I don't think it's a cry of desperation at all. I signed it, and I doubt it will be effective at all, however as always, I have a glimmer of hope that it might do something, and yes, personally I would love to see Bush et. al removed from office at anytime, why not give it a shot? (On the other hand I wouldn't want a President Hastert, but let's not go there for a moment.) Naturally I intend to vote, and personally, I am still angry about the way the last election turned out, and I will be expressing that at the ballot box.
I was under the impression that gore removed himself at that time because there was no way he could possibly win. I've not said anything about having my vote "stolen," however, yes, I do feel that way. But we digress.
I applaud work, effort and "spreading the word" for a "regime change" in 2004, quite correctly, that takes time. But why NOT try all angles, why not make yourself heard even before then, a la the anti-war protests earlier this year? The California conservatives succeeded with their recall effort, why can't I give a call for impeachment a shot? I fail to see how this is a knee-jerk reaction. However, Disc-Mass, I'm happy for you to explain that to me.
Flux, I agree with you about the Democratic candidates at the moment. I definitely applaud Dean for his anti-war stance but I haven't seen much else about him that makes me necessarily support him. I really haven't decided who I like yet. But let's not give up hope on the 2004 election just yet. We've gotta keep trying kids!
I'm not sure if I agree with you on the not voting for a third party thing. I definitely hear what you're saying in terms of getting Bush out (obviously, as evidenced above!), but I guess to me it's kind of like the vote to impeach thing - if I don't voice my displeasure in some way, how will things ever change? IE, if we just vote for the Dems because we don't want "the other guy," why should the Dems ever have any incentive to change the way they're acting now (which is like "republican lite" if you ask me)? On the other hand I do know what you're trying to say.
Hmm... this is getting very interesting and switchboardy- I'm going to request to have the thread moved over there. |