Could've done with one of these back in the grey-and-maroon days, when the frequent suit implosions used to temporarily K.O. threads (with hilarious consequences).
Hi there. We're afraid that the thread you wanted to access isn't here. Someone probably cocked up the link. Don't fret, it'll get fixed eventually.
No, dear, you're not being deliberately blocked from reading the thread by lizardnazis.
No, you're really not.
Look, it's just a fucking dead link, okay? You've seen dead links before, haven't you?
No! Don't do-- aww, man, don't spam the board!
Shit. Now we've got to go round and clean it all up. And you've spelt "Nazi" wrong.
Yes, we know you used to be a biker.
Yes, we read the thing about the shotgun.
We're all terribly impressed over here, I can tell you.
We think you should put down the bottle now and have a little nap.
It'll all seem better in the morning, we promise. Don't forget to drink plenty of fluids, now. |