Okay, so I'm in Barcelona, which is all well and good. However, I've drawn a bit of a blank on the job front.
(A word of warning: I don't have a degree or any kind of teaching quals. The good people of Catalunya seem to regard this as a barrier to my working as a teacher of English, or any other damn thing. Some of them laughed. Actually, most of them laughed. Mention TEFL, therefore, and I will have to kill you. It's this whole big thing.)
I've explored, and continue to explore, the obvious avenues, and am still between careers. I have quite a lot of experience, but it's mostly light industrial related or on the thumb-sucky side of IT. I can fix things, clean things, and don't mind getting my hands dirty. I can also paint/draw a bit, get nekkid in an artistic context, make very pretty beadwork*, and write stuff. Can you help? Any suggestions** welcome.
Also, I'm considering selling my pretty beadwork around town. Can anyone advise me on the legality or otherwise of flypitching in Barcelona? Am I likely to get arrested or beaten up by rival traders?
*It really is very pretty beadwork.
**Unless they involve hanging around the docks with a sign saying "Get it Here!" |