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18:06 / 23.07.03
Sweet J-sUs in a SPunk pOol, How do I geT RiddOvitt?? I ONce was C-RED 'cos Som-One Sta-TLed ME, buT hOW c-ld anyONE dO tHat on an OnliNE Bo-rd?? Any s-SUgg-stIOns? It's DRiv-ng Me nutS!!
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
18:19 / 23.07.03

Any better?
18:28 / 23.07.03
Locate the tender spot in the hollow behind your earlobes, use both hands to press it until it hurts a little, and hold your breath. Count to about thirty. Repeat as necessary.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
18:31 / 23.07.03
Here's on I've just googled out of the ether :

Slide a well-greased length of thin, flexible rubber tubing through one nostril to the point where it just barely touches the back of the throat (be careful not to hurt the sensitive lining of the nose). (This is known as "nasopharyngeal airway insertion," and is believed to work by stimulating the vagus nerve.)

Go on. Do it.
18:49 / 23.07.03
Stop tempTING me. You kNOw I'm very susCETible.
19:00 / 23.07.03
Or drink a big full glass of water without pausing for breath.
Spatula Clarke
19:59 / 23.07.03
Probably not waht you want to hear, but I've never found anything that works consistently.

Of course, the worst thing about hiccups is the knowledge that you'll get a repeat performance five or six hours after you first get rid of them.

ibis the being
20:02 / 23.07.03
this actually works for me:

get a glass of water and sit down. now, lean forward until your head is upside down. drink the water, bearing in mind that your actual top lip now functions as the lower, ie, rest the glass there and tilt. take a good pull.

it works.
20:03 / 23.07.03
Why, YOu AMOrPhous pILe of naVEL DiRT...
20:05 / 23.07.03
Tks ibis. I managed to survive, despite Dupre's feeble attempts to break my spirit. But will try that any other time...
Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:12 / 23.07.03
You nedd to raise the carbon dioxide level in your bloodstream so that your diaphragm stops twitching.

Next time you get an unshakeble case of hiccups, breath into a plastic bag. The air in the bag will become more and more loaded with carbon dioxide, and eventually you'll find your hiccups subside. Try and hold your breath as much as possible to hurry things along.

I get really bad attacks of hiccups sometimes. If I don't cure them, I puke.
20:29 / 23.07.03
Another vagus nerve thing I've tried that seems to work is to take a cold spoon and use it, gently, to lift your uvula.
20:29 / 23.07.03
I just take as deep a breath as I possibly can and hold it, trying to 'push' the air down on my diaphragm. It takes a couple tries, usually, but it's generally effective.
William Sack
20:52 / 23.07.03
Jade, imagine Grant's suggestion being spoken by Anthony Hopkins. That should take care of the hiccups.
23:23 / 23.07.03
Strangely, a teaspoon full of sugar stops me hiccuping, and I've tested it fairly frequently (quite a bizarre texture though). I'm hoping you're ok + don't need new hiccup remedies now!
Spatula Clarke
00:27 / 24.07.03
I've tried the drinking a glass of water upside-down trick before without success. But then, that's mostly due to the fact that about 80% of the water ends up spilling into my nostrils.

One and a half hours and counting, Jade.
03:27 / 24.07.03
The teaspoon of sugar does the trick for me, too. Every time.

Do you know what caused these? I sometimes get hiccups from eating too much of something dry (like bread, or rice with insufficient sauce) and those can be cured by a large glass of water (consumed rightside up!), and for a while I'd get hiccups if I drank something too fast that was too cold (and those would go away on their own as my insides warmed up again).
06:47 / 24.07.03
Has anybody ever known the sudden fright thing to work in curing hiccups?
07:13 / 24.07.03
To be fair, the only way to cure hiccups is to *forget* you've got them. That's why all of these cures work for different people - because certain things get distracted by certain things.

Try this: (in fact try this anyway - it's quite discombobulating).
Sit down, then circle your right foot in a clockwise direction whilst drawing a number 6 in the air with your right hand.
07:38 / 24.07.03
The backwards-out-of-a-glass cure always works for me - I think it's either because it stretches out my diaphragm or because it makes me hold my breath while I do it. I might try the sugar one next time, though - you look pretty strange doing the backwards glass thing in public. Likewise breathing into a bag, a la Mordant - I'd probably get arrested for glue sniffing.
11:21 / 24.07.03
You know what ALWAYS gives me hiccups? Coca-Cola. But these are the quickest, they subside after 4 or five hics.

And nya nyah nyah, Dupre, I'm living proof that the "they aaaalways come back!" theory is BAWS!
(I always thought hiccups were uncurable, though... who'd have thought there were so many cures available?)
13:47 / 25.07.03
From New Scientist:

If the team is right, hiccupping before birth is just an early stage in the development of suckling, a little like learning to crawl before you can walk. Straus thinks the circuitry that controls the movements of the gills and glottis was conserved during evolution because it formed a building block for more complex motor patterns, such as suckling in mammals. "Hiccups may be the price to pay to keep this useful pattern generator," he says.

He points out that the sequence of movements during suckling is very similar to hiccuping, with the glottis closing to prevent milk entering the lungs.

In the following issue a mother pointed out that this had been common knowledge in her family for years: that to cure a baby's hiccups one merely needed to allow them to suckle. She observed that a similar effect could be gained in adults by swallowing small frequent sips of one's liquid of choice.

Sounds a lot more attractive than nasal tubing...
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