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Didn't you used to be what's-his-face?

Less searchable M0rd4nt
22:12 / 25.07.03
Look, I'm an old lady and you're not playing fair. I was getting a bit whatthefucky even before you all turned into Flux. Now I'm even less sure what's going on. Whatever it is, I'm convinced that I disapprove of it. I demand to know any and all of your previous fictionsuits, up to and including what you were called at playgroup.

Or I'll set the cats on you, so I will. And they've just had their generic canned tuna elevenses, so they're good and stinky.
22:20 / 25.07.03
mord@nt, who still has the kewlest name on the board, i haven't changed my name, but will you sic the cats on me anyhow?
Tryphena Absent
22:30 / 25.07.03
I used to be Janina but that was a while ago now. Actually quite a few people still call me Janina or even Anna face to face and I quite enjoy having lots of different names. A couple of days past I added a Flux = but missed just being me. I think I'm quite attached to Anna de Logardiere.
22:47 / 25.07.03
I used to be "Lionheart" on the Nexus. I'm sorry if my current Barbename caused any confusion.
Mourne Kransky
22:48 / 25.07.03
Yes Ma'am. I didn't change my name but will you punish me anyway? I give really good grovel.

Good point about the board going all f2b. Damned annoying but also, occasionally, quite refreshing to realise how much reading the handle before you read the post tends to influence your attitude to the content. But we've been there and done that now.

I like Dr Jade Sharko. Still Jade but sharkily so. An excellent paradigm. No meltingness of the head there.
23:00 / 25.07.03
You do, of course, realise that this is a potential confusion multiplier since those with changed names can now claim to be entirely different people to who they actually are, cause even more puzzlement and generally FUCK SHIT UP?

I used to be Ganesh, incidentally.
23:26 / 25.07.03
Me too.
00:36 / 26.07.03
Thank god you're still you, Ganesh!
Old brown-eye is back
00:37 / 26.07.03
I have had many names. Many, many names. Ruth Underwood, Ruth Gordon, The Orgone Grinder, The Elephant of Surprise, and most recently the somewhat ill thought out Kiss Me Hecate.

I like to think that because they all share some kind of internal pun crazy/Ruth-loving logic it's obvious to people that it's me. I am - as I've secretly known for a long time - kidding myself. Hey ho.

Melty, melty, melty.
Tryphena Absent
01:00 / 26.07.03
I didn't realise you were The Orgone Grinder- that name always kind of disturbed me.
01:22 / 26.07.03
I'm always me, Alas. I'm boringly constant where fictionsuits are concerned; it's the only way to invest them with long-term potency...
—| x |—
05:28 / 26.07.03
Oh, I don't know, G. I mean, the modseries metamorphed into one and other, and then el Zilcho & ... >0< ... came outta' that. So it seems to me that a set of names can have a common trace which is also an investment towards "long term potency."

Currently I've decided, to get at one of the ideas implicit within "... >0< ...," to play a variation of the "flux = ..." game by taking snips of people's posts and adding them to the RHS of =, then moving the former quote to the LHS--every time I visit. MWAHAHAHAHA!
05:48 / 26.07.03
I used to be Mr. Whisper. In the yonder days of yore.
08:43 / 26.07.03
I've always been stoat-related.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
17:11 / 26.07.03
I am legion.

Sorry, Flux, but I had to include a scintilla of my old pseudo-nom-de-plume in your new name for me. I don't feel whole without it.
18:36 / 26.07.03
Why be anyone else when you already are everyone anyway?
Our Lady of The Two Towers
18:49 / 26.07.03
As I haven't changed my name I'm just popping into do the obligatory 'No, I used to be Spartacus!'/'I was brian and so was my wife!' gag so no-one else can.
19:27 / 26.07.03
And really no reason for me to pop in here, except that the notion of staying this close to my beautiful, bisexual Librarian gives me a happy.

Ooooh. Am I hard now.
Rev. Orr
20:41 / 26.07.03
Can't you tell?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
21:43 / 26.07.03
Hmmph. That's better. No tunastinky cats for you lot then (except Xoc and alas).
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
23:23 / 26.07.03
My previous moniker was Panarchy, the Elvis syndrome and the bob Hope revival(soon to be), has prompted me to change this name. The machine age is upon us, get with the virus.
16:45 / 28.07.03
I'm me! I was a fallen angel before the board decided that it wasn't going to play fair, and so I stopped falling and blossomed into angelic being!

Erm, I'll go get the mop and bucket shall I!

I'll even feed that cats if you like Mordant!
21:15 / 28.07.03
I *was* Mordant Carnival, but someone snagged the name...
Axel Lambert
21:21 / 28.07.03
I was Watsonwear (don't ask), then Harry Christmas, then, briefly, What is this world of liars, until I decided for a Crisis on infinite websites solution: just pick one name and use it everywhere. Anders is my first name, by the way, nice to meet you.
the Fool
21:53 / 28.07.03
Me no change name, not for long time anyway. No melty melty, it messy and put goo in the panty. Me like clean panty.
22:03 / 28.07.03
I'm Mazarine the Plush.
I used to be Mazarine.
I'm still Mazarine, but now, I'm all... fuzzy like.
The Puck
22:48 / 28.07.03
I used to be Puck but now i could care less
23:13 / 28.07.03
I was gingerbop.
Then I was gingerbop bop bop.
Now I am gingerbop.
Soon I may return to my increased boppage, due to my increase in current real life boppage.
Spatula Clarke
00:02 / 29.07.03
That's all well and good, but who the fuck am I?
08:26 / 29.07.03
You're obviously Repure Dandy with a cunningly anagrammatised name ;-)
Don't set the cats on me, no melty causing brain name changing went on I swear.
Cherry Bomb
09:18 / 29.07.03
I was the walrus, but now I'm John.
22:25 / 29.07.03
I used to be Nailbunny, then before that Jack the Bodiless. The suit now named Jack the Bodiless used to be Legs Akimbo, who has a secret pubic beard. The beard is sometimes called Rufus Sewell. Mordant Carnival is a suit belonging to Afro Ken. I am the utterance of my name.
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