got this in me inbox this morning:
quote:> > To:
> > Subject: walk for capitalism report
> >
> > Boy did everyone miss a damn funny
spectacle. D2 consisted of about 40
> > pro-capitalism idiots of varied ages, some very nerdy and some looking like
> > upscale suburbanites. They had a banner that said and
> > a few printed signs: "Capitalism = Freedom", "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit
> > of MY OWN Happiness", and "Read Ayn Rand's "ATLAS SHRUGGED."
> For some reason the march started at the big PUBLIC library in manhattan (what an
> > un-capitalist institution) I soon spotted a couple familiar faces and found
> > that about 8 of the 40 participants where there for laughs like I was. When
> > the march started, they took out their own signs:
> > "What Would Jesus Do? Make as Much Money as Possible"
> > "Profit before People"
> > "US Jobs Overseas Now"
> > "Get A Job"(under a picture of a homeless man asleep on a sidewalk)
> >
> > And here's the kicker: None of the serious marchers even batted an eye! The
> > scoffers went completely unnoticed, not a sidways glance, not a dissaproving
> > look, nothing.
> >
> > These pro-capitalists were really bad at having a march, too. If it wasnt
> > for me, the whole thing would have been a silent march cause none of them
> > were saying a damn thing. I guess chanting takes away your
>individuality too
> > much, okay, but at least they could have made some noise. I took it upon
> > myself and attracted more attention to the march by screaming "capitalism,
> > yeah!" over and over, alternating with "Free Enterprise!Free Markets!"
> > "Money is Good!" etc. and the leaders of the march told me I was doing a
> > good job, though nobody joined in except for one guy that led me in a chant
> > spelling "Freedom" but when we said "what does that spell?" I shouted
> > "Capitalism" and it seemed to throw him off.
> >
> > The march stopped at a bunch of buildings along 5th ave. (Barnes&Noble,
> > Disney Store, SmithBarney, Trump Tower,
etc)taping certificates of good
> > capitalism on each one. Big irony almost went unnoticed when the guards at
> > Trump Tower wouldn't let them tape the
certificate on the building. I had to
> > shout "Isn't Donald Trump for Freedom?"
before anyone found the situation
> > funny. These people were seriously not
> >
> > I asked the leader that was putting up the certificates if she thought some
> > people in the march were actually against capitalism because some of the
> > signs seemed a little off, and she said
"which ones?". Then I asked a guy
> > carrying the banner the same question and he was confused so I pointed out
> > the "Get A Job" sign and the Jesus sign. He told me they were just
> > "superficial" capitalists who were mixing their own ideas with the message
> > of the march.
> >
> > The march ended with a speech by the guy that wrote the statement of
> > walkforcapitalism (you can read it on their website). His speech consisted of
> > reading the statement. I tried to liven
things up by interjecting some
> > cheers and reacting to him, but everyone else just listened to him silently.
> > Then the whole thing was over, by 2:00 and I took off, still wondering what
> > the hell they were thinking. It was a lovely moment, though, to pretend that
> > capitalism needed activists to protect and defend it because it was in so
> > much trouble, and to see that the
objectivists defending it are so clueless.
> >
> > Oscar
[ 05-12-2001: Message edited by: grant ] |