With The Four momentarily in disarray, Elijah Snow initiates the second part of his comeback plan; to hunt down and discover the truth about Anna Hark, daughter of the criminal genius of the Thirties, who died in the Adirondacks with the rest of Axel Brass' associates. Her story begins in medieval China, and ends in the spires of modern America...
Release date: August 2003
In the 1930's, Elijah Snow was in the jungle. He was in search of the fabled city of Opak-Re, supposedly an ancient city of lost science deep in Africa. He finds more than he bargained for: another myth from this green hell at the heart of the world. The Englishman raised by apes, now returned as lord of this dark domain. Elijah Snow meets Lord Stephen Blackstock, who became one of Axel Brass' comrades and died in the Adirondacks at the end of World War Two. But this isn't his story, nor is it Elijah's. This is Jakita Wagner's story...
Release date: October 2003
The game's afoot. Elijah Snow is building his own conspiracy to bring down the Four, and he's targetting William Leather first. But what does his plan, which entangles Anna Hark and John Stone, have to do with the first moonshot... in 1851?
Release date: December 2003 |