I've written a comic script for the afforementioned 'Zebra' anthology, and am waiting for an artist to finish drawing it.
Also, I'm working on a graphic novel called 'Make the Future Now,' which is about two scientists who working together invent a machine that allows the user to go back into their memories and relive past experiences. The story of how they invented it is presented in tandem with the main story set thirty years later, in a world that has been irrevocably altered by the machine. At that point, the two main characters have been completely absorbed by the corporation they have created, and are faced with the fact that their goal of bringing about the future by inventing the technology of the future is slipping away from them.
That's currently being drawn, and I'm putting a final revision on the script. I'm hoping to get this published by someone once the drawing is finished, which should be by summer next year at the latest.
And, I'm working on the script for a no budget short film, which is more for my own entertainment than for distribution. |