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What are you working on?

19:42 / 21.07.03
I'm curious at what other people are working on.

I'll start off.

I'm writing a novel about a police detective from the Missing Persons Unit on Staten Island, New York stumbles upon a cult of inter-dimensional travellers who give lectures/seminars in the Learning Annex and the Theosophical Society. I should be done soon for most of the story is complete and so, once finished, it'll only need an aesthetic reworking and some better dialogue.

So that's what I'm working on. What about everybody else?
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
20:57 / 21.07.03
Well, I just birthed Page 50 into the world which concludes Genre City's most recent scenario. Did I mention that it's PAGE 50? I've been working diligently on getting the first issue out by October, which will collect the prologue of Plan B. I've also starting working on a Genre City based prose short that ties its universe more directly into the universe of my long awaited novel about why people like dumb stuff. It will also appear in the first issue, titled Genre City/Plan B: Last Place My current game plan is thus:

.Genre City: Plan B (Currently Underway and published in a beautiful hardbound edition somewhere around 2005?)

.Prose Novel With A Title Too Delicious To Reveal To The General Public which shall be ready for publication the instant that Plan B is released, linking its strange universe to our own in many fascinating ways.

.Next Genre City "Graphic Album"

.The End Of Everything (Prose Novel)

And so on and so forth until the story's done and I'm around 128 years old.

So I've been busy.
00:21 / 28.07.03
i've been working on a bunch of short stories that are NeoPulp reinterpretations of obscure 1940s australian superheroes as part of a writer in residence gig at the state library of victortia in my home town of melbourne.

i've also been ostensibly working on a NeoPulp novel working title of superspy assassin popstar which is about a former 80s popstar-turned secret agent who wants to get the band back together again.

00:26 / 28.07.03
both of the above (above my last post, that is) sound really interesting, by the way. what are you planning on doing with your manuscript when it's done, lionheart?

m .
wembley can change in 28 days
10:32 / 28.07.03
I'm working on a 20-minute script for an english-language theatre festival here in Helsinki. I'll also perform in it along with a friend. However, writing is basically like pulling teeth at the moment.

I'm also working on juggling 4 balls and get my 3-ball flash in order.
Mister Six, whom all the girls
17:13 / 28.07.03
getting together the sci-fi anthology 'Zebra' which should get published by the winter.

Plotting/outlining a big project for a 32 page first issue. Would appeal to the Lither in all of us.
+#'s, - names
02:09 / 29.07.03
witchbeam just a huge image, has taken over the last couple of days.
Alphonse commands you!
15:43 / 29.07.03
You should turn that into children's wallpaper: you'd make an absolute mint.
16:58 / 29.07.03
Matsya: I'll be running around trying to sell it. But if it doesn't sell (and that's a big possibility considering tha the story itself isn't that interesting but has a few great ideas) then I'll put it up online and then I'll laugh.. Madly.

Oh, and speaking of juggling, I'm trying to learn how to juggle 2 rolled up socks this week. Cause..I've got the socks.
02:40 / 30.07.03
hey nun, that's fookin' great. i like the skeletal elephant.

and leo - why not try to change the ideas you don't like? flip them on their head and see what that does to the story?

01:45 / 02.08.03
I've written a comic script for the afforementioned 'Zebra' anthology, and am waiting for an artist to finish drawing it.

Also, I'm working on a graphic novel called 'Make the Future Now,' which is about two scientists who working together invent a machine that allows the user to go back into their memories and relive past experiences. The story of how they invented it is presented in tandem with the main story set thirty years later, in a world that has been irrevocably altered by the machine. At that point, the two main characters have been completely absorbed by the corporation they have created, and are faced with the fact that their goal of bringing about the future by inventing the technology of the future is slipping away from them.

That's currently being drawn, and I'm putting a final revision on the script. I'm hoping to get this published by someone once the drawing is finished, which should be by summer next year at the latest.

And, I'm working on the script for a no budget short film, which is more for my own entertainment than for distribution.
08:58 / 02.08.03
FINALLY, after a good three years or so of arsing about, the horror comic myself and a friend are working on is actually taking shape. (Partly the delay was laziness- we actually had a deadline at one point, but missed it, and lost touch with the guy who was supposed to be doing distribution for us and stuff through embarrassment, and thought "fuck it" for a while, and partly- well, the last six months or so- the delay's been due to the artist's insistence that the protagonist MUST look like Richard Beckinsale, and his obsessive pursuit of this goal. FYI, the bad guy looks like Leonard Rossiter, but he could draw him already.)
15:17 / 02.08.03
I'm still working on a plot summary for my greaser magic comic. And god is it wearing me out. Some days it just read like it's gonna be a real stinker. Had thoughts lately of just rolling up my sleeves and getting into the nitty gritty of the script itself, plot summary be damned. But as Dr. Gonzo says "I think I'm getting the fear". So I'm sticking with baby steps.
foot long subbacultcha
09:48 / 06.08.03
In my last year of college I wrote the script to half a graphic novel and got a friend to design it and draw and paint the first 10 pages or so. Trouble was, he kept redrawing those ten pages again and again and again. Then he decided to get a job and study digital art The other trouble was, my script had hit 200 pages and was just getting to the half way point.

The other other trouble was that the story was incredibly self indulgent and angst filled. But hey, I love it, it's my half developed foetus and people I show the synopsis to seem to like it.

Now the story lies half finished forever. Unless I find another artist?

I guess the moral of the story is to start small. I'm working on a thirty page children's tale right now. Reckon I'll give free copies to the local comic shop.
14:33 / 06.08.03
Matsya: I like the ideas within the story. I just think that some readers will be discouraged by the lack of action in the novel. By that I mean that things do happen in the story but there isn't anything really big that happens. nobody gets killed, there are no gunfights or whatever. And there's not much suspense nor air of mystery for while the story is based around a dissapearance it leads outwards towards other questions. Questions which aren't exactly easily formulated. The questions aren't stable. The reader knows that something is going on because of what the protagonist keeps uncovering but is never given enough information to formulate a question other than "What's going on? What will be the revelance of the things revealed in this part of the story?"

So that's why I think that it might not sell. Due to the fact that it might not be popular with readers due to the style. But I'm not gonna say anything till I finish writing it.
16:55 / 06.08.03
as ever working on this little beauty which I tell people about on here whenever I can.

Chapter 12 went up last month and the next chapter is mulling in my mind and will go down on paper when it has stopped and told me it's ready.

More a hobby write really, but I will finish it. Know extacly where it's headed and what lenght the novel will be. That is I know how many chapters there are, how long each chapter will be is still a mystery to me.
04:23 / 07.08.03
hey, leo - i like stories where things don't really happen. as long as they're written well. in that kind of story it's not so much the plot or the action that matters, as the character. as long as you have an interesting character, and show them to be interesting by the way they interact with their surroundings, that's fine.

8===>Q: alyn
17:40 / 07.08.03
I'm writing a short-and-sweet comic of as-yet unspecified format about a summer camp for prospective preteen supserspies. I have an illustrator, an old friend who is a professional designer w/a longstanding desire to get into comics, in the early stages of brainstorming/negotiating, and I'm really psyched that this is starting to look actual and doable (unlike my many other projects which are too epic and/or idiosyncratic for me to handle at this stage).

I have been having trouble with the title (and "a name is an omen," right"?). My working title is "Summer Death Camp" which, while there is some arguable wit in the juxtoposition rather calls to mind Eli Weisel and the Forced March, rather than the light-hearted, subversive snarkiness I'm going for. So any suggestions PM'd my way would be so appreciated that I'd clean my house, just for you.
01:02 / 03.11.03

New sketches for my Wanderer comic! Woo-hoo!
08:35 / 10.12.03
I am making the punk rock record.
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