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Periphery Core

We're The Great Old Ones Now
12:29 / 04.08.03
For those of us who are not at the core of anything. Who belong to no core. Who are at the heart of the ulterior, and we don't have any pictures to prove it.

I have no idea what to propose this topic should be about. But if you never really get the sense you're at the centre of something, this one's for you.
12:39 / 04.08.03
Sometimes it's cool to be on the outside looking in.

And sometimes we do have pictures to prove it.
14:50 / 04.08.03

That's the cover to the Sentridoh single "Losercore". The back cover has a picture of Stu Sutcliffe on it. It was the first release on (Sonic Youth's) Steve Shelley's Smells Like Records.
salix lucida
15:38 / 04.08.03
Mourne Kransky
15:43 / 04.08.03
—| x |—
16:16 / 04.08.03
We're The Great Old Ones Now
20:35 / 04.08.03
Are you guys, like, appropriating the mode of the dominant Core Culture and using it to satirise the Core Consensus, or are you, like, stooges of the ruling Centric System?

I'm not sure whether to applaud you or be afraid that this bastion of resistance to the Core Photo Culture is starting to ape the form and substance of the thing itself.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
22:23 / 05.08.03
Fighting for the rights of all Periphery Core members, its.......

—| x |—
04:03 / 07.08.03
Fighting for what? For freedom—me thinks that this is not something won in battles, but rather something gained in respectful relations. Where is the center if I am looking into the world? Will I find myself on the peripheral of that place, or myself? But on the flip slide ride the sides disintegrate and center weaves circumference like boundaries manifest middle. My gray dogs know the score as they dig up the buried bones from charred fields. Howling into the void they pee on the wind that winds the time of hands and plans and dreams and schemes. Time is a sucker’s game where the name remains the same, the beat goes on, and the needle skips the groove time and again. Scratch it up! Cut it up on the turn table as we spin diZzy circles—one foot spiked into the ground and the other kicks high into sky. We’ve our heads in the clouds but remain proud to be, and that’s all. It’s simple really when the end and the beginning meet in a bow that has shot this arrow of fire and fury through the center of the void—piercing the absolute, a breach to infinity unfolded, and from this the phenomena molded, and to me my life is bolded, but only because it’s my window into the soul.

05:17 / 07.08.03
I am so lacking in core, I out-exterior every one of you. I am totally peripheral.

Ask my wife - I'm so peripheral, she doesn't even know my name. In fact, she wouldn't be sure if we've ever met. Maybe she met me once, but why would she remember someone so extraneous?
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