Apologies if there has been a thread about this film already, but I couldn't find it.
Anyhow, I watched this film last night and I didn't know much about it from the outset, except that it was a horror. But I was a expecting a run of the mill instantly forgettable horror. Instead, I got a very intense, constantly discomforting experience that reminded me that I'm not as hard as all that (in the last scene, which is drawn out almost excessively, I found it very hard to actually look at the screen.)
You might say that the film is a bit derivative. Its a bit Carrie, the lead actress apparently played Carrie in the remake, and the premise is one that crosses Frankenstein with a slasher flick. But it is in the way you are led to sympathise with this desperately awkward woman. I found watching her clumsy physicality and total absence of social skills painful and, despite myself, invested a lot in wishing things were better for her.
So when she does actually become more confident, all it does is accentuates the horror, because her confidence is a consequence of her falling off the deep end and her realisation that she needs to accumulate the appropriate "bits" to make her perfect friend. Having empathised with her so strongly, it is a jolt when she starts carving up bodies. Especially since we almost understand her reasons.
Lots more to say about the film, like the way it contrasts the sharply proscribed "weirdness" of May's love interests with her own genuine oddness. The love scene with Adam after the "sweet" movie and his rejection of her epitomises this. As he departs syaing, "Not that weird...", it is an admission that his eccentricities lie pretty firmly within a rather predicatable comfort zone. |