Heavy Neon Genesis Evangelion and Invisibles Spoilage. You have been warned...
On the back of Gypsy Lantern's post:
In Neon Genesis Evangelion, Hideaki Anno makes many references to the A.T. Field (Absolute Terror Field), a term cribbed from the psychological understanding of autism. It's a name for the safe perimeter that the autistic person believes there to be around them, which when breached provokes feelings of agitation and fear. Anno's use of the term encompasses the entire physical and mental form of any individual, held together by the fear of dissolution or harm by an outside influence. Throughout the series and the final movie it's hypothesised that the A.T. Field will be outgrown in our next evolutionary step, its purpose having been transcended when humanity ceases to be individuated.
This is very much akin to Morrison's musings on the Supercontext, a state into which humanity will evolve when it realises itself as one single structure when percieved from outside linear time. Both narratives use the idea of *alien* intruders throughout, and in both it is shown that these *aliens* are exactly the same beings as ourselves. It was phrased most succinctly in the Invisibles - the *alien other* being whatever you leave outside when you're desinging the box labelled *you.* In both series the threat is assimilated, which leads on to the assimilation of the whole of humanity into the next evolutionary stage.
I've had experiences in my personal practice that back up much of this material, and I'm fairly comfortable with including many of the ideas in my personal cosmology. The interior of the A.T. Field is a kind of mirror, through which any intrusion is distorted by our panicked and violated selves until it resembles the Outer Church: we have projected our own threat onto it. The understanding of self and the manipulation of this field is not only central to any individual's practise, but also to the development of the entire race. Becoming familiar with the circle of fear at one's perimeter is key.
That probably sounded like a rambling load of old bollocks, and could do with some help from others filling in the blanks. Something about it feels right to me. |