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Puking blood.


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Bill Posters
09:02 / 20.07.03
And lot's of it. What might it mean? (SFD, this is the bit where you call me a baby, remember?) I should say this isn't a constant symptom, it just happened a few times last week. I'm guessing stomach ulcer, prolly, ahem, lifestyle related. But it could be cancer. Or even a gunshot wound. What do our medically-minded 'Loids think?
09:36 / 20.07.03
I think probably stomach ulcer, somthing like that. But, not being medically minded, I think you should get to a fucking doctor and get it checked the fuck out!

Shit, man. Hope it's nothing. And it probably is nothing. But do the whole doctor thing, yeah?
pointless and uncalled for
09:43 / 20.07.03
Given, the incredibly broad range of ailments that can lead to gastroexsanguination, I would very strongly recommend a visit to the doctors.
Old brown-eye is back
10:28 / 20.07.03
Loids think you should go to the doctor, Bill.
10:48 / 20.07.03
In my limited experience, vomiting blood once and then not again *might* mean a bad night on the sauce, where prolonged vomiting has caused small tears in the throat. It also means GO TO A DOCTOR. Regular haemetemesis could be a stomach ulcer, could also be esophagal or ventral varices (enlarged blood vessels often caused by hypertension or too much drinking on an empty stomach opening up and bleeding), esophagitis or gastritis. All are treatable, but left untreated can be nasty.

Jesus. Hugs, Bill - I hope everything is OK.
rizla mission
12:54 / 20.07.03
I'm a bit worried by "Or even a gunshot wound."

As in "well, I don't think any of them got me, but I dunno, I haven't checked yet.."

But anyway, yikes, sounds really nasty - good luck.
Lurid Archive
12:55 / 20.07.03
Dude, that is really scary. As I see it, your options are to either sell your soul to three different demons in the hope that they cure you in order to avoid an infernal war or GO TO SEE A DOCTOR.

Hugs, man.
Lilith Myth
14:40 / 20.07.03
Sounds scary to me, too. If you're registered with a GP, see if they do an out of hours service, and see them today. Either way, you could call NHS Direct on 0845 4647. Beware though, they pretty much say "go to Casualty, do not pass go, do not collect £200" whatever your symptoms.

If you decide to go to A&E, be prepared for something of a wait - take papers/books/comix. Average wait in London teaching hospitals can be up to six hours, though my sprained ankle got x-rayed and sorted in less than an hour. You get triaged first (prioritisation process), and then sit around to see a doctor. Weekends are bad times to go, as some people use A&E instead of the GP service. Good times to go are first thing in the morning, 7am ish.

Big hugs. Get thee to a physician.
16:18 / 20.07.03
There's also an NHS drop in service in Soho - you do have to wait an hour or two but they're good. It's on the corner of Soho Square and Frith Street. I definitely agree with all of the above - best to go and get checked out anyway. Good luck.
Bill Posters
16:33 / 20.07.03
Aw cheers guys, but really, it's not that scary, there was no pain and it was several days ago. I don't think it's anything serious. But okay, message received and understood, I'll see doctor. The thing is though, 'twas precisely these medical types that I'd been trying to avoid by starting this thread. It's not that I have anything against them, just that it takes so damn long, and I'm soooo damn busy. This was last week after all, and I'm all better now. But I will hit the GP tomorrow, so to speak. Anyways, yeah, thanks all, I muchly appreciate all your goodly wishes. :-)
17:29 / 20.07.03
Also note-- the color of the blood might tell whether it came from the stomach or the esophagus, as blood gets darker from denaturing by stomach acid. If you'd thought to get a sample it might have made things simpler, but then again perhaps not.

Good health to you, Bill. And don't keep us worrying.
Linus Dunce
18:02 / 20.07.03
I knew someone a while back who had a problem with blood coming out the other end. She was "too busy" to go to the doctor. She ended up with a colostomy bag for a couple of years while the surgeon fixed her by-passed plumbing. If she'd gone to the doctor sooner, they told her, she could have been fixed really quickly without the bag.

I reckon you're right, it's probably not serious. But a stitch in time ...
18:20 / 20.07.03
Maybe it's only my quack holistic views of health, but being "too busy" to go to a doctor (or otherwise take care of oneself) seems to be a symptom or a contributing factor to the problem you're describing, Ingatius. Did she end up with Krohn's disease? Busyness and stress contribute not only to Krohn's but to stomach ulcers and other digestive disorders of varying seriousness.

Anyway, I second-- letting these things go by virtue of being too busy does frequently end with the previously busy person having to set their entire life aside for a year or two to recuperate.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
22:44 / 20.07.03
Yes it is that scary. It's that scary and then some. It has some scary left over for a mars bar and a couple of sherbert dabs. Permit me to point out that you puked blood, you muppet. I add my voice to the choir of "Go and see a doctor". And the obligatory hug, natch.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
23:59 / 20.07.03
When I had my tonsils out they wouldn't allow me to drink the Ribena that my girlfriend brought in because puking Ribena up looks uncannily like puking blood.

What I'm trying to say is that it may well be down to what you ingested that day, but then again it may be something serious. Checketh out thine nearest pysician.

Post haste.
20:33 / 21.07.03
Bill? Still alive?
00:05 / 22.07.03
I mean, really.

"Dear Barbelith, I recently got my arm chopped off by a combine harvester, what do you think I should do?"


Surely you didn't need us to tell you that.
00:43 / 22.07.03
I'm not sure if my hypochondria serves here, but can't you bleed to death from a stomach ulcer if it's bad enough?
03:47 / 22.07.03
Yeah. Let us know what the doctor said, Bill. Because you did go to the doctor. *scowls* Right?
Bill Posters
10:41 / 22.07.03
To cut an extremely long story short (so long it unfolded over yesterday and today), I am not ill enough to be an emergency case, hence will have to wait some days (due partly to paperwork and largely to an overworked NHS) to see anyone. Again, this is precisely what this ruddy thread was supposed to avoid. In the meanwhile, the good Dr Google has suggested that ulcers are the most likely cause. I will proceed under this assumption until I hear otherwise, and I have quat drinking and smoking accordingly (yay!). Thanks once again for your concern all, but please, let's not make a drama out of all this.
Tryphena Absent
11:10 / 22.07.03
Well I hope you're okay and it was just some fleeting need to vomit blood because stomach ulcers are nasty bastards. I also hope you don't turn in to evil Bill due to lack of excess (eek!) and get well!
11:24 / 22.07.03
My mate had the same thing going on Bill just due to drinking, can't remember you being a heavy spirit drinker though that's what was causing it for him - seem to remember he got Calcium pills to sort it out....would you like me to send the helpful bats?
Bill Posters
11:36 / 22.07.03
If they're vampie bats, Bear, I'd appreciate it - the little flitters can help mop the claret off me floor.
Bill Posters
11:37 / 22.07.03
mate had the same thing going on Bill

I don't remember any of it going on me...
11:58 / 22.07.03
I think the bats probably got there first before you noticed...their very fast.
11:59 / 22.07.03
Bill, hope you are alright and you get some proper medical attention soon. Can I also add that I'm enjoying the trend in this thread to call you a muppet, YOU MUPPET!
Less searchable M0rd4nt
14:41 / 22.07.03
The Muppet That Puked Blood. Hey, I'd pay to see that.
17:33 / 22.07.03

The horned lizard can squirt blood out of its eyes as a defense against attackers.

Bleeding ulcers, on the other hand, can kill people. Had to drag my unconscious mother to the hospital once - she'd turned cold and yellow from the blood loss. Three cups of coffee for lunch, about double that for breakfast and a few after dinner every day... that's what the culprit was.
pointless and uncalled for
18:11 / 22.07.03
Bleeding gastric ulcers was also the reason I was most vocal on the subject of a visit to the doctor. These are most notable by the appearance of blood in the stool, but unless you take a good long hard look at the last good hard dump you took, then you're unlikely to notice a damn thing.

Like grant it also put my mother in hospital, although my mothers was attributed to a steady diet of coffee, cigarettes and asprin.There are few more experiences more frightening than being in a hospital room with your mother who is crying because she might die.

Enough of the self-referenctial scare tactics though, patience and he advice of a semi-competent quack are always in order.

I understand people's general tendancy to avoid members of the medical profession but it really is a social fallacy. Butter stupid than dead as I always say, even when i have my mouth full.
Dances with Gophers
20:49 / 22.07.03
Could just be a weak blood vessel, or have you been drinking A rhesus positive again. You know yeh should stick to to the B blood group! and don't over dose on Alan Moore material either!
Good luck with getting an appointment and look after yerself.
21:23 / 22.07.03
1) Make sure you weren't drinking cheap red wine that night.
2) Go to your friggin doctor even if 1 applies.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
22:39 / 22.07.03
I understand people's general tendancy to avoid members of the medical profession but it really is a social fallacy. Butter stupid than dead as I always say

Yeah, but it's often less a case of "better stupid than dead" and more a case of "wait many hours, possibly even days, to get seen by a memeber of the medical profession who will probably have spent 48 sleepless hours dealing with dozens of horribly fucked up and moribund people and who's sympathy gland has long since exploded under the strain, so that said member of the medical profession can tell you that you'll feel much better once you start having babies/have your next baby/stop having babies (girls) or that you should snap out of it and stop being such a big nancy (boys), than dead."
22:43 / 22.07.03
God knows I've had enough bollocks from GPs over the years, but a claret upchuck would still send me to some sort of medical professional pretty sharpish.
12:30 / 23.07.03
For fucks sake go to your local NHS walk-in centre - you don't need an appointment and will probably wait about 20 minutes at most.
waxy dan
12:36 / 23.07.03
Three cups of coffee for lunch, about double that for breakfast and a few after dinner every day... that's what the culprit was.

Errr... just out of curiousity, for how many years of that kind've coffee drinking did she indulge before this occurred?

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