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Bush Ready to Wreck Ozone

07:32 / 20.07.03
I'm not sure whether to be depressed or angry at this...
17:16 / 20.07.03
I dunno, which works better for you?
04:32 / 21.07.03
bitch I HATE that bitch, bush I mean
04:33 / 21.07.03
Here's a website with PDF version of the treaty as well as the four amendments. It's longer than I care to read, but it seems like an appropriate reference for this thread.
Kit-Cat Club
10:44 / 21.07.03
Dr Joe Farman, the Cambridge scientist who discovered the Antarctic ozone hole, added: "This is madness. We do not need this chemical. We do need the ozone layer. How stupid can people be?"

Pretty succinct, really. Is there anything anyone can do about this?
Lurid Archive
11:35 / 21.07.03
Same as always, I guess. Campaign, raise awareness, hassle your local politician etc etc.

Green issues are an important feature in the mainstream political landscape (in Europe, anyway), it is just a question of highlighting the problem.
14:59 / 21.07.03
There are a number of specific points about this which are frankly depressing. Firstly, as the ever-lovely KKC has already quoted, "how stupid can people be?". I find it almost impossible to believe that any government in the developed world could be so blissfully ignorant of the horrendous consequences of continued use of this - and other - harmful chemical(s). What's frightening isn't so much that the Bush administration want to ignore the Protocol, rather, that they seem totally incapable of understand why it's important to follow the Protocol in the first place.

Secondly, as noted in the following extract-

Led by the US, nations moved with unprecedented speed to agree the treaty, called the Montreal Protocol, in 1987 - which started the process of phasing out use of the chemicals.

-it seems incredible that the current administration would now scrap an agreement based not only on common sense, but surely - given that it was US led - one of which they can be proud.

Clearly the fact that scientists believe adherance to the protocol will "eventually prevent 2 million cases of cancer a year in the US and Europe alone" isn't as important to the Bush administration as "growing strawberries" and "tending golf courses".
Baz Auckland
01:41 / 23.08.03
Bush screws the environment again...

The Bush administration plans to open a huge loophole in America's air pollution laws, allowing an estimated 17,000 outdated power stations and factories to increase their carbon emissions with impunity. Critics of draft regulations due to be unveiled by the US environmental protection agency next week say they amount to a death knell for the Clean Air Act, the centrepiece of US regulation

The regulations are being challenged by 13 states including New York. If adopted, they would represent a multi-million dollar victory for energy corporations...

Under the current rules set in 1977, industrial sites built before the Clean Air Act are exempt from its controls until they are upgraded in any way, beyond "routine maintenance", that increases emissions. At that point companies have to install filters and other controls or face penalties.

Under the draft rules...corporations can do far more than "routine maintenance" - investing in old plant up to 20% of its total value at a time - without having to spend money on anti-pollution equipment.

The rules do not impose a time limit for the investment, allowing a firm to make successive upgrades to an old power station, oil refinery or factory - replacing it piece by piece, and spending hundreds of millions of dollars - as long as each upgrade costs less than a fifth of the plant's total value.

...I'm hoping the states individually have enough power to challenge this... do they?
04:56 / 23.08.03
The enviormental movement is a tool of the corporate communist conspiracy. Enron pressured the Clinton Administration into joining the Kyoto Protocols because the added regulation destroys the small businesses and the big ones can survive and come closer to monopolization. For the most part it is rare for Bush to disobey his masters this way. Global warming (the whole three degrees hotter the earth is) is not the fault of humans. The planet goes through diffirent climate changes regularily; some times there are ice ages, sometimes the whole Earth is at a tropical temperate, as there are dinosaur fossils in Antarctica. All the enviormental treaties and international laws are used for the purpose of creating a New World Order world government.
10:51 / 23.08.03
Wow....really? That's a bit of a turn-up for the books.
Baz Auckland
14:38 / 23.08.03
I never understood how people dismiss environmental regulations under "global warming may not exist". Nasty air still kills tens of thousands of people a year, global warming or not...
All Acting Regiment
15:43 / 23.08.03
The best way to avoid this new world order-through-environmentalism is to each do our own bit. That way its the will of the people. EG, if one person in the target demographic of a popular product doesn't buy that product, it makes a considerable loss. Therefore- if just one person doesn't buy from mcdonalds- or just one person makes sure to be "green"- then imagine what would happen if a dozen, or twenty, or a hundred, or antire city follow on.

Instead, we have stupid laws that help no-one- e.g. "your bananas arent round enough, poor farmer, you may not sell them. On the other hand, mister conglomerate, yours are perfect."
Peach Pie
14:42 / 24.08.03
Just to recap - I remember Michael Moore describing the hole in the ozone layer in comparison to the size of europe. isn't it about five times as large?
Baz Auckland
05:53 / 31.08.03
It just keeps getting better...

The Bush administration has decreed that carbon dioxide from industrial emissions - the main cause of global warming - is not a pollutant.

The decision by the Environmental Protection Agency - announced with minimal fanfare on the eve of the Labor Day weekend - reverses the stance taken under President Clinton and allows industry to increase emissions with impunity.
rizla mission
10:06 / 31.08.03
Reading the various stories linked to in this thread, it seems like the logical conclusion is gonna be "Republicans still not meeting projected 'world destruction' quotas - Colorado to be turned into giant tyre fire"
10:26 / 31.08.03
Baz- I just had to write a summary of reportage of that story at work... you have no idea how difficult it was remaining dispassionate. And not using the word "wanker" at any point.

IMHO, it's not stupidity. It's a total lack of any kind of concern for what might happen after you're dead. I'm sure, if Bush knew he was immortal, he'd be all for giving himself a nice planet to live on. As it is... hey fuck it! The poor'll suffer first, the rich'll be able to look after themselves for a while yet, and by the time they go, I'll have been dead for years!

doesn't seem an implausible rationale.
14:24 / 31.08.03
Perhaps he reckons he's gonna be hoovered up in 'the rapture' any day now.......
03:19 / 01.09.03
So another Forest burns to a cinder or another French man gets too hot. Who cares. I need to get that H2 soon so I can get on up to the local Mega theatre and see the next episode of Lord of the Rings.
Enough morbid sarcasm. I just got a DUI (I was not drunk , but made the mistake of telling him I just drank one beer an hour before...the cop made it stick after 5 tests and refuseing me a blood test after I asked for it twice.) two days ago for having one two many and it probably was the best thing to happen to me. My feet hurt more, but I don't own a gas vehicle or want one. Haven't had one in 9 years and I live in L.A. What the hell is your lame excuse. Blame yourselves first. I am looking into a way everyday to seperate myself from the coming horror of global destruction. As Bob Dylan said, "If you can't beat them, it doesn't mean you have to join them."
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