Good people of Barbelith, I request an audience. The deal is, see, I have this job interview tomorrow afternoon. I've been sending out materials for months and this is my third interview. If this job doesn't work out for me, it looks like I'll have to move back to my hometown, and back in with my parents. I actually love living with my parents, but I don't think it'll be very good for me.
In addition, I really want this job, unlike some of the other jobs I've applied for. It looks interesting. It looks, gosh, maybe even fun. I didn't think I'd get an interview because there was an application deadline, and I missed it. And everyone and her brother was applying for this job.
So what I'm asking for is, what I need is... your love. I can use all the love and good vibes and prayers and whatever other powerful good stuff you can send my way. Thank you, Barbeloids. And kisses to you all. |