OK, so there are arguments for and against. Neither of which I can really follow... my vision tends to go blurry when economics gets complicated.
What DOES really amuse/worry/upset/confuse me (depending on the time of day) is the "loss of sovereignty to those goddamned foreigners" argument. I know, I'm an economics moron, but... isn't it a bit sad (and frighteningly uber-capitalist) to stake your entire cultural identity on WHAT YOUR CURRENCY IS? (Especially sincewe only went metric about 30 years ago... it's not like it's ancient cultural heritage or anything). As far as I can tell, we (the UK) have weathered the economic slump better than expected largely because we've run up more personal debt so our consumer spending could prop up the pound. (Sorry... I've been up all night writing press summaries for Goldman Sachs and the British Bankers' Association- I feel like I've read little bits of a very complicated novel and am trying to figure out who the bad guys are). Chances are, when those credit card bills come in, our consumer spending will go through the floor again, all the previously-fucked flagship companies that have undergone a brief renaissance (hello Marks & Spencer) will once more be shagged, and we're just counting on the global economy (ie not just the "eurozone", much as I hate that word) to have bounced back a bit so we can catch it on the upswing...
I don't think the strength of the pound in comparison to any other relatively stable currency (and that, believe it or not, includes the euro) has much to do with it, given that not that long ago, economists were complaining that the pound was TOO strong (which I didn't understand) and that unemployment was getting TOO low (which I also didn't understand).
I dunno. On a purely pragmatic/stupid level, I'd kind of like some different money, just because I'm getting bored with the notes and coins we have now, even on the rare occasions I get to see them.
Oh, and there's also the fatalist/practical side of things... do "we" (not that I really care about what the fuck my nationality is, just the way the place I live is run and treats the places where other people live... so right now that "we" sticks in my throat) really want to be one of the, probably about 3 by the end of this palaver, countries who have their own currency that ONLY THEY USE, if all "our" allies/partners/trading buddies/fellow-human-beings-in-the-immediate-vicinity have decided- just this once- to AGREE on something?
And yes, I'm as afraid of a New World Order as the next guy... but I really think, if that's on the cards, not accepting the euro ain't gonna do diddly-squat to prevent that.
[ 03-01-2002: Message edited by: Moominstoat ] |