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Help me defend against Starbucks

Our Lady of The Two Towers
21:53 / 26.11.01
The library in which I skive in order to post this is having a major refit next year and apparently we are going to have some sort of coffee shop put in in the corner.
Now, I don't think it's been decided yet who to approach to run this, but I could do with arguments against the obvious bastards like Starbucks (and suggestions too if anyone has bright ideas).
HOWEVER, if it becomes necessary for me to say anything, it's probably going to be to middle-class, middle-aged men and women who probably aren't going to be swayed just by scads of info on how they abuse coffee beans in third world countries.

Can anyone help? Good sites on the net?
12:27 / 27.11.01
It seems like that is happening everywhere, even here is little ol' Ontario, Canada. There doesn't seem to be much one can do, that I know of. All I can think of is Adbusters, which isn't about abused coffee beans, per se. Anyhow, a coffee shop couldn't be all that bad, could it? I mean sure Starbucks is all 'evil' corporation and whatnot, but there are always small business. So... your best bet maybe to fight for the little companies on the basis that they deserve a chance, rather than Starbucks is evil et al.

So yes.
pointless and uncalled for
13:07 / 27.11.01
All planning pertaining to the redevelopment of public buildings should be a mattr of public record. Essentially this means you can check out what is being planned before you start any campaigns.

If there are no plans, though there probably will be, you can take the soft approach. Find the designated authority over planning and discuss your "concerns" regarding the development of the library and the local government's commitment to local business interests. Aways have a feasable (in economical, political and social terms) solution. Then back this up with the problems that you have with big business, i.e. foriegn economics, environment etc.

If they already have a plan that you don't like, then you'll have to be a little more heavy handed. Time to practice your political hectoring. Approach the usual pressure groups, independant media for support before approaching the planning committee. These people are good at making situations look bad, you then come in as a supporter of the cause and offer a nice clean good looking solution whereby the loca business gets support and the local government looks good.

Best suggestion is for the planning committee to approach local established business to open a second location in the library. They can open tenders, busniess plans etc.
17:19 / 27.11.01
just add that it would be better to support local enterprise than a huge faceless multinational that puts nothing back into the community[/LIST][LIST]
pointless and uncalled for
17:38 / 27.11.01
Ooops meant to include that.

But seriously, the most important thing is to offer a plan that you would be happy with that is also feasable. These people don't like to think twice on the account of some tree-hugging hippy.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
19:56 / 27.11.01
Don't know if this is any use to ya. You've probably found it already but I thought I'd post it just in case...

[ 27-11-2001: Message edited by: Mordant C@rnival ]
11:15 / 02.12.01
quote:Originally posted by potus:
Ooops meant to include that.

But seriously, the most important thing is to offer a plan that you would be happy with that is also feasable. These people don't like to think twice on the account of some tree-hugging hippy.

Agreed. And get some petitions going. The problem is, evil corporate entity or not, if the library thinks there is DEMAND for Starbucks, that's it will be. Starbucks no doubt will have market surveys to "prove" there market in that area, so be prepared. The company may also sweeten the pot in other ways to make it a more attractive tenant to the Library.

So, the upshot is - you will need a movement, not a single person to accomplish this. Petitions, plans, alternatives, etc. Potus had good suggestions. However, I think you need to get others involved - you DON'T want to be seen as the tree hugging hippy. You need more tree hugging hippies, students, local small business owners who are sick of large corporations killing their businesses, moms, etc. for support, because that will hit the organization where it counts to them - in the pocket. If there are droves of people who don't want and won't frequent a Starbucks at their facility, and who might choose to find another library to study and get their books, they will pay attention.

Thinking about this tho, I have never seen a Starbucks in a public or university Library.....has anyone else out there?

[ 02-12-2001: Message edited by: Concretia D'Amour ]
Our Lady of The Two Towers
19:27 / 02.12.01
Well, thanks but I think organising a protest is a bit OTT, we're not a huge library and any Starbucks will probably be a small booth, I can't see them giving up that much floorspace to them, which was why I wanted small simple ideas of stuff I could more or less do myself. But thanks for the ideas.
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