Because the show just ending was not only mind-crushingly boring but also awarded the prize to piss-dull bible-toting homophobic 40-year-old virgin (I know I'm exagerating but he looks 40, OK?), and inspired by a beer-fuelled Sunday conversation, I thought maybe we could try for a virtual BarbeBigBrother.
SO, we need a diary room voice and of course contestants who will be virtually voted off, and who also have to tell us what they've brought along in their suitcases, and possibly someone who isn't quite sure where East Angular is.
To start things off I thought I would vote Xoc in, because we know he was addicted to the show and it might make good virtual TV to have shots of him pining away for his elephant god whilst flirting with another "Scot." Once we have everyone nominated then we need tasks and such.
I'm not sure if this will work, but let's see... |