I turned 30 in March, and I definitely had the sense of a milestone passed and a major landmark of my life being reached - not just because of the whole "Oooo, now I'm really an adult" thing, but also because I remember the way my life was at 20, and all the crap things and amazing things that happened inbetween - I would much rather be 30 than 20 again...the drug-taking, drinking, whoring etc are still present, but nowhere near as much as they used to be. With age I've gotten a little calmer, a little wiser, more comfortable in my own skin, and don't feel the need to apologise any more, if that makes sense...on my birthday, a friend said to me, "Celebrate, because this marks the start of the most fabulous phase of your life" and that summed it up perfectly.
And I got to go to NY for a birthday treat as well, which was nice. |