Ok here's the thing. How do these gatherings work? This is actually my first "delurking" post which I've always meant to ask. What's the deal? When you say "everyone", do you really, literally mean "everyone", like a potential flash mob of 'lithers, but instead of disappearing straight away they hang around in corners wandering if they should introduce themselves? Or has anyone ever turned up unannounced on their own and then run away as soon as they arrived due to sheer embarrasment? Or (sorry, stream of consciousness here) is there an exclusive "gatherings club", so "everyone" means everyone in the "club". (ok i'm gonna stop using quotation marks from this point on). Or... is there like a set time a 'lither becomes one of everyone? Or does it take a set number of posts? Or is it all about posting charisma that can potentially envelope a newbie in a barrage of hugs from the 'lith underground community? 
Just curious, cos I might actually turn up to one of these things. There's a cool bunch of people here. |