About a year ago, I was involved in a heated arguement with a rather single minded Noahidist Kabballist, a more "orthodox" form of Rabbinical Kabballah. I presented my information and the Rabbi presented his. I challenged the Rabbi's conclusions, and indeed, the Rabbi challenged mine.
Then, in a fit of apparent exasperation, the Rabbi posted a thread entitled, "What's Wrong with Fetch's "Philosophy". That a Rabbi, trained in the school of Judaism's most esteemed Kabballistic "teacher", Rabbi Ginsburg, would be reduced to argueing "what's wrong" with the Isisian System of English Qaballa showed the clear strength of English Qaballa (Magic) to defuse Rabbinical Kabballah (magic).
Said the Rabbi,
"I am not even going to go into the fact that Fetch only know one code - the Ordinal Code, ie, the alphabet arranged forward and counted 1,2,3,4, etc.
There are other codes.
And I am not even going to discuss that his applications are in MODERN ENGLISH, a Johnny-come-lately language that is a combination of old French and old German and certainly did not exist at all in Isisian times."
So I posed a question to the Rabbi.
That the Rabbi grossly failed to grasp the dynamics of English Qaballa was quite evident in his belief that the system rested on a pure Ordinal Code, which is about as far from the truth as is possible, but there was another reason to question the Rabbi, and that was to defuse another Rabbinical magic spell, that of G-d.
"If the English language is such new language, a "Johnny-come-lately" as you wish to have us all believe, then explain to me why such a "Johnny-come-lately" languge has created a word such as God that is so powerful that the purportedly more exalted Hebrew set feels compelled to altar to the formula God to that of G-d? What is it about God that so intimidates the Hebrew mind that it must altar the formula from God to G-d? Being "Johnny-come-lately", why would the word even have relevence within Jewish gematria and religious studies to the point of necessitating a modification?"
You see, if a word were so "Johnny-come-lately", how could it, from a rational point of view, have any relevance to the purportedly more ancient and "perfected" Hebrew Letter Set? Why would the Jewish priestcraft stretching back thousands of years find a need to altar a 9th century CE word and formula? The idea that "any self respecting Jew would not say the word of God" is irrelevant if the word is "Johnny-come-lately", for how can a "Johnny-come-lately" compare to a purported system that is 5000 years old and handed from (ahem) G-d to Noah, as Noahidist's believe?
Why dont Noahidists use their own word. Certainly English is inclusive enough to incorporate any word deemed relevent to expand the English language set. Honcho has found its way from the Japanese, so why couldnt the Hebrew "word" be incorporated equally?
Unless, of course, there NEVER REALLY WAS a Hebrew Word manufactured for the Hebrew Letter Set, and instead, a series of Letters was used (YHVH) as the original transposition code? Are Noahidist Kabballists going to argue that GOD did not originally exist and that the word is really a 9th Century Johnny-come-lately word? If so, what was the word before? Gott?
In the Isisian Codes, is there really a difference between GOTT and GOD? None whatsoever.
So why, then, G-d?
To understand the Esoterics of G-d, and the idea that somehow "no self respecting Jew would ever use the name", especially owing to the purported "Johnny-come-lately" aspect of the word, holds zero rational sense and hence is dismissed entirely. The Word GOD is English, comprised of Isisian (English) Letters, and hence it's esoteric significance is incumbent upon a proper Isisian (English) interpretation wholly seperate from any preconcieved Hebraic attempts to define the Letter Set.
In other words, defining God as G-d as, "No self respecting Jew would say the word and hence the O is dropped is", needless to say, is not going to "cut the mustard" from a pure English Qaballa analysis.
As we shall see, the transposition of God to G-d is indeed set upon a rational set of logic founded upon a precise understanding of the Craft of Letters relative to the Isisian Occult System.
Unveiling the Secret of G-d
The Fetch
God is perhaps the most least understood of the Isisian Pagan formulas, and this misunderstanding has had disastrous effects upon the human race. Indeed, the elevation of God to a position of "exalted pre-eminence", without a rational framework as to why this could or should be so, is perhaps the one great failure of the Isisian Craft relative to the race at large, for the formulas should have been preserved in such a way as to protect the power contained in the word from the mass of they who seek after superstitions.
How much damage to knowledge has been fostered in the "name of God"?
Consequently, it is necessary to begin the long and arduous task of returning the proper framework and context of the word GOD as originally designed to a concious understanding so that the more prevalent superstitious use of the word can be balanced and or neutralised.
In order to grasp the underlying esoterics of God as an esoteric creation, it is incumbent upon the seeker to have an initial grasp of Isisian Coding relative to the Universe at large. Consequently, we must digress before we can progress.
As we have discussed, the Isisian System is a study of "The Word", which we define as Pi, and the Binary nature of that which is, which is defined as the 1 and the 0. In the Isisian System, orbital timing patterns provide us with the Name of the Heavenly Body.
When we look into the Heavens and see the ZODIAC as the pre-eminent "wheel" in the sky, we note that the word ZODIAC is an anagram for the word CADOIZ, or the Number 3.1415926, which is Pi.
When we look at the Great Year, or the Platonic Cycle, we note that this is given as a period of 25,920 years, and when this is divided by 12 signes of the Zodiac, that this period is a period of 2,160 years, which we denote as a factor of 6*6*6*10, or the more esoteric code of 666.
When we note that the Sun appears to traverse through the Zodiac (PI) as a process of Precession, we note that the apparent "diameter" in time of this traversal is a period of 6 signs of the Zodiac, or a period 2160*6, or 12,960 Year, wherein we classify the word 12,960 as LIFE, wherein L is 12, I is 9, F is 6, and E the sum to the O letter, or 0.
Hence the word LIFE is really a code for the 1 of the Binary Set 1 and 0, for if LIFE is the diameter in time of the Sun's precession through the Equinox, it is classified as the 1 (one), meaning that the Circumference, which has an Isisian Code of ZODIAC equally, is an anagram for CADOIZ, or the Ordinal Code placement of 3.1415926, or the Word, which is Pi.
LIFE is the ONE is the Diameter.
ZODIAC is the ZERO is the Circumference.
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