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David Irving- guilty as charged?


Page: 12(3)4

06:12 / 08.03.06
Zoemancer, do you have any specific opinions on the David Irving case? Only, your comments above seem to be very... generic.
07:45 / 08.03.06
It's not an idea and it's not an opinion, zoemancer, it's a lie. There's no ignorance involved that might shield Irving from the facts. He's a professional historian. It's a lie and the lie of a professional, intended to and used to justify hatred of a group of people. It's a lie that can inspire violence, and such lies have in the past, and Irving knows that very well.

If a police officer were to claim someone were a paedophile, someone who's not, and that he had evidence to that effect, which he did not in fact have, would you attempt to defend that as freedom of speech?
Spatula Clarke
10:44 / 08.03.06
This man that many of you are so qick to deal judgement and indignation to is your brother whether you like it or not.

Shit. No wonder mum and dad had him adopted.
12:10 / 08.03.06
I read an interview with his actual, real-life brother the other day. He hasn't got much time for the tosspiece either.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
17:52 / 08.03.06
zoemancer He is your brother in that he is living on the commons here with rest of us yobs and he is being punished for having a certain point of view - that my friends is called a thought crime - that this man is being punished not for armed robbery, theft, rape,arson or murder but for having an unpopular opinion is insanity.

I would hope that you recognise that there is a difference between denying the reality of one of the most horrific acts of recent centuries, if not ever, in one of the countries where it took place and for demonstrating on Parliament Green?

There is no safety - there is no safety - there is no safety - there never was any such thing. Safety is an illusion. Any one of us could step out on to the road tomorrow and get killed by a car. There is no amount of draconian legislation that can ever change that fact yet we are all just giving away our freedom.

There is nothing to stop you driving recklessly, merely the fact that if you do so and kill or injure somewhere there will be a penalty to pay. Similarly David Irving didn't need to go to Austria, and was aware there would be a penalty for doing so.
Phex: Dorset Doom
04:33 / 09.03.06
Our Lady: Reckless driving is actually a criminal offense.

Zeomancer: They got smart after WW2. Instead of burning books in the streets they simply pass laws against certain ideas.

Your, um, emic realities are stuck in a tunnel. Or something.
You see, this sentance, which you chose to end your post with, may have sounded like a good way to stick it to us sheeple who don't see anything good about Mr. Irving, brother or not, but actually it's a little... confused. The 'They' here refers to Nazis, right? The people who burnt books in the streets. So, are you saying that after WW2 the (disbanded) Nazi party decided to pass laws (in countries they had no control over) to prevent themselves from saying what they wanted to say? That, or you're saying that Austrians, or Austrian lawmakers, are Nazis, and again are impeding their own free speech for some reason. Or is it that all governments are Nazis? Kinda a juvenile opinion ain't it? Please clarify .
And, if you RTFT (which stands for 'read the thread'), you will find plenty of reasons why this particular kind of speech (Holocaust denial) is so dangerous that it can't be allowed.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
05:54 / 09.03.06
Phex, I meant that I could quite easily get in a car and drive recklessly. There would then be consequences that would result in me losing most of my freedoms.
Not in the Face
07:13 / 09.03.06
What if free thinking discussion boards like Barbelith were outlawed and everyone who ever posted here was branded a criminal?

Free thinking anmd expression is not the same as conciously lying.

Irving in fact has been recognised as a 'free thinker' for his earlier work that challenged assumptions over the extent of the human losses caused to Germany - i.e. the extent of the fire bombing of Dresden. This, as I understand it, was based on sound scholarship, research and clearly demonstrating the facts. I'm sure it was extremely controversial at the time and doubtless unpopular in some areas as it implied that the RAF had committed a massacre. But it wasn't censored or bought to trial because of his use of actual facts.

However he has moved from there into the realm of falsehoods, using his reputation as a serious WWII historian to provide credibility of both his distortion of the facts around the Holocaust and his total fabrications. At his libel trial the witness for the defence summarised that Irving had deliberately distorted and wilfully mistranslated documents, consciously used discredited testimony and falsified historical statistics.

Also as I understand it his trial in Austria is not about his books or what he has said anywhere else disputing the extent of the Holocaust, something that while unpleasant could be said to fall within free speech (provided again it was backed with actual historical evidence). In fact he was arrested for flat out denying the existence of gas chambers at Auschwitz .

So to sum up, he is a liar and lies repeatedly while claiming free speech and was arrested, not for speaking his mind, but for deliberately spreading falsehoods. The rest of the thread talks about how these particular lies are so dangerous that in some ways they could be likened to shouting 'fire' in a crowded cinema. The person who did that (provided of course there was no fire) would be held liable as well.
20:48 / 09.03.06
So to sum up, he is a liar and lies repeatedly while claiming free speech and was arrested, not for speaking his mind, but for deliberately spreading falsehoods. The rest of the thread talks about how these particular lies are so dangerous that in some ways they could be likened to shouting 'fire' in a crowded cinema. The person who did that (provided of course there was no fire) would be held liable as well.

So what you are saying is that all liars should be arrested?
People lie all the time. Governments do it all the time. So what if someone wants to flat out deny that something happened? No one says that you have to believe them - that is your choice. Freedom of speech is an inaliable right whether it is true or false.

Here is a question to ponder. Joseph Stalin and Chairman Mao killed WAYYYYYY more people than Hitler could ever have dreamed of holocausting. That is an undeniable fact.

Do you think that if David Irving denied that Joseph Stalin or Chairman Mao killed all those people that he would be in trouble right now?

Here is another question. Is Hitler considered evil because of the sheer number of people he killed? If that is the criteria that we use then why does Hitler get all the press? Stalin and Mao killed WAYYYYY more people than Hitler.

Hitler killed many people for many reasons. He rounded up Gays, Gypsies, Freemasons as well as Jews and they were all sent to die.
Jawsus-son Starship
21:01 / 09.03.06
Do you think that if David Irving denied that Joseph Stalin or Chairman Mao killed all those people that he would be in trouble right now?

Probably not, but mainly as Austria doesn't have laws against those kind of holocaust denial.

Is it the fact that there is a bias between the laws protecting the Jewish holocaust and no others, or something else?

Is Hitler considered evil because of the sheer number of people he killed? If that is the criteria that we use then why does Hitler get all the press? Stalin and Mao killed WAYYYYY more people than Hitler.

But the Jewish holocaust gets all the press? Sorry, a little flipant. What I think is that one event always galvanises the world, like the Tsunami did while the Earthquake in India(?) didn't. Same with the Jewish Holocaust, it's dug into the international subconcious. Thats what I think.
21:12 / 09.03.06
You make at least one valid point zoemancer even if it was IMVHO a little garbled by your thought police dogma.

"Those of us who pretend to believe that all this happened at a certain time and in a certain place, and those who refuse to see, who do not hear the cry to the end of time."
-Nuit et Brouillard
21:47 / 09.03.06
He rounded up Gays, Gypsies, Freemasons as well as Jews and they were all sent to die.

Yes. that was called the Holocaust. It happened in camps, and David Irving denied that it happened.

What I'm seeing here, zoemancer, is that you are talking about George Orwell, about Hitler, about Stalin, about Chairman Mao, but not actually about David Irving. I would suggest you take some time to familiarise yourself with this specific case and then come back to the debate with a little more focus.
21:57 / 09.03.06
Just a minor point and ever so slightly outside-topic but "David Irving-Guilty as Charged?"? Well, yes, promoting Holocaust denial in Austria is a crime and one which he was obviously guilty of. This is not debatable. Could we move back to "Blatantly a Twat"? It rang true and made more sense.
Regrettable Juvenilia
21:59 / 09.03.06
I think the issue is that while the title of the thread could be accused of taking a stance on the issue, zoemancer's desire to create a separate thread was a tiny bit more understandable. I agreed the proposed title change, because we don't need two threads.
Jawsus-son Starship
22:05 / 09.03.06
but i like David Irving being called a blatant twat. What I don't like is the phrase thought police. Because he's not a victim of the thought police, he's a victim of whatever fucked up thing happend to his brain which has allowed him to believe the holocaust never happened. Probably not even a victim He's just a blatant twat. End of.
22:06 / 09.03.06
No, sorry, you're right. I'm sure it more refered to "guilty" in your own opinion than "guilty" by the statutes and laws of Austria anyway.
22:17 / 09.03.06
I suggested the new title -

I'd never been particularly happy with the old title, it was simple invective that didn't really do a terribly good job of reflecting the content of the thread or the issues its raises.

I figured 'guilty as charged?' would be a better fit for a thread that started before his eventual conviction and would also leave room for discussion of the merits of the case and of the law that he was eventually convicted under...
03:51 / 10.03.06
For the record: I do know the details of the David Irving case and why he was arrested.

My argument is that the law which he was arrested for breaking is a bullshit law and should have never been passed. The man has not harmed anyone for Christ's sakes. He has not advocated violence toward anyone. Do any of you have proof to the contrary? He has an unpopular opinion. He has a theory that some people don't like. BIG FUCKING DEAL. That is not a reason to take a man's freedom away.

ok before I go any farther with this I need to know how many of you actually know what free speech is? Do any of you know what liberty and freedom really is? Do you care? I am not trying to be cute by asking this. I honestly want to know.
04:00 / 10.03.06
I'm not being funny (and I hope you don't mind me asking) but have you read the previous posts in this thread?
04:30 / 10.03.06
yes Shrub and your point is?
07:26 / 10.03.06
Well, for starters, there was quite a lengthy discussion about what freedom of speech constituted in a conversation primarily between myself and Buk over the first two pages of this thread. It might provide some useful starting points.

Oh, and I probably ought to warn you that setting yourself up as the only person who understands or cares about x, where x is an abstract concept the definition of which does not boil down to three bullet points, is going to lead to you not being taken very seriously. Nor is insisting that Chairman Mao or Stalin killed WAAYYYYY more people than Hitler - all of those victims deserve more respect than to be used as props in a shouting match.

Back on David Irving - as I said above, I'm conflicted about this. However, he has infringed the laws of a sovereign nation, and the law of that sovereign nation was created to deal with conditions, social and psychological, of which I have no experience, having never seen my country become a Nazi dictatorship. So, that's a tricky one. There's also the question of to what extent a society is entitled to defend itself against forces intend on overthrowing it. That's an endlessly vexed question, I think; one man's civil protection is another man's state terror.
Not in the Face
08:22 / 10.03.06
So what if someone wants to flat out deny that something happened? No one says that you have to believe them - that is your choice. Freedom of speech is an inaliable right whether it is true or false.

No, but I might be willing to believe a professional historian about historical facts in the same way that I would believe a professional scientist about laws of science. Because they both claim to be acting within a certain framework based around hypothesis, research and having actual proof to support their statements.

If we look at his website we see he describes himself as a historian, an expert on the Third Reich and so on, clearly trying to establsih his credentials as a respectable source of information.

Now perhaps you have the time and energy to call into doubt the opinion of everyone you meet go and research their statements and make up your own mind - if so then you are ahead of most of us who tend to rely on the reputation and status of experts in obtaining our information about the world.

Also I suspect, or would hope, that you are already convinced that the Holocaust happened and therefore don't really pay much attention to Mr Irving's views. However according to this survey you may be in a minority who have even heard of it. It is people who do not know about the Holocaust who may then take the works of Irving and others like him as actual historical works - i.e that they record what actually happened. At which point I, and I think the Austrian government, would argue that there is a real danger because it then leads to the rehabilitation of Nazis and the argument that the 'Jews made it all up'.

I don't think anyone would disagree that this law is a crude instrument with which to attack the problem of anti-semitism and nazi sympathisers and I wouldn't be happy to see it copied in the UK but only because I think that in most people's minds Nazi-ism is identified with Germany and so there are patriotic/inherently racist issues that work against revisionism.

He has a theory that some people don't like.

Again he doesn't have a theory. Go back to what I posted - he is accused of deliberately manipulating and distorting the facts to fit his argument. Thats not free expression its an attempt to mislead people that millions of people died and what the implications of this might be.

And while you are busy defending Irving you might want to look at this website which sums up his anti-semitism and general racism and which suggest that rather than being some innocent victim of an oppressive state he is in fact hiding his real views behind his lies in order to make them publicly acceptable. Of course you are free to disbelieve that site and make up your own mind but it would be nice to know what you base it on.

So what you are saying is that all liars should be arrested?

No but perhaps all liars whose lies cause harm to others? We arrest people who lie under oath in court? Is their freedom of expression hurt? We arrest or fine people who make false claims about their products (which is books are)? Does that damage their freedom of expression?
Also the fact that some liars get away with it doesn't negate the fact that they shouldn't
08:36 / 10.03.06
Nice post, Face.
18:06 / 10.03.06
We all at sometime or another distort facts to fit our arguments or chosen belief system. We select the truth that fits whatever current worldview we are allowing to infest our brains. Sometimes we do this knowingly or unknowingly.

Can any of you provide a quote from David Irving showing that he is clearly advocating "violence" against the Jews? Can any of you provide proof that he personally has physically harmed any Jews? I still have not seen anyone do that yet. You are talking out of your ass until you do that.

So let me get this straight: you who are ok with the fact that there are laws against free speech, you who sit in judgement of David Irving let me ask you this...

The bullshit law that he broke was passed because people are afraid that if certain ideas are written about or otherwise exposed to the population at large that somehow those ideas will cause people to go and hurt and kill Jewish people? Is that right?

The last time I checked I thought we are all responsible for our own actions. If someone reads David Irving's material then goes out and kills a Jewish person it's not David Irving's fault! How could it possibly be his fault? We are all responsible for our own actions it doesn't matter who writes what or says what. Doesn't anyone understand this?

If we are all responsible for our own actions passing laws to protect people from "dangerous ideas" that just might "cause" someone to go and harm other people is INSANE. People don't need to be protected from ANY idea.

People are capable of making their own decisions about things. We don't need some law to tell us what we can or cannot think about. Don't you see how that is just the same as burning books in the street. The Nazis burned books because THEY didn't like what the authors were saying. THEY decided that the people should not be exposed to those ideas.

Why? Because those ideas were a threat to the mass mind control program the Nazis were trying to create. Any idea that did not support the Nazi philosophy had to be sanitized. That is exactly what is happening now except the people doing the sanitizing are different. The principle remains the same.

And another thing -- attacking the way someone communicates their ideas rather than taking on the ideas themselves is a cop out. If you don't like the way I communicate that's your problem. If you wish to debate the ideas that I am communicating then do that.
18:31 / 10.03.06
By that logic, zoemancer, had Hitler never actually given a direct order to annihilate the Jews of Europe then he was innocent of the Holocaust. Did he ever directly order the Holocaust? He may have said again and again that they were scheming treacherously against the state and controlling its people, weakening their blood and their resolve and stealing their destiny, he may have said that there must be a solution, there must be a solution, a thousand times, nevertheless he remains an innocent man with a rather pointed opinion.

Please stop calling these "dangerous ideas." I’m gradually getting the impression you believe these really are dangerous ideas, with some basis in fact, rather than dangerous lies – a very different kettle of fish.
18:43 / 10.03.06
The law that he broke was passed to prevent holocaust denial's being used, as it has historically always been used, to support political discriminatory and individual violent action against Jewish people.

There is no other reason to deny the fact of the holocaust than to support this political and social anti-Jewish agenda. Every historian with the most basic of historical knowledge knows that there is so much evidence of the Nazi crimes against Jews that holocaust denial is denial of the doctrine of history itself.

Of course freedom of speech is not unlimited. It never has been. I've never advocated for unlimited freedom of speech— hate speech is a crime for a very good reason. Holocaust denial is a form of hate speech.

Now, I wonder why you are so upset about this. It's clear to everyone here, I think, that Irving went to Austria to broadcast his holocaust denial claims, knowing he would be arrested, because being put in jail was the most effective way to call attention to his propaganda. If you support his right to be heard, why are you criticizing the very means which allow him to spread his message?

Why are you so upset about this when so many people in prison solely because of the color of their skin, for that matter?
22:20 / 10.03.06

So let me get this straight: you who are ok with the fact that there are laws against free speech

No. Read the thread.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
05:28 / 11.03.06
Zoemancer, before we proceed any further could you please stop referring to this as thought control and 'legislating what people think'. That's patently absurd. David Irving got himself into this situation for saying and writing things, admittedly he was prosecuted for expressing his thoughts, but he is allowed to have them.

Secondly, could you try and show some spark of awareness that this is because of the Holocaust or do you think that the Holocaust wasn't that big a deal perhaps?
08:19 / 11.03.06
If someone reads David Irving's material then goes out and kills a Jewish person it's not David Irving's fault! How could it possibly be his fault?

And how does the fact that he regularly gives lectures to neo-Nazi groups, in full knowledge of who his audience is and how they will take his words, who are likely to do just that, fit in with this?
08:29 / 11.03.06
I notice you place guilt and responsibility squarely on the shoulders of the individual performing some deed rather than on those who inspire or rationalise it, zoemancer. That seems to exclude collective guilt entirely. That's certainly a position one might hold, though I myself don't. Perhaps you'd like to contribute to the neighbouring thread dealing with that subject, which coincidentally also deals with German's responsibility for Germany's actions during World War II, among them the Holocaust.

I'd prefer if we could move to a slightly less confrontational stance.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
09:37 / 11.03.06
It would also mean you were wrong here when you claimed Stalin and Mao killed more people, not least because as far as I'm aware neither of them went out with an axe and a shotgun and killed millions upon millions of people.
11:43 / 11.03.06
Hitler gave the orders. Mao gave the orders. Stalin gave the orders. They were personally responsible for ordering the "death" and torture of all those people. They were personally responsible for their part as leaders at the top of the chain of command for doing that. David Irving is not the dictator of a country with a military force at his command. David Irving has never advocated violence against anyone. David Irving has not committed violence against anyone.

Again can anyone prove otherwise? If you cannot then all of your arguments are meaningless as far as I am concerned.

David Irving is a man with unpopular IDEAS period. Call them lies or whatever you wish. Even if they are lies that still is no reason to lock someone up. People lie all the time about all manner of things so let's stop being hypocrites about that.

Again, each individual is responsible for their own actions.
Not collectively but individually. It doesn't matter what anyone says is true or not true I am responsible for my actions not anyone else. Why is that so hard to understand?

It's like the makers of violent video games or violent music getting sued because some kid went out and shot someone after playing Grand Theft Auto. How on Earth is the video game company responsible for that? That is patently absurd. The kid is responsible and moreover the parents are responsible, end of story -- no debate there. What kind of culture advocates blaming other people and their ideas for things they personally go out and do? Give me a break.

Questioning the "official" story about the holocaust does not equate to advocating violence against jews. Telling outright lies about what may or may not have happened during the holocaust still does not equate to advocating violence against jews. It is simply having a different point of view on what has been reported as being the truth about what happened during the holocaust and NOTHING more.

Now if David Irving had ever come right and said things like the jews were an evil race of people and needed to be destroyed then I personally would have a problem with that but still I could not advocate having him locked up. Why? Because at that point he is still within the realm of free expression.

Even if I don't like it he still needs the right to express his opinion. The line is crossed when he actually goes out and commits an act of violence against someone. If someone else commits an act of violence against someone after reading something David wrote well then it's that person's fault and not David Irvings. Again we have the issue of personal responsibility.

If we start letting the state tell us which ideas are ok to express and which are not you will end up with a police state.
11:55 / 11.03.06

Questioning the "official" story about the holocaust does not equate to advocating violence against jews.

Quick question, Zoemancer. Why the inverted commas around "official"?
Regrettable Juvenilia
14:33 / 11.03.06
David Irving has never advocated violence against anyone.

David Irving by his own admission said the following to a Jewish man:

"You were disliked, you people. You have been disliked for 3000 years. You have been disliked so much that you have been hounded from country to country from pogrom to purge, from purge back to pogrom. And yet you never ask yourselves why you are disliked, that's the difference between you and me. It would never occur to you to look in the mirror and say 'why am I disliked, what is it the rest of humanity doesn't like about the Jewish people, to such an extent that they repeatedly put us through the grinder?'" And he went berserk, he said, "are you trying to say that we are responsible for Auschwitz, ourselves?" and I said, "well the short answer is 'yes'. The short answer I have to say is yes"."

This amounts to saying that anti-semitic violence, whether it be in the form of pogroms or Auschwitz, is essentially the fault of Jewish people. Irving is saying that they are responsible for the violence committed against them, and that they refuse to accept this responsibility or to change whatever it is about 'them' (some supposed factor common across generations and locations) that provokes a violent reaction. If there is something about Jewish people that provokes violence, and they refuse to change that, as Irving alleges, then why not engage in violence against Jewish people? It is tantamount to advocating antisemitic violence. I hope I have made this clear.

Stoatie's question is a very important one, zoemancer, and I hope you will address it. See here for more information on Irving's connection to far-right groups.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
14:59 / 11.03.06
I'd also like to see you address Stoatie's question, zoemancer. Oh, and Haus' q. about the scare quotes round official, if you please.

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