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Barbelith Big Brother

Cherry Bomb
10:33 / 29.07.03
Because the show just ending was not only mind-crushingly boring but also awarded the prize to piss-dull bible-toting homophobic 40-year-old virgin (I know I'm exagerating but he looks 40, OK?), and inspired by a beer-fuelled Sunday conversation, I thought maybe we could try for a virtual BarbeBigBrother.

SO, we need a diary room voice and of course contestants who will be virtually voted off, and who also have to tell us what they've brought along in their suitcases, and possibly someone who isn't quite sure where East Angular is.

To start things off I thought I would vote Xoc in, because we know he was addicted to the show and it might make good virtual TV to have shots of him pining away for his elephant god whilst flirting with another "Scot." Once we have everyone nominated then we need tasks and such.

I'm not sure if this will work, but let's see...
Tryphena Absent
10:39 / 29.07.03
Ooh ooh ooh, fun fun fun. Someone nominate mmmmeeeeeeeeee.
10:41 / 29.07.03
In the style of the Big Brother application process, candidates should present a 100-word "show post" to convince the producers why they are wacky enough to be included.
10:41 / 29.07.03
What's this guff? Why not have Ganesh too if you're having Xoc? Then you're guarenteed nookie! What BB4 sadly lacked.

And okay then Anna - consider youself officially nominated, if for no other reason than your rapier wit.
10:46 / 29.07.03
I was thinking about this before, you think it would work as a thread? One member acts as big brother and the other housemates (posters) tell hir who they want chucked out of the thread and everyone on the site can vote - discussion topics could be raised for chat inside the thread or maybe just general chit-chat - would it work or would it turn into a shit storm?
Tryphena Absent
10:51 / 29.07.03
Hi Big Brother! If I go in to the… house I promise that I won’t be bored at work anymore, that I’ll do all kinds of wacky and interesting things and that my psychic powers will make great TV viewing. A poor orphan child since the age of 3 my grandmother died last year after falling off a cliff in a freak thunderstorm. I moved in to a penthouse in Canary Wharf after that and have been working as a masseuse ever since. Pick me Big Brother and you’ll get some great reading going on. Damn I’m five words short.
10:54 / 29.07.03
Well, I hope you're unicycling while naked and juggling fish if that's as interesting as you can make it.
10:58 / 29.07.03
for no other reason than your rapier wit.

Sledgehammer, surely...? Which reminds me that I too will indulge Anna by nominating her. Especially after that introduction.
Tryphena Absent
11:40 / 29.07.03
I nominate Cherry because, erm, she should be in the virtual house and her sweet natured funkiness will serve her well and plus it's her damn idea.
Alphonse commands you!
12:51 / 29.07.03
Helloooo, I'm Mr. Livedog. I like reading, silent prayer, staring at walls, meditation and washing up. I promise to be human wallpaper for the first eight weeks and then go mad with an axe in a ratings-boosting stylee, exactly the way Cameron didn't.

When I'm not wondering what Jesus would do, I promise to bitch shamelessly about other housemates and/or touch them up in a slightly creepy way. And that's just the boys. Any task I am given I will fail in spectacular fashion, leading to unrest, resentment and possibly starvation in the house. Vote me!
12:57 / 29.07.03
surely cherry should be our "Big brother/sister" figure in this thread. Being the disembodied voice(words) that instruct the inmates(contestants) what they have to do. Someone for them to talk(write) to when they need to.

Plus I hear she does a great geordie accent too.
13:46 / 29.07.03
I'll do the diary room voice.

If I did the diary room voice I could insult you.

That'd be nice.
Saint Keggers
15:01 / 29.07.03
'East Angular', forget isnt quite sure..I have no clue as to wtf you mean. I should be on big brother.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
15:07 / 29.07.03
Hi Big Brother I've never watched an episode so don't know the rules, but will promise to either throw Jack Dee 'I'm leaving, no I'm not, I'm leaving, I think I'm a tree' type strops and go on a murderous rampage. I will also vow to fuck shit up! and sleep with the chickens.
Alphonse commands you!
15:12 / 29.07.03
Mr. Livedog will fuck MORE shit up than YOU, and he will do it in full view of the cameras, naked. Woof!
15:14 / 29.07.03
and sleep with the chickens

Keep yer dirty stinkin' paws offa my chikins...
Cherry Bomb
08:04 / 30.07.03
OK, so we need a few more players I think, and thank you for nominating me by the way ms de longadiere (hope I spelled that right!), and pin can be the voice - that means pin can call us to the diary room at will to speak to him/her/it.

Also maybe someone would like to volunteer to be the tasks coordinator? You will be the person who gives us tasks to do such as dressing as superheros or whateva.

Just trying to help.
Whisky Priestess
10:23 / 30.07.03
Can I be task monitor please Miss?
We're The Great Old Ones Now
10:28 / 30.07.03
As long as you remember that making them read passages from Pinter while standing naked in a bath of baby oil is not a suitable task.

At least, not more than once.
Cherry Bomb
10:55 / 30.07.03
Definitely you can Whiskey! That means you have to help create the tasks, and I all ready know you can think of some good ones.

Just thought I'd add the fact that a brilliant friend recently said that BB is sort of like a modern death cult, and I'd like you all to keep that in mind as we continue. Though, obviously, no real deaths please. I'm a playa, not a hata...
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