Gin: I guess you need two things: a press identity and some way of figuring out what events are available.
The press identity is pretty much what pants describes above. A few business cards, a simple yellow card saying "press" with your identity on (your "name" and the "media you work for"). I usually use this really old Indymedia press card, if anything. And a fax for sending press accreditation applications.
Where to go? I guess if you just want free food, the annual meetings of large but inoffensive corporations (chocholate producers, preferrably) should be quite easy to find out about on their web-site, usually with press contact details included. Specific product launches could be harder to find out about without access to some newswire... Big festivals or other music events. Your favourite band's concerts. Free entry to art shows, maybe? Theatre? All yours, for free, choose decadence! |