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When you go fetish, what do you wear?

Char Aina
22:29 / 17.07.03
last time i went, i wore very little.

that, and piercings was enough costume to get in the 'door'(it was outside), where i could then play to my hearts content.

the girl on my arm being very attractive helped.

now, not being a real expert on the scene, i have no idea what to wear when it is a little colder.

i cant wear leather or rubber(ethical and aesthetic reasons, in that order), and uniforms are prohibitively expensive. well, Gestapo uniforms with all the badging anyways.

so, what do you all wear, if you do?
Gary Lactus
23:06 / 17.07.03
That's weird, I was thinking about this earlier. I've never been to a fetish night but today I came accross a copy of Erotic Review. Flicking through it I noticed some tits and read further. It was an advert for Torture Garden in Brighton and I briefly found the prospect attractive. Until I thought about what I could possibly wear. Naked is as sexy as it gets for me. I know a bloke who frequents fetish nights and wears this kind of doctors outfit thing. He's been critisized in the past for not being extreme enough. I can see why this is. He's a bit of a perv. There are people dressed only in clingfilm and he's all covered up, hoping for a shag. He's kind of missing the point, I think.
Whereas I am interested in fetish culture intellectually, I don't feel it, so I can't join in.

(This post is drunken and ill formed)
betty woo
01:12 / 18.07.03
I'd suggest wearing the same thing, only with a warmer coat over it.

The whole "what to wear to fetish night" concept tends to confuse me. Fetish is about what turns your own little crank, so just get up in that and be done with it, neh? Although if you want to fit in for cheap, lab coats and/or schoolgirl kilts are easy to turn up at second-hand shops.

Me, I'm working on a dress made of fruit roll-ups and those flat rolls of bubble gum. I've got this thing about candy...
No star here laces
09:02 / 18.07.03
I'm with fraely on the "interested but not feeling it" thing. With added layer of "If I'm going, I've got to have the best outfit there" which is obviously not the point...

Anyway, if it came down to it, I'd get a tailor to whip me up a white kilt in a Hermes-fashion, a pair of white sandals with the thongy bits up the legs and wings on the heels and a twin shoulder-holster with two big fat water pistols that look like a cross between a Desert Eagle and a dildo and filled with some kind of oily stuff.

Slap on the fake tan, and bob's your wicked uncle ernie.
12:48 / 18.07.03
That's special, 'laces. Definitely, how they say in illiteratesville, "very unique".

My tastes are very simple. Black, because black is still the sexiest hue. (and what are you going to do about stains on your lovely kilt? because cum may be near-white, but the chocolate sauce...) Things with lots of fastenings. My scourge and my favorite short cat. Probably big fuckoff boots, but more for effect than anything else. And a collar. Lots of chains on the belt I can use later if people are so inclined, but I'm a rope person myself. Maybe a mask-- not those stupid "I wish I was an executioner in some awful movie" masks, but a nice feather-accented domino, or maybe one made of a sexy soft material-- silk or velvet, for prefs. My tools in a chrome electrician's case, along with a first-aid kit. I'm practical.

And I'd be proud to have a violet wand. But I don't, and can't fucking afford it for the use I'd get out of it.

I don't see why your doctor guy should be criticized. If medical's his thing, then it's his thing, or else they need to specify BDSM attire only ('black tie' fetish?). I can see he might break up the atmosphere a little if the theme is "spoooooooooky dungeon", though.

And I'm being hypocritical, because I would positively FLEE any fetish club into which some person walked in a giant teddy-bear costume or similar. I'm a plushiephilephobe.
14:33 / 18.07.03
I've been wondering about this for awhile. I was supposed to go to a fetish night with a friend, but declined because I heard that even if they don't specify, most clubs in this area won't let you in unless you have very specific fetish gear, none of which I'm interested in.

Has the the word "fetish" strayed away from its original meaning to encompass only black rubber/leather?
15:11 / 18.07.03
I think most fetish clubs have this rule to ensure that no one is too disrupting the atmosphere and to discourage the annoying gawkers. I don't think it's a breach of etiquette to call ahead and ask, but as far as I'm aware-- mostly having played in private, myself-- if you've nothing else black leather or PVC or vinyl in some form or another will help you blend in enough to pass muster. I suppose it depends on how hardcore the club is.

Here's a sample fetish club dress code:

Another, this one in NORTHERN ALABAMA. Can you believe it? There's a Fetish Club in NORTHERN ALABAMA. (/astonishment)
Char Aina
15:42 / 18.07.03

i think the door policy is usually to make sure you mean it, hey? the problem is i DO mean it, i just dont like rubber and i cant wear leather.

its the power relationships and the infliting pain on each other that gets me going, not a clever way of wearing PVC.

i am totally with you on having the BEST DAMN OUTFIT there, even if i know i am unlikely to beat the hardest of the core.
16:04 / 18.07.03
How about black combat trousers, big fuckoff boots, and a tight black mesh shirt with vegan bondage accessories? Or formalwear and the same? Cyberwear? Victorian? That'll hold you most places, I think. Or get in touch with people in the scene and see if someone will invite you to something a little more low-key. Generally the less open to the general public, the less concerned people will be about a dress code, unless dressing is the point in the first place.
Char Aina
16:08 / 18.07.03
low key and personal is good.

i am really out this time to this particular event(the one that inspired this thread) to accompany the lovely lady faye, who has just purchased what might be termed a pornographic rubber soldiers dress. i am accompanying her because she knows no one else who would go there for any reason other than to perve and sneer.

so, yeah. it is kinda all about the dress-up this time.

oh, and i am a fat bastard, in my head at least. so mesh would only make me self conscious. naked is different, for some reason.
17:31 / 18.07.03
I've got to go with rhymes with tracy - if you're into going then it shouldn't be an issue. Whatever gets you all lathered up is thing you should go with. I went to a fetish party once and saw a guy fully decked in Klingon drag, with the wrinkly forehead and makeup and the works. I've seen folks in diapers, in superhero outfits, dressed as aliens, whatever. I think that as long as the nice doorperson thinks that you're into it and not just coming to gawk, you're okay. Christ, go as King Mob or do yourself up in Fanny drag.
Char Aina
17:39 / 18.07.03

i think i am just worried that i would buy a ticket and be denied.

i should just phone up ahead of time.

so, what does everyone else wear?
20:50 / 18.07.03
Phoning ahead is a great way to show you're being respectful and that your intentions are honorable-- er, to the degree that they can be when planning to attend a fetish event. Unless they're right bastards, they'll be nice to you-- and if they aren't they're right bastards and why would you want to go to an event like this if it's being held by scum who can't even help people respect their rules?

It's a number one rule not to wear anything you feel uncomfortable in, unless it's the kind of discomfort that makes you feel secretly sexy underneath the discomfort.

I've got an idea... Invoke Johnny Depp and dress as a pirate!

Char Aina
21:01 / 18.07.03

[gestures wildly at name badge like a man stuck in a lift hammering the 'door open' button]


02:16 / 19.07.03
Yeah, yeah. Ninja are just as fetishy. Especially the anime kind. You know, with the funky hair. Anime-ninja may know, but I do not, how that helps them remain undetected while pursuing their secret ninja ends.
04:13 / 19.07.03

I'm no help at all. I like leather... (although I usually end up in mostly nothing)

Kilt and collar might work. Big boots, black pants of some sort and a chest harness would also probably be just fine - if you've got a bit of bulk, you might as well turn it to your advantage and see if you can look imposing/ threatening.

Does the lady you're escorting have any suggestions?
Char Aina
23:56 / 20.07.03
unfortunately she does.

she wants me to be buy the BOY to her GIRL outfit, despite the price tag that equals three times my current weekly income. pre-tax.

so that's right out, obviously. (she's just a girl i know, not my girlfriend, nah'ta'mean?)
Whisky Priestess
12:44 / 21.07.03
Can you hire fetish stuff just for one night, like you can black tie/balldresses? Or are the vendors afraid that you'll get all spunk on it?

If I were going out I'd do military/mesh/vinyl - these being the things I look best in, tho' they'd be more to turn other people on than me. I've got these fantastic thigh-length black vinyl boots and an orange vinyl shortie raincoat that could be worn with nothing but a thong underneath, and I'm just dying for a chance to try it out. So damn sweaty though, and not in a good way.
Char Aina
13:43 / 21.07.03
perhaps if coupled with one of those pith helmets that has a fan in the top...
13:52 / 21.07.03
I've been wanting to go to a night for a couple of years. About half my close friends go to Torture Garden now and then, and the big challenge is finding something that I *want* to wear.

We went through some of the photos on the TG website, and frankly most of the blokes are wearing either "Gimpy" stuff or "Fetish-biker" stuff or "Gay" stuff. That's just not me. It would feel like cheating to do something I can "get in with" rather than something properly me. I just wouldn't want an off-the-shelf fetish.

I keep threatening to go as Avon from blake 7.

More realisticly; it's going to *have* to involve rubber ducks. (Although I'd like to stress that that's not a sexual fetish)

After looking thorugh the gallery my housemate was quite surprised that what he normally wears to go out at the weekend would fit right in (traditional goth with top hat).

I don't want specific suggestions so much as to know what people think looks cool/poor in fetish wear.
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