Even more of interest is the fact that The NY Times ran an article on the same thing last Friday that essentially says that Americans are becoming MORE tolerant towards gay marriage.
You have to register at their site to read, so here's some highlights:
WASHINGTON, July 24 — Opposition to gay marriage has dropped significantly among Americans in recent years, according to a new poll by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press.
In the poll, 53 percent of respondents said they opposed gay marriages, while 38 percent said they backed them. In 1996 65 percent said they opposed such marriages, while 27 percent favored the idea.
The new survey, which focused on the impact of religion on politics, found what the center called a "growing gap in opinion on this issue along racial and religious lines." White evangelical Protestants were the most firmly opposed to the idea of gay marriage: 83 percent said they opposed it; 84 percent opposed it in 1996. Opposition among blacks also remained essentially unchanged, with 64 percent opposing gay marriages today, and 65 percent opposing the idea in 1996.
In contrast, white Roman Catholics and white mainline Protestants have become increasingly open to the idea, according to the poll, which was conducted June 24 to July 8 among 2,002 adults. The margin of error was 2.5 percentage points.
More worrying about this is the fact the article goes on to talk about how the number of Americans who think Islam is a "violent" religion is increasing, but I digress... |