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The govern-mental Dream Factory

Robot Man Reformed
20:24 / 11.11.01
I have had less time to follow the happening threads at Barbelith, so it is possible that this has been covered by someone else but to wit:

White House sees Hollywood role in war on terrorism
White House might seek to influence Hollywood plots
As you can see it's much more than the modification of movies in production - Spiderman, MiB 2, etc. - but hardly surprising since Hollywood is all about $$. Wherever the $$ trail is, you can see giant leaps toward the 1984 goal - NWO - I mean, have you been following the politics scene lately? OK, I know there are some of you, Flyboy, autopilot disengaged, expressionless, etc., that have been vocal about some issues and done something, jujst as I know there are some of you who are doing things that you haven't detailed here. But if anything, we need to co-operate more now, than later - imagine the consequences of the nukes against the U.S. - especially now when we can see what the consequence is of a magician pulling a rose out of a royalty's nose, and -
"Ashcroft said of a particular case that happened in Connecticut, "Terrorism hoaxes are not victimless crimes, but are the destructive acts of cowards." The man fingered in the hoax (an employee of the Department of Environmental Protection, no less) is facing up to five years in prison and millions of dollars in fines."

It would be nice to see Frances follow up his (paraphrase "one can't trust the news," into the next level, whatever it may be, expressionless suggesting a co-ordinated "assault" at Americans who don't have the news access that we have, etc., just something one inch higher than the last, and visibly to other Barbelith members.

The American nuke incident is mere days away, ca. a week, imagine the freedom the Americans will be too happy to give away to ensure that such a thing will never happen again. Based on that, many simple people, and here I mean it in the context of people whose desire is an uncomplicated life, will make the wrong choice. Have you thought about what your choice will be in the tagging madness? Our future contains at its core only 2 choices, for or against; will you allow it to happen or help in trying to halt and stop it; be branded an outsider of the $$ society; endure hardship outwith the $$ society, being unable to get food and water, no shelter, an outlaw. Do you believe in God? Do you trust him enough to endure the costs of true freedom?
Whatever you do now, it can't alter this NWO from happening, and you know what? 3 Billion people will have lost their lives when all of this is over, when the good have won over the bad but you can still do something - that's for you to figure out - to reach a large enough mass to place some advantages on our side.

Any suggestions?
Naked Flame
09:25 / 12.11.01
@God... y'know what?

quote: The American nuke incident is mere days away

You're playing their game.

We know how this movie ends.

So change the channel.

Refuse to buy into the panic and inevitability of crisis. Play the game your way, with a cool head and perfect balance. If you have a vision of hell, make it your battle to transform it into paradise.

If you don't do this, I insist you rename your fiction suit Cassandra.

Oh and one more thing.

quote: be branded an outsider of the $$ society; endure hardship outwith the $$ society

You got a computer. That means you have access to electricity, a phone, a house to put them in, ready access to the necessities of survival, hell, you probably wake up most days being so sure of having enough to eat that you don't even have to think about it. You are unimaginibly rich by any global standard. So no bitching bout hardship, mmmmmmmmkay?
Robot Man Reformed
09:57 / 12.11.01
Oh, and Naked Flame, construction, please. Is that so much to ask for?

I am not a man to ignore warnings, never have, never will; made all the more powerful because I am accurately in tune with my subconscious, meaning I am able to know many things I couldn't otherwise have. The same goes for Laila, except that hers is greater.

I am not here to paint one horrific scene, to scare you shitless, to trouble you unnecessarily, but the fact remains that what Laila and I have been saying and trying to show are coming true. If you haven't noticed this, if you are escaping big time into the creative fields and don't prepare yourself adequately, then you belong to the mass who will react in the way the perpetrators wants you to react.

This is the scenario: an attack on America at this scale will not go unnoticed. Numbers in the Billions of inner lives will react negatively - understandably - and this massive scale will affect everything; remember, an inner life is energy. This is the immediate result, the weeks following that will be another grounded story. This figure is as much an abstract figure for me as it is for most people but you have no idea how intensely sad I have been on unexpected occassions; even though I am not one to cry it bubbled up while watching a shit movie yesterday, it literally came out of nowhere; the decision has been made and we cannot avert it.

Work your way around some things and construct something to ease the transition of this......Madness.

quote:Originally posted by Naked Flame:
You got a computer. That means you have access to electricity, a phone, a house to put them in, ready access to the necessities of survival, hell, you probably wake up most days being so sure of having enough to eat that you don't even have to think about it. You are unimaginibly rich by any global standard. So no bitching bout hardship, mmmmmmmmkay?

You're speaking to a man who has been homeless many times. You're speaking to a man who has endured weeks without food, repeatedly. You're speaking to a man who has had no one to depend on for 4-5 years. You're speaking to a guy who has no computer and never will. Its true that I have a room, electricity, phone, etc. and I have currently an income that is much more than I have ever earned but I am not rich. Although I try to control giving too much away to friends, I always have a week where I have no food.

So don't you condemn me.
09:57 / 12.11.01

Perhaps you should avoid weeks where you have no food.

You are aware of the effect of nutrient deprivation on the human brain, yes?
Naked Flame
11:26 / 12.11.01
been homeless and hungry myself, @GOD, are we doing one-downmanship? It doesn't make you special. And somehow I fail to see how you post without access to a computer.

all this stuff about being In Tune, implying that those of us who do not see impending doom are Out Of Tune, is puerile. How do you know I'm not in tune with mine? All your arguments revolve around your assumption that you know the Truth and the rest of us are blind to it.

quote: but the fact remains that what Laila and I have been saying and trying to show are coming true. If you haven't noticed this, if you are escaping big time into the creative fields and don't prepare yourself adequately, then you belong to the mass who will react in the way the perpetrators wants you to react.

Like that. Exactly. Don't tell me who I am and I won't tell you who you are.

And I'm not condemning you. I'm asking you to do something positive with your life. Telling us we're all gonna die and there's nothing we can do about it (other than tell people they're all gonna die) is, surprise surprise, NOT POSITIVE.

quoteo you believe in God? Do you trust him enough to endure the costs of true freedom?

This rhetoric disgusts me. It would sound perfectly appropriate coming from Bin Laden and, with a little tweaking, from Bush.

OK, now I'm condemning you.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
12:10 / 12.11.01
Does this thread belong here?
Naked Flame
12:43 / 12.11.01
I'm outta here anyway. Place it where ye will...
cat likes fish
23:16 / 12.11.01
i see some of wuht you are saying, friend i live in the states and we are going into a scary time but not all of us are unprepaird. there are meny way's to fight the system. but we must stay calm freedom is a truth and there are alot of people in this country who will not stand to have there freedom takin away by eney one. i DO NOT believe that it will be esay but if you wont to help inform becouse thay are already clamping down on the flow of info. so if you wont to help post info here give me news from the out side. but don't tell me there is no hope. hope is the most powerfull thing. and i do believe in a goldin dawn. " know the truth and it shall set you free"
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