Hi. I figured that there might be a couple other members—since there are several gamers and such—who might like to talk about constructing, altering, and painting models and miniatures, and then assembling them into dioramas.
When I was a younger lad, ages 12-15, I spent many an evening hanging out with my friend Josh in his parents basement assembling and painting miniatures for Dungeon and Dragons. Then, of course, I “grew up,” got a job at McDicks, and started chasing chicks. Later on, when I was about 17, a few friends and I were playing this cheezy board game Hero Quest (‘cause it provided an evening’s entertainment to accompany pot smoking and drinking), and we spent a few days painting up some of the figures that came with the game.
Anyway, a few weeks ago I assembled a model for a friend that had a skull and crossbones-pirate-undead motif and I had to go to the local hobby store to get some glue. Well, there was this woman there who was trying to sort out some Sears catalog order, so I had several minutes to look around before I could pay for the glue. I saw a die cast Red Baron WW1 plane for 13 dollars and it kinda’ tickled my fancy, but I wasn’t about to buy it. Then I noticed a small bin with several assorted things in it and a sign that said, “Anything in this bin 5 dollars.” So I poked around and there happened to be a model of the same plane! Well, since I was on a bit of a kick I decided to buy it and put it together. After putting in about twenty hours work, I finished it the other day. Here are some pics:

Here’s a detail of the engine:

Lock, stock, and two smoking barrels:

Did I mention it’s 1:72 scale?

Currently I am working on a Sopwith Camel so I can construct a dogfight scene…I’ll keep ya’ posted! |