Duncan Falconer, for you, just for you...
You are a flank brained rim chewer with low torsional adhesion who has the ability to always miss the point however obvious. A bucolic, spastic, slap faced grinning fool, who I would like to punch hard and often. Low browed and slow with a chronic overdependance on recreational rape, with a tendancy toward self induced narcissim and cross dressing. Satiating your cavernous, rapacious orifices at both ends is your base and carnal need, for that you disgust me. You are unforgettable, like road rash, joggers nipple or sand in a bathing suit, not really serious but irritating enough to be uncomfortable, rather like ill fitting footwear after half an hour of walking, not life threatening just a nagging dull sensation of inconvenience. The only reason you are tolerated is to prove that higher minds have the capacity for pity, charity and restraint, even though we would like to punch you repeatedly in what laughingly passes for a face. Greedy, slow witted and just plain, common or garden dull. You have no friends, and the lack of social interaction shows as your personality seems to be exhibiting Stunted Growth Syndrome but that doesn't stop your over bloated sense of ego from proving that you really are not able to differenciate between reality and make believe.
And lastly, two thing, Die, and Fuck Off, in either order. Please.
P.S. It's Wank-er. Oh, BTW small technicality, how can a wanker be fucking? Answers on a postcard to "P.O. Box; I Don't Fucking Care and Any Half Hearted Limp Dicked Response Will Only Prove What A Total Git You Actually Are, London, SW1 1 SW". Thank You.
Somehow, the mists cleared and I feel better now... |