quote:Buk: How would the world work without them? Hmmm, well I think the answer to that is all in a Lennon song....I feel sick...or, to be less offensive, that's all very well, but it's not something I'd put any great faith in. It's amazingly difficult to get people to love each other. Or even recognise each other's status as humans...
quote:CAB: Scent, your sense of history strikes me as rather idiosyncratic, to say the least. The nation-state system is a recent invention, only really emerging at the start of the twentieth century. Somehow, society existed as something other than terror states and fiascos for centuries before that.Er...there were, indisputably, nation states before 1900. France comes to mind - revolution was, oh, and hundred years before that...oh, and I think there was this place called Britain...
But perhaps more importantly, sure, there were other forms of societal organisation before the nation state. But the state was not capriociously created to make life nasty. Nor are those other forms necessarily any use to us now. I didn't say 'the nation state system is perfect', I said 'you better have something to replace it with, because people who rip their states apart without a follow-up agenda have a bad history of purges, cultural revolutions, and murder in the aftermath'.
As to which state I was thinking of, I had the USSR and China in mind. You are right, of course, in saying that Nazi Germany does not follow this pattern (though I dispute that the problems there arise from 'uncritical imposition of the model of the nation-state on populations it was never suited to' - I would have said an ideology based on hate was the problem).
IJINLW: In no sense did the USA 'just congeal'. It's a generated nation, spoken into existence, with basic ideological texts and a defined ethos. The USA, more than any other country in the world, is a set of constituitive rules. As to whether it's a success..."It's too early to tell." |