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Pedophile Archives Destroyed

14:35 / 22.11.01
Until a few years ago, the senate of the Netherlands contained a senator that inofficially represented the pedophiles in the Netherlands; Mr Brongersma. He had founded a foundation that "explored the sexual relationships between men and children". This foundation was even subsidized by the government.
"To study the specifics of these pedophilian sexual relationships" tens of thousands of pedophile pornographic pictures and videos were 'gathered'. And there were long lists of pedophiles that were associated to this foundation.

When Brongersma died a few years ago, it was decided that the huge 'library' of the foundation should be researched on 'possible child abuse'. (and since the foundation had its members in the highest ranks, the library must contain 'explosive' material)

Today Nov-22 it was on the 16.08 news (Chanel 1) that due to 'a lack of storage place' the public prosecuter (department of justice) has asked permission to DESTROY the entire Brongersma collection, since no arrests have been made (due to 'a lack of manpower and money') and because of a lack of storage place to store all the evidence.

But it gets even worse:
The request is also to destroy ALL archives regarding pedophiles, since 'there is an overall lack of storage room', 'and what good does it do to keep this information about pedophiles'.
This official request is only regarding pedophile cases; not regarding other 'offenders', like burglars or petty thiefs, just pedophiles......
Mordant Carnival
15:55 / 22.11.01
If that's all true, RRM, it's fucking disturbing. I'm a bit confused- I know there is/was a Dr. Brongersma involved in the study of this kind of child-abuse but I can't recall offhand what he wrote or what his attitude towards it was. Was this the same person as the Senator Brongersma that was euthanised in 1998? Got any more info?

[ 22-11-2001: Message edited by: Mordant Carnival ]
08:26 / 23.11.01
Yes, that is the same Brongersma.
There was also a very small article in the Volkskrant yesterday, so you can look it up.
Of course I will keep my eyes and ears open to any new developments (if made public!).
Our Lady of The Two Towers
11:59 / 23.11.01
Well, ignoring your assumption that this archive is hiding information that could be used to bring down some top-level nonces, wanting to destroy it does seem a bit daft. Surely there's some outside organisation they could foist it on to do the sorting?
mondo a-go-go
12:05 / 23.11.01
like RRM and his pals?
01:48 / 24.11.01
simply destroying any vast collection of materials regarding research on such an important and disturbing issue seems highly suspicious to me
21:30 / 24.11.01
Mordant Carnival:
“Was this the same person as the Senator Brongersma that was euthanised in 1998? Got any more info?”

Yes the very same’the news gave the complete action to what was written in the news paper called De Volkskrant, ;

“ Haarlem, The publik department of justice in Harlem, wants the collection of the deceased old Senator E. Brongersma to be destroyed. The research they made after they confiscated the collection of child porno from E. Brongersma ended in nothing. Reasons are supposedly that there is a lack of evidence and a lack of capacity. But meanwhile, they use his case to aplly to have all the dossiers from known pedophilians and cases to be destroyed for this very same reasons and they ad the lack of storage rooms as well, like ever.”

Look they, the government stopped the money flow to houses for bathered and abused women and children this year, more than 2000 women and children got homeless at ones, they were forced to seek shelter for them selves and on their own, no money nor help nor protection. Look at the first thing Bush did when he became president, ban abortion clinick that at the same time were shelter homes and help offices for the abused and battered women and children, also the money to help at complicated births has been stopped by this new law of Bush.

See the world were we live in is about abuse and battering the very same soul of beginning the womb and her offspring.
20:05 / 04.12.01

Just to make you think.

And to make you see.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
16:15 / 05.12.01
It does make me think. Mainly it makes me think "Ooh look, Laila's posting completely irrelevent stuff!" Yes, it's harrowing and nasty, but why post it in completely unrelated places?
16:19 / 05.12.01
Lozt cause , here we go again.
It has every thing to do with the topic you fool, the perpertrators are the same, this is the basis for the need of total control.
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