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New Law in UK to illegalise under 16s kissing

All Acting Regiment
13:36 / 17.07.03
I read this in the guardian about how a new law is being considered which, among other things, would make it possible for a policeman to arrest a couple if they were seen kissing and beleived to be under 16.

Quite frankly I find the very idea to be absolut bollocks, pure Tony Blair neo-conservative bollocks. Anyone rember the two-hours of homework a night idea he came up with to get conservatives on his side?

I mean, you shouldn't feel that you have to kiss people; and non-consensual stuff is very wrong. But come on- in my experience people started kissing at 11. The kids who lived by strict rules ended up growing into distressed teenagers.

Also, who has the right to arrest you and your lover for showing affection to eachother? i'm sorry, but if a policeman tried that on with me he'd get a blob of lovely chilean-descent spit on his face.
unheimlich manoeuvre
15:05 / 17.07.03
Guardian article
yeah the state really needs to keep its nose out of peoples lives.

grant you do realise spitting in the eye of a law-enforcer will create the sort of violence you claimed to abhor
All Acting Regiment
13:33 / 18.07.03 it this way, there probably wouldn't be any need to do that. And the fact i'm willing to do something i abhor shows how damned wrong the state is. And i'm not called grant.
unheimlich manoeuvre
14:51 / 18.07.03
moderators please treat me kindly

*hangs head in shame*
hmmm... how do i publicly confess my embarassment at my own stupidty?

Sorry Chris.

do you have any theoretical suggestions for opposition to unnecessary state legislation? my local MP is a political careerist and doesn't appear open to advocacy. is it possible for an individual to have a voice in a *representative democracy*?
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