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Knights V Cowboys


Page: 12(3)

15:49 / 05.08.03
I think yall varmints have the wrong idea of knights. Don't expect pompous chivalry like in the movies. Drunken debauchery was regularly seen. The fighting itself was downright nasty. They'll break limbs....grab your balls, bite and fish hook. As for the guns, a 100lb English longbow has a much longer effective range than a revolver.

Soo...let's recap. Knights can kick a lot more ass in a fight, they get upper class chicks who aren't disease ridden whores, they get all that cool armour AND they get to live in a castle (sometimes).
18:31 / 05.08.03
"Absolutely Helmschmied. As this 15th Century Austrian or Swiss fighting manual shows, they could fucking handle themselves mano a mano."

This is quite clearly an early attempt at homoerotic literature, and these guys ain't weighed down with 200lbs of finest English plate and mail. If these Knights were so adept at hand to hand combat why did they have teams of men to hoist them onto their horses.

Once a charging Knight had been knocked off on his back he was pretty much dead, which is how the Scots won quite a few battles, unseating the cavalry and then dispatching them whilst they rolled around like bugs on their backs, I've watched Braveheart, I know my history.

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