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Our Lady of The Two Towers
16:36 / 08.08.03
General discussion, off-topic comments, introductions, games and fun - everything that you won't mind getting deleted after a month.
(3000 threads, 75788 messages)

And the start of this thread breaks the perfect unity and also raises the spectre of an astonishingly bad sequel.
16:50 / 08.08.03
You've started something here that you'll regret (WARNING)
Our Lady of The Two Towers
01:16 / 09.08.03
Life's too shit for regrets. I regret nothing, except perhaps the Franco-Prussian war and a couple of episodes of 'Galloping Galaxies'.
02:59 / 09.08.03
It ain't as bad as it seems, at least 2500 of those are "joycore" threads.
Mourne Kransky
23:42 / 09.08.03
You would appear to be about twice as pointless as me, to judge from the post count, My Lord Flowers, but on the brighter side, you are about one hundred times more socially successful then am I, to judge from the pm count. This was your aim all along, was it not, to make us lesser mortals aware of our inadequacies. We salute thee, Oh Great Waster.
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