Well, like the man said, they've been upfront about the release schedule. Can't really complain about that. Personally, I'm very happy with my extended version of FOTR. And I'll be just as happy with my extended version of TTT, and probably with ROTK. I even considered not seeing ROTK in the pictures, because it's relatively evident that the definitive version will be released on DVD next year (only for about five minutes, though).
Strikes me Peter Jackson's too down to earth to want to spend any longer on this trilogy than he has to. I think once the extended cut of ROTK is released in November 2004, that'll probably be it for him... and since it's his baby, and no one else probably knows a tenth of what he does about it, and since the FX company is his own and the writers are all his mates and his partner, and everyone's a Jacksonite, the suits would have to get a whole bunch of entirely new people to shoot anything new he didn't feel needed being shot.
As for the theatrical cut - it's clearly subordinate to the extended cut that's on the second DVD release. So this is being made for posterity, as well as to make a box office killing - they're planning on providing something to the fan base (who comprise the producers, director, actors, FX guys, crew and designers of the films as well as the geek in the street) that will justify the hype. Which they appear to have done, by and large. If TTT extended edition fixes the flaws in the theatrical version which made me frown - if it turns my frown upside down - then I'll be a happy camper. |