(sorry if any of this is patronising, but i'm interested in thinking this through)
or, alternatively, when the British left India in 1947, they were aware of leaving a country with potentially massive resouruces and capabilities...
Partition was a way of creating a civil war that would keep the Indian subcontinent busy. The border divisions were arbitrary and bore little relation to geographical concentrations members of the various religious and having been articificially imposed, were contentious from their creation.
India and Pakistan have been on some form of war footing ever since.
(check out India's borders with pakistan and and bangladesh on the map ]here, interesting, aren't they? if you want to create local tension, creating a huge apparently hindu state that juts into/divides various smaller muslim states is not a bad way to go about it. Bang. used to be known as East Pakistan, incidentally.)
Kashmir as a state that is potentially very valuable, has great natural resources, and gives whichever country 'owns'it an inroad/secure border with the other's territory.
The map makes it pretty easy to see why J&K has massive strategic importance. Check out how close to Delhi, aside from it's obvious importance to the region.
Add to this India's state system, which has the potential to fragment in much the same way as the Soviet Union, which is an additioanl reason India's so desperate to hang onto it. There are strong separatist/nationalist movements in Tamil Nadu, U.P, and all the states to the far east of India, those connected to 'mainland' india by a tiny strip of west bengal.
And that for the first time in decades (perhaps since Partition?), Pakistan is 'in' with the US and therefore has possibly unprecedented leverage on the world scene. India historically has been closer to Russia/CIS/Soviet Union than to the US.
India claims that Pakistan is sponsoring Islamic terrorist groups in India. Pakistan claims that India is warmongering. Both sides claim internation validation for their 'wars on terrorism'.
Basically as far as I can see it's a bigfuckingmess. What do other people think?
oh, and this is a really crude oversimplification, but as a very vague guide check out this
map of india by religion
[ 21-01-2002: Message edited by: Lick my plums, bitch. ]
[ 21-01-2002: Message edited by: Lick my plums, bitch. ] |