then you need to eat less fatty foods and exercise more. OK I'm probably being bery berry naive here...
23:08 / 12.08.03
All that bacon -- just thinking of the salt makes my chest ache.
14:24 / 13.08.03
I'm personally of the opinion that different diets work better for different people. Veggie and macro work well for people who are constitutionally able to thrive with that, and limiting carbs works well for people who get addicted to sugars or who balloon if they eat pasta, and for whom meat is unequivocally A Good Thing. I see several problems with Atkins: Not everyone who's on it is going to be one of those people. It works by shocking the system-- you have to shock your system a little to make the switch from running on carbs to running on fat. It can put lots of strain on the kidneys, even to a fatal degree if one is not careful. And it's taken as a license to eat lots of crap and no nutrients.

Long before Atkins formulated it, this was the basic nutrition of lots of bodybuilders-- 0 carb, tons of protein, drop fat and build muscle. Unfortunately, and this might be at the center of a lot of dumb muscle-bound guy stereotypes, many of them couldn't tie their shoelaces or find their own way to the gym after a month or so, because protein is not what fuels nerve tissue, i.e. the brain.

I used to work for a chiropractor who did well with it. He was of Germanic and Lombardi descent, which I think is a contributing factor for his success. He also didn't eat crap-- he ate lots of chicken, fish, and steak, and made sure to get as many vegetables as allowable under the diet, supplemented, and did a lot of cardio training. His office manager went on it too, and though she was doing more or less the same things, she did well at first and then not so well after a few weeks.

I like the paleo diet, but even there you're making adjustments for the food that's available in your region (which if you're lucky is in the same part of the world as you grew up, and as your ancestors lived), and you can tailor it to take into account personal constitution. When I went on the hunter gatherer diet I took as part of the diet the fact that foraging people walk a lot, and eat as they walk, so I carried a lot of dried food and snacked constantly as I walked from class to class. That really suited my constitution, because I have a tendency to not eat until I'm ready to collapse, then eat tons of whatever is readily available (like cheezburgers!)

Of course, I wasn't trying to lose weight, just eat more healthily. Hm. I need to get back to that. *glares at cinnamon bun with grave suspicion* Thanks for this thread, guys. You're putting me back on track.
wembley can change in 28 days
05:24 / 14.08.03
I did something similar to Atkins (the vegetarian version), which, as I'm reading this thread I realize, eventually turned into a hunter-gatherer thing as well, which is unfortunately a bit more difficult to sustain here in Finland due to my paltry supply of brazil nuts. Long live the hunter-gatherer diet!

Anyhoo: I didn't cut out carbs entirely, but dropped them a hell of a lot by cutting bagels and just about every other kind of carb that doesn't grow on a tree. Not that the odd chocolate bar didn't keep me warm at night - you can't torture yourself. Atkins is fast, and it works, but you might want to have the patience to make it a little more moderate and wait a bit longer for the results. And eat salad like a motherfucker or you'll be constipated as all hell. I dropped 50 pounds over a year (and have kept it off; isn't that the important part?), so it works.

To come to the defense of gym freak bodybuilders: most of them nowadays are frighteningly well-versed in nutrients and dietary theory - so much so that it's painful to talk to them.
05:45 / 14.08.03
There's an awful lot of stuff in today's papers about how the diet stocks up health problems for you later in life.

Apparently eating your greens is good for you. Well, duh...
Gary Lactus
09:58 / 17.08.03
My mum has lost a stone and does not appear to be insane.
My brother is royally fucked off with the whole thing. I asked him last night how it was going, to which he replied:
"Talking about it just makes me feel like shit." The table fell awkwardly silent. Poor guy. He does not look like Geri Halliwell.
Perfect Tommy
10:20 / 17.08.03
"I didn't cut out carbs entirely, but dropped them a hell of a lot by cutting bagels and just about every other kind of carb that doesn't grow on a tree."

The bit that blows my mind about Atkins is that, unless I'm mistaken, this distinction isn't made. "Carbs is carbs!" Which is loooopy.

(Man, I'm such judgmental prick about diet nowadays. =/ )
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:58 / 18.08.03

"I'll get you, Fenner!"
18:43 / 18.08.03
Want to lose weight, erm, eat less and exercise more? And of what meat you do eat, go more for oily fish (we put our kids on fish oil tablets and their scores at school went up by around 50%) and GAME meat (it is lower fat) with the blood still in it (! - no kidding, it is superb for healing eye problems!).
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