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Your Drink Craze?


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21:11 / 05.07.03
I really wish I could find the one you mention, it sounds great!--or do you simply buy it at Starbucks? Anyway, although it is a little high priced, I can see myself buying this again every now and then...

I get it from the cafeteria at work, where they sell both that and the frappuccino thing for $2 a pop. You might be able to get it direct from a Starbucks, I'd think supermarkets have them too - I don't want to end up getting a six pack for the fridge, it would probably be dangerous. I'd end up like those people who drink twenty Red Bulls and hold up gas stations.

It's only slightly more expensive than my other regular drink, small bottles of Tropicana, which are a rip off but so much nicer than the from-concentrate stuff.
—| x |—
04:59 / 06.07.03
Hmm...I'll have to look harder. Btw, had another of them Mocha ones today & I also got a Jones Cream Soda--I'm livin' the life of Riley today, I tells ya'!

So Banshee, normally, I'd agree: it's got to be chocolate milk without the "drink." However, it's actually really yummy. It's kinda' like having a coffee with lots of milk and chocolate, except instead of milk, it's ginseng tea--sorta'...
11:08 / 05.09.03
Dragging this thread back up to say - white tea, anyone? I tried it for the first time yesterday (Clipper do it, in the UK). From the unopened buds of the tea plant, apparently - less bitter than green tea, and nicer, IMHO.

Also, Adam's Peak tea, also from Clipper. I was kind of seduced by the taste-related blurb on the front, and then even more so by the geographical/historical/spiritual info on the back, about the place from whence it came. But it's actually very nice, very delicate and refreshing. I also got some 'Shangri-La' tea, but haven't tried that yet. I'm on a tea tip at the minute, as you can probably tell.
11:15 / 05.09.03
Tea is the very stuff of life, an essential substance without which I'd curl up and die. Especially Yorkshire Tea.
The Strobe
11:52 / 05.09.03
Tea: at work, PG Tips is 21p. It is almost intravenous.

My main soft drink passion, though, is Diet Coke. Not Fat Coke. Diet. And not because I'm on a diet or anything. Because...

[braces for impact]

I like the taste more.

Yes, it's true. I live off aspartame and am not ashamed. DC is wonderful. DC with vanilla is sullied wtih lip balm, DC with lemon is vile.

I also really Diet Pepsi. The Pepsi taste is a nice change in my opinion. And TBH, I prefer fat Pepsi and PEPSI X-TREME!!! to Fat Coke.

Did I mention beer?
11:57 / 05.09.03
Yes, Lemon Diet Coke is the most evil thing ever. It makes most people that I know feel ill to even think about it. It's just wrong. I quite like a slice of lemon in my diet coke though, but after Xoc's recent story on another thread, about reused fruit garnishes in restaurants/cafes, I'll think twice before asking for lemon in future.

Phyrephox is right about Russian Caravan. It's my default setting for tea, at the moment.

Update: Shangri-La is alright, but not a revelation.
Whisky Priestess
12:23 / 05.09.03
I suddenly went on a massive tomato juice tip years ago, just before my finals. I used to get through about a litre a day. Still like it but I don't crave it any more: I always drink Bloody Marys on planes though, weirdly.

My principal drink at work is water (I sit opposite the cooler)

Non-alcoholic drink at home:
Coffee. The coffee has to be from a cafetiere, with one sugar and cream. I almost can't drink milky coffee any more. If run out of cream I use Bailey's which is quite special at 10 in the morning. Occasionally I have tea but only if other people (i.e. Flyboy) make it.

Alcoholic drinks at home:
Gin/vodka martini
Gin and tonic
Whatever's in the back of the booze cabinet
Irish coffee

Non-alcoholic drink in pub:
Lime and soda
This is so nice and refreshing, and very cheap in some places, which is good because the only reason I don't drink in a pub is financial.

Alcoholic drink in pub:
White wine or G&T or Jameson's with one ice cube.

There. Now you all know what to buy me tonight.
13:46 / 05.09.03
Does anyone remember this stuff called, I think, Jive, from a few years ago? It was a bit like Fruitopia or Snapple or Oasis. There were a couple of varieties, but the best was sort of semen-white (recurring theme in this thread), and had coconut in it, and tasted like chemicals, but in a good way, despite not actually having anything synthetic in it.

That stuff was the best. And they stopped making it, because every time I really like something they stop making it. Really.
Whisky Priestess
15:46 / 05.09.03
Hangover drink: chocolate milk. And Quavers. Not in the same bowl, mind.
15:53 / 05.09.03
recently I'm mad for silk's chocolate soy milk and cherry coke. not together, my no I'm not that adventurous.
elthe deuro
00:35 / 06.09.03
Republic of Tea's Ginger Peach, because I spent most of my daytime working in coffee shops (and tea is the cheapest thing you can buy). At home, gallons of water, chai, amaretto sours and various herbal infusions (St. John's Wort, damiana and Kukicha Twig).

My partner always has sangria around (in 3-litre jugs), so I'll occasionally indulge in that. Mm, yes. And frequently I combine all the sweet liquors in the house to make strange and exciting new cocktails. (My latest: Bailey's, Malibu, Kahlua, amaretto and milk. Creamy sweetness!)
00:51 / 06.09.03
Apart from booze, I'm afraid that it's still full-sugar Coke.

I have reason to believe that it is, metabolically speaking, the perfect drink. The perfect balance of additives, caffeine, sugar, flavourings... damn them.
05:49 / 07.09.03
I'm drinking apple & blackcurrant juice at the moment. Tasty! Apple & peach juice is splendid as well. Generally, I go for either fruit juice or Jolt Cola. I feel like I'm getting ripped off if I buy soft drink that doesn't have some sort of speed-lite ingredients in it. Coffee with 2 1/2 sugars and soymilk is very good, but tea should have about 2/3 of a teaspoon of sugar, and should under no circumstances have milk of any sort in it, because that's just weird.
18:47 / 18.09.03
I like pure spring water from the andes.

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