I used to send e-mail attachments all the time at work (no, it wasn't chain letter crap, it was stuff for my job) and I'd only start to worry when it went much above 3MB, so you should be OK, assuming that:
-You can both use something, somewhere, other than dial-up
-You have enough disk space on the outgoing and incoming mail servers to handle it -- you should be OK if you're not using hotmail etc.
If you can't do this, you could try zipping/stuffing (Winzip or StuffIt) the file. Depending on its contents, you may be able to bring the filesize down to make a difference. If you can edit the PDF, and it has images, check their storage method -- I think you can have these compressed and that would save you something. If still no good, google yourself some software to "distill" the PDF -- that should cut all the stuff you don't really need in the file (there's likely loads). If you're on a Mac, bonus! You may lose a few bytes as they report size in a funny way and they include the size of the resource fork which (I've been told) is not e-mailed. |