1. the whole thing is riddled with inconsistencies, I wrote it just as a joke.
2. OPLOTF: it is YOU, my good fellow, who are equating sexual power to actual power - by reading that equation into what I said.
re-read what i said. no reference to sexual power.
Although NOW I will start referring to sexual power... I am potent because I can fuck AND I have the power of life and death over myself and others.
If anything, God is largely impotent because, if anything he can only kill. God fucking anyone would surely be an abuse of power. God fucking you would be like your mum or dad fucking you. That's probably why god can't get it up for humanity.
wanna join my religion? bayyyybeeeeee
I will ask for less worship than God, and I will treat you better.
Your salvation is now a fun time saving bargain. |