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How dodgy are you?


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Mourne Kransky
15:45 / 05.08.03
Cass is clearly a very very very bad person. Not to mention impurer than thou. Cass is probably short for Casseroles Hir Victims.

You very dodgy people are clearly also very crafty, which is why you are still enjoying your liberty and not fetching the soap for the Bear in a big house with bars on the windows.
The Strobe
15:50 / 05.08.03
I win, or, depending on your perspective, lose:

Years in prison: 5 Potential fine: £0.
waxy dan
15:52 / 05.08.03
I am fetching the soap for the Bear in a big house with bars on the windows. Daily... Oh wait, you're talking about prison... riiiight.. la-de-da...
pointless and uncalled for
17:17 / 05.08.03
Years in prison: 70.5 Potential fine: £2000 Plus a possibility of the death penalty!

The Seldom Killer takes no hostages.
18:20 / 05.08.03
Years in prison: 61 Potential fine: £7000

I'm the daddy, yes I'M THE DADDY NOW! All you nonces watch yerself' I've got a snooker ball and a sock and I ain't afraid to use them!

Anyone grasses me to the rozzers and they'll end up taking a long walk of a short pier.

'Nuff Said.
18:33 / 05.08.03
Years in prison: 73.5 Potential fine: £4500

LOL. Breaking the law, breaking the law!
Char Aina
19:29 / 05.08.03
Alright geezer! Fancy yourself as a bit tasty? It may be against the law, but what they don't know won't hurt 'em eh? We know your heart's in the right place… but watch out or that place may be a 3 to 5 stretch in Pentonville with 'Mad' Frank, Harry the Horse and 'Wristy' Rich Richardson.

Based on your answers, we have calculated the maximum penalty for your crimes*:

Years in prison: 37 Potential fine: £4500

i'm a bit of a fridge freezer, bacardi breezer, nasal tweezer, julius ceasar, clitoral teaser, crowd pleaser...

19:55 / 05.08.03
I'm a bit dodgy and scarily unpure....
20:01 / 05.08.03
40.5 years and a £2000 fine.

What is this?! Debtors prison?
20:27 / 05.08.03
Paleface: Years in prison: 5 Potential fine: £0.

Hey hey now. We're tied for resident goody-goody. I may have to pay £2000, but I'm still not doing any time. You can have the harp if I can have the halo.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
21:56 / 05.08.03
37 years, £7000 fine.

Now I'm off to Chester, to shoot a Welshman with a bow and arrow. Should be fun.
22:34 / 05.08.03
waxy dan: What the hell did you do? Feed your mama to the tourists?

All I can say (from both quizzes) is: context, context, context. I'm really not, and nor was I, that bad. It just looks worse when presented with artificial, black and white dichotomies.

Of course I then destroyed any remaining shreds of credibility by triple posting (ouch), but hey...
The Strobe
07:25 / 06.08.03
Mazarine - You can have the harp if I can have the halo.

Fine with me. The halo would probably just clash with my hair.
—| x |—
02:26 / 07.08.03
Ello, ello, ello… what 'ave we 'ere then…? You're living close to the edge and it's only a matter of time before you're collared by the Old Bill. You may have fallen on your feet so far, but it won't last forever. Have you ever thought about a more rewarding pastime? (Emotionally that is…)
Based on your answers, we have calculated the maximum penalty for your crimes*:
Years in prison: 51 Potential fine: £7000 Plus a possibility of the death penalty!

unheimlich manoeuvre
10:38 / 07.08.03
Based on your answers, we have calculated the maximum penalty for your crimes*:

Years in prison: 0 Potential payout for miscarriage of justice: £20 million

i'm a Saint, a motherfuckin' Saint i tell ya!


alright i lied.
12:37 / 10.08.03
How refreshing that there are still people around like you, who respect society and the law. Your Grandparents would be proud. You have a good knowledge of the law and a good public spirit, or you have rarely left the house… Either way - keep it up old fruit!

Based on your answers, we have calculated the maximum penalty for your crimes*:

Years in prison: 7.5 Potential fine: £0

WOOHOO! My grans will be so proud of me! Can I get this on a certificate to frame?
Cop Killer
17:08 / 10.08.03
My potential years is 111 with a 7000 pound fine, which would totally screw me with the American dollar to pound crossover, I mean that's probably like $12000 or something like that. And 111 years in prison is a long fucking time.
19:06 / 10.08.03

Years in prison: 5 Potential fine: £0

So I guess I am level with Paleface and Mazarine in the goody two-shoes stakes.
19:13 / 10.08.03
Alright geezer! Fancy yourself as a bit tasty? It may be against the law, but what they don't know won't hurt 'em eh? We know your heart's in the right place… but watch out or that place may be a 3 to 5 stretch in Pentonville with 'Mad' Frank, Harry the Horse and 'Wristy' Rich Richardson.

Based on your answers, we have calculated the maximum penalty for your crimes*:

Years in prison: 37 Potential fine: £7000

Good thing they never checked under me patio or down me drains, innit?
23:41 / 10.08.03
Cholister- Harp and Halo are taken, are you okay with wings? Light and fluffy!
08:16 / 11.08.03
Oh, definitely - wings are the best angel accessory anyway. *flaps experimentally* And in this heat I will be popular as a fan.
Yay Paul
10:39 / 11.08.03
Ok i always thought i was a normal teenager (as most of the yes answers were from back then), but obviously i was wrong....

Based on your answers, we have calculated the maximum penalty for your crimes*:

Years in prison: 107 Potential fine: £7000

*Evil Grin

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