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I don't know if you know me, but I need your love.


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The Apple-Picker
18:49 / 29.07.03
Good people of Barbelith, I request an audience. The deal is, see, I have this job interview tomorrow afternoon. I've been sending out materials for months and this is my third interview. If this job doesn't work out for me, it looks like I'll have to move back to my hometown, and back in with my parents. I actually love living with my parents, but I don't think it'll be very good for me.

In addition, I really want this job, unlike some of the other jobs I've applied for. It looks interesting. It looks, gosh, maybe even fun. I didn't think I'd get an interview because there was an application deadline, and I missed it. And everyone and her brother was applying for this job.

So what I'm asking for is, what I need is... your love. I can use all the love and good vibes and prayers and whatever other powerful good stuff you can send my way. Thank you, Barbeloids. And kisses to you all.
19:01 / 29.07.03
William Sack
19:28 / 29.07.03
Love and good vibes coming your way A-P, wrapped in plain brown paper and looking suspiciously like porn. Knock 'em dead.
Mourne Kransky
19:35 / 29.07.03
Break a leg, A-P. Or perhaps just a stalk. Put your lucky underwear on.
Kit-Cat Club
19:39 / 29.07.03
I say, jolly good luck, old thing. Sounds like you must be good to have got so far with the application - now all you need to do is to show them how much better you are in person than on paper. Courage.
19:47 / 29.07.03
20:54 / 29.07.03
good luck with the interview
Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:57 / 29.07.03
Phasers set to lurrrrrrve.
21:27 / 29.07.03
There is a pep squad thoughtform in your corner, rooting for you in a cool and nifty way, giving you the confidence you need to impress the hell out of the personage interviewing you. Go you!
Tryphena Absent
21:32 / 29.07.03
My fingers are so crossed for you that I'm causing myself pain.

Do well bunny.
21:50 / 29.07.03
Good luck, dearest. Will be thinking of.
00:16 / 30.07.03
Good luck, good vibes, good lovin', and all that crazy stuff.
00:45 / 30.07.03
Overflowing buckets of luck and good vibes for your interview. You'll be a star, I'm sure. Though perhaps blinding your prospective employers isn't the best idea...even if it is with cosmic effervescence.
Ethan Hawke
01:03 / 30.07.03
Good luck. It seems that the job market is picking up around here, as a lot of people I know are moving jobs, so have faith!
lolita nation
02:51 / 30.07.03
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

knock 'em dead, honey.
03:19 / 30.07.03
For you I do a shaky hoppy dance of joy. And then I do it once more.

Super happy good luck to you.
Matthew Fluxington
04:19 / 30.07.03
Good luck, Ms. Apple-Picker!

You'll do fine, I'm sure. They would be foolish not to hire you, and give you enough money to buy a jewel-encrusted platinum keg of Cristal every day of the week.
04:52 / 30.07.03
Good luck, Dazzler!
05:59 / 30.07.03
I'll borrow grant's vibegun and fire a couple of rounds your way. Good luck!
06:41 / 30.07.03
Good luck vibes from this direction. Do let us know how you get on.
06:53 / 30.07.03
Yeah - good luck AP.
Regrettable Juvenilia
07:38 / 30.07.03

I bring you... love!
07:43 / 30.07.03
Vibes away apple dude
We're The Great Old Ones Now
07:49 / 30.07.03
We all adore the Apple-picker,
She's a babe and she's a winner,
There are no bad things in her,
She's the lass you'd bring to dinner,
She's the top, she's the tip,
She's the Top Cat Championship,
She's a keeper, she's a pip,
She's the stuff and she's a kicker!

Good luck, babe!
07:51 / 30.07.03
I've stepped up the munitions and ordered a squadron of B-52's to bomb you with of concentrated Luuuuuuuurrrrrrrrvvvvveeeee xxxx

Best Wishes - and what is the job, pray tell?
Bill Posters
08:24 / 30.07.03
more good vibes comin' atcha...
Cherry Bomb
08:27 / 30.07.03
Go get 'em, tiger..
11:58 / 30.07.03
lady, you always have my love, and you know it. but here's a little extra, just in case

::mmmm, MMMM!::
13:42 / 30.07.03
love from the heart-land, friend. we'll be thinking of you this afternoon...
Mr Messy
14:25 / 30.07.03
Hope its not too late.
But extra love coming your way.
unheimlich manoeuvre
15:42 / 30.07.03
most excellentest vibes and luck rushing toward you at the speed of light...
i may have an inkling of how you feel as i have an interview on friday for hillingdon council.
The Apple-Picker
18:12 / 30.07.03
Thank you so much to everyone. Your thoughts and good lovin' really helped me relax, and they also helped my confidence. I wore my bright red patent leather shoes to help with my confidence, too. I didn't want to blow them away with an entirely red ensemble, you see.

The interview was fun. I probably felt about as comfortable as a person can feel who knows she's under scrutiny.

Before I left at noon for the interview, I printed out this thread so that I could have all the goodness with me and look at it on the bus ride if I started to feel ill or wimpy. You all helped tremendously. And the picture of Mr. Burns kept making me laugh, which I really appreciated.

The job is a media relations position with my (most recent) former school's arts center. It's totally sweet.

Everything was great, except... I'm worried that she's concerned about the possibility that I might go back to school for a graduate degree. That is a possibility. I couldn't lie about it when she asked me. Here's hoping that I'm a good enough candidate for her to take the risk!

Thanks, thanks, thanks again!
18:49 / 30.07.03
more good vibes for the gettin of said position
18:55 / 30.07.03
lolita nation
19:32 / 30.07.03
wore my bright red patent leather shoes to help with my confidence, too.

no shit, were they the same marc jacobs shoes I had on my amazon thing? those shoes are HOTT! you're fucking hired for life!

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