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Unveiling the Secret of G-d

The Fetch
17:54 / 24.07.03
About a year ago, I was involved in a heated arguement with a rather single minded Noahidist Kabballist, a more "orthodox" form of Rabbinical Kabballah. I presented my information and the Rabbi presented his. I challenged the Rabbi's conclusions, and indeed, the Rabbi challenged mine.

Then, in a fit of apparent exasperation, the Rabbi posted a thread entitled, "What's Wrong with Fetch's "Philosophy". That a Rabbi, trained in the school of Judaism's most esteemed Kabballistic "teacher", Rabbi Ginsburg, would be reduced to argueing "what's wrong" with the Isisian System of English Qaballa showed the clear strength of English Qaballa (Magic) to defuse Rabbinical Kabballah (magic).

Said the Rabbi,

"I am not even going to go into the fact that Fetch only know one code - the Ordinal Code, ie, the alphabet arranged forward and counted 1,2,3,4, etc.

There are other codes.

And I am not even going to discuss that his applications are in MODERN ENGLISH, a Johnny-come-lately language that is a combination of old French and old German and certainly did not exist at all in Isisian times."

So I posed a question to the Rabbi.

That the Rabbi grossly failed to grasp the dynamics of English Qaballa was quite evident in his belief that the system rested on a pure Ordinal Code, which is about as far from the truth as is possible, but there was another reason to question the Rabbi, and that was to defuse another Rabbinical magic spell, that of G-d.

"If the English language is such new language, a "Johnny-come-lately" as you wish to have us all believe, then explain to me why such a "Johnny-come-lately" languge has created a word such as God that is so powerful that the purportedly more exalted Hebrew set feels compelled to altar to the formula God to that of G-d? What is it about God that so intimidates the Hebrew mind that it must altar the formula from God to G-d? Being "Johnny-come-lately", why would the word even have relevence within Jewish gematria and religious studies to the point of necessitating a modification?"

You see, if a word were so "Johnny-come-lately", how could it, from a rational point of view, have any relevance to the purportedly more ancient and "perfected" Hebrew Letter Set? Why would the Jewish priestcraft stretching back thousands of years find a need to altar a 9th century CE word and formula? The idea that "any self respecting Jew would not say the word of God" is irrelevant if the word is "Johnny-come-lately", for how can a "Johnny-come-lately" compare to a purported system that is 5000 years old and handed from (ahem) G-d to Noah, as Noahidist's believe?

Why dont Noahidists use their own word. Certainly English is inclusive enough to incorporate any word deemed relevent to expand the English language set. Honcho has found its way from the Japanese, so why couldnt the Hebrew "word" be incorporated equally?

Unless, of course, there NEVER REALLY WAS a Hebrew Word manufactured for the Hebrew Letter Set, and instead, a series of Letters was used (YHVH) as the original transposition code? Are Noahidist Kabballists going to argue that GOD did not originally exist and that the word is really a 9th Century Johnny-come-lately word? If so, what was the word before? Gott?

In the Isisian Codes, is there really a difference between GOTT and GOD? None whatsoever.

So why, then, G-d?


To understand the Esoterics of G-d, and the idea that somehow "no self respecting Jew would ever use the name", especially owing to the purported "Johnny-come-lately" aspect of the word, holds zero rational sense and hence is dismissed entirely. The Word GOD is English, comprised of Isisian (English) Letters, and hence it's esoteric significance is incumbent upon a proper Isisian (English) interpretation wholly seperate from any preconcieved Hebraic attempts to define the Letter Set.

In other words, defining God as G-d as, "No self respecting Jew would say the word and hence the O is dropped is", needless to say, is not going to "cut the mustard" from a pure English Qaballa analysis.

As we shall see, the transposition of God to G-d is indeed set upon a rational set of logic founded upon a precise understanding of the Craft of Letters relative to the Isisian Occult System.


Unveiling the Secret of G-d
The Fetch

God is perhaps the most least understood of the Isisian Pagan formulas, and this misunderstanding has had disastrous effects upon the human race. Indeed, the elevation of God to a position of "exalted pre-eminence", without a rational framework as to why this could or should be so, is perhaps the one great failure of the Isisian Craft relative to the race at large, for the formulas should have been preserved in such a way as to protect the power contained in the word from the mass of they who seek after superstitions.

How much damage to knowledge has been fostered in the "name of God"?

Consequently, it is necessary to begin the long and arduous task of returning the proper framework and context of the word GOD as originally designed to a concious understanding so that the more prevalent superstitious use of the word can be balanced and or neutralised.

In order to grasp the underlying esoterics of God as an esoteric creation, it is incumbent upon the seeker to have an initial grasp of Isisian Coding relative to the Universe at large. Consequently, we must digress before we can progress.

As we have discussed, the Isisian System is a study of "The Word", which we define as Pi, and the Binary nature of that which is, which is defined as the 1 and the 0. In the Isisian System, orbital timing patterns provide us with the Name of the Heavenly Body.

When we look into the Heavens and see the ZODIAC as the pre-eminent "wheel" in the sky, we note that the word ZODIAC is an anagram for the word CADOIZ, or the Number 3.1415926, which is Pi.

When we look at the Great Year, or the Platonic Cycle, we note that this is given as a period of 25,920 years, and when this is divided by 12 signes of the Zodiac, that this period is a period of 2,160 years, which we denote as a factor of 6*6*6*10, or the more esoteric code of 666.

When we note that the Sun appears to traverse through the Zodiac (PI) as a process of Precession, we note that the apparent "diameter" in time of this traversal is a period of 6 signs of the Zodiac, or a period 2160*6, or 12,960 Year, wherein we classify the word 12,960 as LIFE, wherein L is 12, I is 9, F is 6, and E the sum to the O letter, or 0.

Hence the word LIFE is really a code for the 1 of the Binary Set 1 and 0, for if LIFE is the diameter in time of the Sun's precession through the Equinox, it is classified as the 1 (one), meaning that the Circumference, which has an Isisian Code of ZODIAC equally, is an anagram for CADOIZ, or the Ordinal Code placement of 3.1415926, or the Word, which is Pi.

LIFE is the ONE is the Diameter.
ZODIAC is the ZERO is the Circumference.

more to come
18:22 / 24.07.03
Being "Johnny-come-lately", why would the word even have relevence within Jewish gematria and religious studies to the point of necessitating a modification?

I don't think it matters what language the word is in. The Name of God is the Name of God, regardless of the translation. Any devout Hebrew would therefore not utter the Name in any language.

That a Rabbi, trained in the school of Judaism's most esteemed Kabballistic "teacher", Rabbi Ginsburg, would be reduced to argueing "what's wrong" with the Isisian System of English Qaballa showed the clear strength of English Qaballa (Magic) to defuse Rabbinical Kabballah (magic).

There is a very strong tradition of debate in rabbinical systems. I consider it outlandish and very telling of your dogma that you would suggest that the "clear strength of the English Qabbalah" could "defuse Rabbinical Kabballah". They are both functional systems within themselves.

You're free to explore the English Qaballa, but don't go saying it's so much better than any other system. This is how wars get started. It works for you but not necessarily for everybody else.
The Fetch
19:55 / 24.07.03

With all due respect. Our experiences with Rabbinical intervention into the realm of Isisian (English) Qaballa is not one of Debate, but rather that of the process where the Rabbi's tend to DICTATE, which is the flavor of what the initial set-up was about.

So whether or not Rabbis want to debate amidst themselves is irrelevant to those of us from the Isisian realms and schools of esoteric thought: what is relevant is controlling the esoterics of OUR LANGUAGE and OUR LETTERS free from influences that do not understand them.

My statement stands as a matter of principle: IF G and O and D are ENGLISH LETTERS, what is the rational basis as to why the Rabbis would have effected a code of G-d seeing that G and d itself are equally ENGLISH LETTERS wholly independent of Rabbinical thought.

If we accept your definition, we would be forced to accept that the Jewish god is pre-eminent. By definition, you would have to realise that such is not possible: if we term the system The Isisian Codes, then certainly the "god" of pre-eminence would not be the "god" of the Hebrews, but rather the Goddess Isis Herself!

That being the case, we hold no apologies for seeking to free our symbols (Letters) from the very dogma that you are accusing us of harboring. That G-d is God is a channel back the Jewish god is somehow not dogmatic in and of itself just because a foreign element in Pagan realms (rabbis) deemed that such is the meaning?

Did they somehow grasp the esoterics of our Letters?

For the benefit of others, I will continue to present the entire logic of how G-d came to be independent of outside (non-Isisian) influences. But lets leave out the pontification of dogma from the discussion.

The Fetch
The Fetch
22:59 / 24.07.03
As we were discussing, the Isisian System, predicated on Pi as the "omnific word of power", is fused against a simple demonstration that cosmic constants relative to time are crafted to create what is known as "correlational diameters".

This is true of the Word LIFE, or the "Circle of Life", wherein LIFE is a product of the diameter in time of the Sun's apparent precession through the Zodiac. Equally, with the Isisian Codes, we are able to show that the main set of correlational diameters are all encoded and fused to particular words of Occult power.

The MOON, for example, varies in its time sequence from New Moon to Full Moon. This period, from New to Full, would be equated to the MOON's correlational diameter, set in time. The period of this time is 13.65 days typical, but since the average period of the Moon's orbit varies from month to month, we say that the period is "from 13.65 - 13.665 days".

Since the Isisian Codes show that:


That M is both 13 (its ordinal value), while O has a value of 6, while N has a value of 5, we can then show that the word MON(DAY) is referring to a particular diameter (correlational) code set into the very word, for MON is 13.65, while MOON is 13.665, or the sidereal orbit of the Moon as it revolves around the Earth.
Rotation Period:
27.3 days

MON = 13.65 * 2 = 27.3 days to sidereal orbit
MOON = 13.665 * 2 = 27.33 days to sidereal orbit

MOON, then, is the DIAMETER WORD representation to the actual sidereal orbit of the MOON. MOON is the ONE. The Circumference, or PI, is implied.

In the case of the word SUN, since the Isisian Codes shows that


then we can surmise that the U has a value of it summative value, wherein the value of 1 to 6 is 21, or the ordinal placement of the Letter U. U, therefore, is often encoded as a 6 in Isisian Systems, and since it is placed with E at position 5, this gives further impetus to the 5=6 algorithm of encoding numbers into words.

SUN, therefore, would have a value of 365, or the apparent circumference of the Earth as it appears to revolve around the SUN. The idea that SUN has a value of 365 is supported equally by the Latin term of "vaya con DIOS", wherein the value of DIOS, set to summative values, is:

D = 4 = 10
I = 9 = 45
O = 15 = 120
S = 19 = 190

DIOS = 10+45+120+190 = 365

In this way, we can show the proper transposition code from SUN to DIOS in two languages having an exact same value, with each returning to the primary center, or the SUN.

Other words clearly alluded to in obscure Illuminati sermons is that of VENUS. The synodic orbit of VENUS is 225 days, and since V is 22, and E is 5, while NUS is SUN in reverse, we can determine that the most probable "esoteric code" of the word VENUS is simply encoding the planets synodic orbit around the SUN, a period of VE(225) days.

What is clear within the Isisian knowledge base is that the ancients had an intricate method of converting number to sound to letter to effect the various esoteric codes of the words of choice to denote various sacred nomenclatures, but none has received more superstitious representation than the word GOD, and its parallel represenation, G-d.

GOD, at a product of its most basic numerical components, has an ordinal value of


GOD = 7+15+4 = 26

Since the Isisian System has set forth a clear pattern of setting astronomic constants to words with numbers "hidden" underneath, chiefly among them:

MOON = 13.665 = MON(DAY) = 13.65 = Correlation Diameter of Moons Orbit
LIFE = 12,960 = Correlational Diameter of Sun's Equinoxal Precession
SUN = 365 Orbital Time of Earth around SUN
VENUS = 225 days synodic orbit around the SUN (itself a code of 365)

...we can surmise that the most rational representation of the word GOD as a product of 26 is that the 26 is the correlation 1 as a diametric representation relative to Solstice/Equinox marking points. This is further supported by the use of the word GODDESS, wherein the esoteric code of the ending DESS shows that the Square of 19 (S) is 361, whereby E (5)+ 361 (S*S) = 366, while D(4)+ 361(S*S)=365. In each case, GOD(DESS) will show inherent values of the CIRCLE, or the Circumference, whereby GOD is 26, or the correlational 1, DESS shows values of 365 or 366, which would be defined as the 0.

In each of these cases, we have shown that the system quite easily encodes PI and Binary (1/0) equivalencies in the very words being invoked, and in the case of GOD, we are clearly dealing with a 26 week correlational diameter set into the sacred nomenclature coding of the Isisian Gematria set.

more to come
The Fetch
00:32 / 01.08.03
Having established the Binary Nature of the Isisian Code Sets, we can then turn our attention to the more hidden aspects of the word GOD set into Isisian paradigms.

What we have noted is that GOD is a "code" for the period of the Solstices/Equinoxes, but seeing that it begins with the Letter G, we can then surmise that there is further esoteric coding in that G is the 7th Letter of the Standard Lay of the Isisian Letter Set.


Since we know that the Letter T is the symbol of the Ankh as the Sun comes to rest at the Winter and Summer Solstices, and that the word SOL'S T (in the formation of Solstice)is a not so hidden cryptogram of this concept, we then can place the T as being in the center of C to form the Letter G, for the Letter G will be placed 13 weeks/letters from T


Thus the period of G-T is a period of 13 weeks and the Letters T and G are encoding this time period set into the design of the Letters themselves. Since it is known through Manley P. Halls work of "The Secret Teachings of All Ages", he states that "The solstices and the eqyuinox's were traditionally celebrated on the 22 day of their respective months."

Since we know that G is 7 and that T is the 7th Letter of the second half of the alphabet, we arrive at the following representation:


In each case, the Letters G and T form the fraction 22/7 = 3.1428571 = a "traditional rough estimate of Pi". We have now fused the word GOD to "the Word" itself, the word being that of which is known as Pi.

Equally, since the Letters G and T come to rest on the "7th Letter", we also now have the Hebraic Codes of "and God (G-T) rested on the Seventh Day", for indeed, the Day of the Solstices (T) and the Equinox (G) is designed to rest on the 7th Letter so that the "omnific word of Pi" can then equally become the "omnific word of G-T".

We then take this analysis and fuse it to the Isisian Codes.


Since T and D are the same, we could make the simple transposition that G-T = G-d. However, if you do so, you would have made an error in the energetical (concious understanding) aspect of how the cipher of G-d was formed, and in order to understand how G-d was formed, you need to have a basic understanding of Rabbinical Kabballah.

If we draw an Egg, and at the narrow diameter of the egg we place at the top a G as a symbol of the Equinox, and then we begin to write the weeks of the year against the base of the Egg so that the Letter T is at the farthest diameter of the Egg, and continue to write so that the Letter G is now on the opposite side of the Egg, then the Letter G would effectively be upside down relative to the Original Letter G.

We regard the Original Letter G as the Spring Equinox, and then by simple logic and reasoning, the upsidedown Letter G would be the Fall Equinox. We then write and close the circle to the Original G.

We then fuse the idea of the Spring Equinox to that of the Mystery of the Egg, which is encoded as "Easter Egg Hunts" (removed by a degree of lunar timing to take into effect the harmony of the two celestial bodies). The Easter Egg Hunt is directly tied to the G, or the day that the sun crosses the Equator, (passes the T within the G), but it will occur on some other "date" or "letter".

From here we begin to "sew together" the two systems of Isisian and "rabbinical" Qaballa's, for we note that since Jehovah is Set, and "set is opposed to Isis", and Isis is the equated to Fertility through Easter, then the upside down letter G is opposed to Isis. We then turn to the Rabbinical Codes, and we note that since the whole of system is predicated on Pi, we run through the Letters and see that there is a letter called Pei (Pe I), or Pi.

Then we notice that the DESIGN of PEI is shaped nearly IDENTICAL to the upside down Letter G!!!

A new pattern!

If G is the Equinox, and we spin the Letter G in its center 180 degrees, it forms the Letter Pei. Thus while God is a word that had a value of 7+15+4, but uses both Equinox (G) and Solstice (d) letter channels, the concept of G-pei uses Equinox (G) to Equinox (Pei) channel methods.

This G-pei is really a period of 26 weeks set against the Equinoxes. From there, we need to analyse the "esoteric meaning of the Letter Pei" to ensure that there is a harmonic balance, and we find that the "esoteric meaning of the Letter Pei" is as follows:


A mouth containing a tooth.
The white space within the pei forms a hidden beit.

This makes sense, for if it is a "single tooth" and the Equinox is set against the worship of the Egg, then the "single tooth" is really the "birthing tooth" that egg born animals require to assist in emerging from the Egg.


The power of speech.
The 32 teeth in the mouth correspond to the 32 pathways of wisdom.


That Pei is Pi and is equated to the "power of Speech" is clear "proof" that the "theory" of speech being tied to "Pi" is more than just a "theory", for not only have we shown that G is set against a fraction of 22/7 = 3.1428571 = Pi (traditional rough estimate), but when we set the Letters into their correlational "circle" set against the "year", we note that G will be a "pei", or Pi, when reversed, and this Letter is found in the Hebrew System (the Jews have the half afterall), and that Pei is equated to Speech further supports our case that Pi is the fundemental harmonic that Speech is being tied to.

So we then make one final series of transpositions.

If Pei is P is p, and the reverse of G is pei, and Pei is caste as the "Fall Equinox", then the letter p is a manifestation set against the Hebrew. Therefore, we must energetically convert the Pei to its "Isisian equivalent", which means that just as G is spun 180 degrees on its axis to creat Pei (p), we must spin this (p), which is a manifestation of the Hebrew 180 degrees on its axis (center), and thus p becomes d.

This provides us with the full rational channel to create the Hidden Esoteric Meaning of...

G - pei = G - p = G - d


The Fetch
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