I think my two memelets (servitor ficsuits I created solely for the purpose of commenting on my ongoing adventures in the MorriQuitelyverse) are still kicking about on here, but it's been a while since I've used 'em. I did ask for permission first, though.
In a related development, when all this Knodgesense is over, I'm thinking of giving away the velvetvandal ficsuit to whoever fancies a run at it, and going full time as Imaginaut. I've even considered having some 'Reign of the Vandals' style fun by allowing various people to lay claim to the ID (by incorporating the words 'velvet' or 'vandal' into their suits, i.e Spyder would become Spydervandal, Haus would become velvetHaus etc) and then giving the password away to whoever I like best (obviously only after checking with TC that it isn't u-know-'oo up to his old tricks beforehand), but as people have said, at the mo' this kind of innocent fun will have to wait a while. Oh well...
You wouldn't get the memelets, tho'. They are my bitches. |