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Lurker's Special!

foot long subbacultcha
08:23 / 07.08.03
As a recently delurked lurker I feel it's my duty to try and coax other lurkers out of messaging limbo into the Barbelith context. Perhaps we could even organise a lurker's gathering? Introduce yourselves, we'd like to hear from you! Please?
09:31 / 07.08.03
I haven't been lurking.
I've... um, just been elsewhere for quite some time.
hanabius yamamura
09:48 / 07.08.03
greetings one and all ... i suppose i lurk a fair bit having only posted 100 times in 18 months ...

so i just thought i'd say hello ...
13:40 / 07.08.03
I admit it!

I'm a lurker.

And I mostly like it that way.
(sad , I know)
14:41 / 07.08.03
I'm too peripheral to lurk.
Forced into this conversation
16:42 / 07.08.03
greetings everyone

um...well, i guess i have nothing else to say right now..
Danzig: He Pitys the Fool!
17:37 / 07.08.03
I am most definitely a lurker. My inferiority complex prevents me from posting often on a board where I have the lowest IQ.
19:21 / 07.08.03
I couldn't possibly. I'm not drunk enough yet.
20:19 / 07.08.03
Which lurker is "special"?
gotham island fae
20:24 / 07.08.03
Now, Ganesh, you know that every one is special.

In hir own way.
Goodness Gracious Meme
20:32 / 07.08.03
hey, i've been lurking until recently*. can i play?

*admittedly about six months ago I was here as much as anyone, but i've just delurked so i reckon i qualify...

'nesh, bringing yr work home *again*?
Shanghai Quasar
20:32 / 07.08.03
I prefer to think of it as sneaking.
gotham island fae
20:42 / 07.08.03
Yippee! BiP eez back!

You shifted your lurk on right about when I started my little bit of conversing. Good to see your suit again, dah-ling.
06:04 / 08.08.03
I'm going to re-read the bible and picture Danzig as the main character now.
foot long subbacultcha
07:47 / 08.08.03
"Which lurker is "special"?"

OK I'm gonna do that thing where you pretend you made an embarrasing grammatical error on purpose:

I did it on purpose, oh yes I did.
09:10 / 08.08.03
Er, can I go now?
I, Libertine
13:37 / 08.08.03
I just de-lurked a few days ago. Where was this thread then? Fucked up my temporal ablurk coordinates again, I did.

And when I materialized I found that everything had gone all -core on me. It's not funny, but hey--it makes the time fly.
09:09 / 09.08.03
Hi!!! I lurk a bit on occassion..... you can consider this my official 'delurking'.

Ganesh, get back in here and tell me how special I am and how thrilled you are to have me here. I'm waiting...
Bill Posters
14:02 / 09.08.03
do we mean special in the UK sense, or in the American sense?
Mourne Kransky
18:16 / 09.08.03
christielee is "special" in the distinct from, and usually better than, others of the same or a similar kind; exceptional; not ordinary or common way and not, happily, in the "Special Board" sense.

Glad you got here at last, Cherub. The elephant god is in musth at the moment and I've got him safely tethered next door till he's back to normal.

"delurk" is a great word btw. Welcome to this brave new barbelith world, former lurkers all.
00:38 / 10.08.03
For those about to delurk.... we SALUTE YOU!
then offer you Werther's Originals.
01:20 / 10.08.03
And ass-candling. One must never forget that.
Morlock - groupie for hire
17:35 / 10.08.03
Boo! (runs away)
Dances with Gophers
18:54 / 10.08.03
Just deluking to say that I can't think of anything to say so I'll relurk until my mind is working again!
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