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The Carlyle Group: 'The Most Powerful Company You've Never Heard Of'

Matthew Fluxington
14:52 / 08.01.02
Here's a very, very interesting article from Red Herring magazine about a company called the Carlyle Group, which has an increasingly vast ammount of power and influence, especially after September 11th.

There is also an interview with the author of the article in real audio format on the Democracy Now! website. (look in the middle of the page).

Very interesting, very scary.
Cherry Bomb
15:16 / 08.01.02
Also this link to an article about the Carlyle Group that appeared in an October 31 issue of The Guardian.

It is a little disconcerting when one considers the amount of money that both the Bush and Bin Laden families could potentially make off this war.
20:49 / 10.01.02
And this one in the LA Times. Maybe the mainstream <US> media will be forced to pay some kind of attention?

<edited to avoid u.s.-centricity>

[ 11-01-2002: Message edited by: alas ]
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